Physical exercises, in addition to improving the fitness and appearance, also have a great effect on he alth, especially on the work of our brain. Numerous scientific studies and practice show that physical activity improves thought processes, improves mental he alth and develops the hippocampus responsible for cognitive abilities. In order for physical training to fully accomplish its he alth-promoting task, you need to know how to exercise, and we will help you with that.
Does exercise affect the brain?Of course. But as long as you do it right. If you constantly overload yourself, exercise very badly technically, do not care about regeneration - you may not notice the positive effects of exercise. Then you have a lot to lose.
Scientists at Oregon He alth & Scence University (OHSU) have found that even brief but intense training supports the connections between neurons in the hippocampus - the area of the brain related to learning (especially the speed at which we learn new things) and memory. However, this was not the only study.
Many others have shown that systematic exercise supports the he alth of the entire body, but it has not yet been possible to show what specific exercise affects individual organs - that's still ahead of us.
However, having in our hands the knowledge about the effectiveness of physical exercise in improving the work of the brain, we can effectively improve thought processes and combine business with pleasure - after all, movement is he alth and fun!
This is interesting…One of the most high-profile studies examining the relationship between brain activity and exercise training is that done by researchers at Oregon He alth & Scence University. The researchers did a test on mice - rodents with a less active lifestyle were temporarily placed in the reels. The study found that even brief but intense exercise in mice promotes the growth of synapses in the hippocampus.
During the study, scientists analyzed the activity of genes during exercise. Their attention was primarily drawn to the Mtss1L gene. In previous brain studies, this gene was notoriously overlooked by the organ. Its task is to code a protein that is responsible for the elasticity of cell walls.
When activated through physical activity, it increases the growth of dendritic spines, i.e. spikes that cover the dendrites of certain neurons(places where these brain synapses form).
Perform an exemplary training to improve the work of the brain twice a week. You can also treat some of the exercises as a break from work. Do not take too long breaks between exercises and do not exceed the maximum number of three circuits during progression.
Exercise and brain benefits
They help in the fight against depression
Research shows that regular, variable-intensity exercise, such as jogging, strength training, and yoga, affects the production of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that are responsible for our well-being.
That is why many doctors advise people with depression to exercise and exercise outdoors. Movement therapy, along with conventional treatment of depression, brings faster and better results.
They reduce anxiety and anxiety
Regular physical exercise restores the stability of the endocrine system, but a single training session can have a therapeutic effect on us. Physical activity increases the production of serotonin and dopamine, which give us a sense of happiness, inner peace and well-being.
They improve memory and thinking processes
It happens mainly due to the improvement of blood circulation, which is also effective in improving the work of the brain. Faster blood circulation, in turn, allows you to transport the right amount of oxygen to the cells in our body. An oxygenated brain works much more efficiently, it is more concentrated, sharper, and its reaction time is much faster.
In addition, thanks to exercise, new cells are formed in our brain that improve memory and learning processes. Regular exercise is important especially for people whose lifestyle or work requires concentration and creativity - exercise also develops the hippocampus, which plays a very important role in our brain.
They protect against diseases of the nervous system
All the time the organism is connected with each other by various dependencies that create a coherent and logical whole. When the brain begins to assimilate to increased blood flow, it also produces the ability to activate or deactivate certain genes over time.
Moreover, new nerve cells stimulate the function of the memory area (located in the hippocampus). Therefore, they protect against neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
Regular training also protects against brain damage caused by aging, as well as against strokes and micro-impacts (those that are directly imperceptible).
Increase libido
Physical activity increases the levellibido responsible for the appetite for sex and the pleasure of sexual intercourse. It turns out that regular practice of yoga, strength or cardio exercises significantly increases the level of libido. It also increases self-confidence during sexual intercourse and increases blood flow to the reproductive organs.
Relieve stress
Already 30 minutes of daily activity reduces stress hormones and increases the feeling of relaxation. Physical activity also increases the level of norepinephrine in the brain, which affects not only physical but also mental performance. The lower the cortisol level in the blood, the greater the feeling of relaxation, relief and peace.
Training for the brain - sample exercises
Training that stimulates the work of the brain and has a positive effect on thought processes should have a positive effect on the work of the nervous system. Therefore, the training set should consist especially of functional exercises improving motor coordination, balance and proprioception (finding the body in space). It plays a very important role in the cooperation of both cerebral hemispheres.
Training to improve cognitive functions should be done with concentration. Here, the most important thing is the quality, not the number of repetitions. During this training, listening to your favorite music or training outdoors will work well.
If any of the exercises is too difficult for you - simplify them, and then move on to more and more difficult variants.
For example: if you cannot find your balance while doing the swallow, go higher or hold on to the wall or window sill. And most importantly, remember to breathe calmly, steadily.
Rolling the foot with the ball
Place the ball under your foot and move it with dynamic movements. Try to massage your foot in every direction: on the side, in the middle and on the inside. Remember to press hard enough, but not too hard - reduce the pressure when you feel too much discomfort.
March with knees raised
Adopt the correct body posture. Then start walking forward while lifting your knees high. Do it alternately and touch them with the opposite hand. For better balance, tighten your abdomen and buttocks tightly, and guide your passive hand wide. When you bend your knee, keep your foot active - squeeze your toes.
March with knees raised and change of direction
Adopt the correct body posture. Make a walk just like in the previous exercise, but this time enter one variable. Walk and change the direction of walking every step. You can turn around your axis or walk in zigzags -it is important that it is not a one-way march.
March with bending the knees and touching the foot
Stand slightly astride and start walking forward. At the same time as you step, bend your leg behind you and touch your foot with the opposite hand. To keep your balance easier, keep the other hand straight in front of you.
During this exercise, make sure the knee stays in place and does not twist with the torso. It is the upper body and the back leg that rotate, not the limbs you are standing on.
Raising the leg with touching the lower leg
Stand straight while slightly straddling. Then, shift your weight onto your right leg and gently bend your left leg and lift it in front of you. Touch the lower leg with your right hand and return to the starting position. Remember to keep your body straight, do not slouch and tighten your stomach and buttock tightly. This will help you keep your balance.
Ball play
You will need two balls for this exercise: tennis and volleyball. Stand steadily and adopt a correct body posture. Then start tossing the tennis ball with your right hand and bouncing the volleyball off the floor with your left hand. Treat this exercise as fun - it doesn't have to be perfect to be good!
Assume a propped kneeling position. Begin crawling by moving the opposite limbs forward. Do the exercise very slowly. Make sure every move is controlled. You can do it back and forth, it's important to keep your core muscles active and not to swing your hips sideways.
If you need a stronger stimulus in this exercise - just lift your knees a centimeter above the mat, you will definitely feel the difference!
Stand on one leg and imagine that you are the hand of a clock. Your task is to touch as many hours as possible on the dial. In the beginning, you can start with points that are closer to you, such as on the couch. Over time, as your nervous system adapts, it will become easier for you to touch the ground.
Change the direction of touching the hours as you like, but try to complete as many of them as possible. Of course, remember not to twist your knee! The knee should be kept in relation to the ankle and hip at all times. No matter what your upper body does, your knee must be firm.
Head-down dog board + reaching
Take a plank position, but with your feet a little wider than usual. Of course, remember to tighten your stomach, tuck your pelvis underneath you, and pull your shoulder blades together.
Now reach with your left hand in front of you, then move to the dog pose with the head down on onehands and touch the opposite foot with your free hand. Return to the starting position. This exercise requires great precision and concentration - take your time, breathe.
Back support with rotation and touching the hip with the palm of your hand.
Start the exercise with supporting your back. Then lift your hips and with your left hand reach the right buttock, lifting it even higher. Return to the starting position and repeat to the other side. Take care not to overstretch the elbows and to keep the correct distance between the knees - directed slightly outwards.
Knee Pull Board + Scorpion
Take the plank position. Next, bring your right knee to your left elbow. Now push off the mat with your hips pointing backwards - like a dog with its head down, and at the same time lift your right knee up as if you want to touch the head with your foot. Take care not to overstretch the elbows and knees. Keep your spine straight and your shoulder blades pinched.
Side board with a touch of the foot
Plank sideways in the support on the left hand. Position your feet so that one is behind the other. Then shift your weight to your right leg. Now, reach behind your head with your right hand, firmly extending your torso, and from the same position - reach with your left leg of your right hand, pulling them towards you. You can bend it at the knee to make it a bit straighter.
Training for the brain - training plan
Exercise | Number of repetitions / duration |
Rolling the foot with the ball | 1 minute for both feet |
March with knees raised | 10 repetitions both sides, alternating |
March with knees raised and change of direction | 10 repetitions both sides, alternating |
March with bending the knees and touching the foot | 10 repetitions both sides, alternating |
Raising the leg with touching the lower leg | 10 repetitions both sides, alternating |
Ball play | 3 series x 30 seconds |
Crawling | 3 series x 40 seconds |
Clock | 2 sets x 12 reps |
Head-down dog board + reaching | 10 repetitions both sides, alternating |
Back support with rotation and touching the hip with the palm of your hand | 10 repetitions both sides, alternating |
Knee Pull Board + Scorpion | 8 repetitions both sides |
Side board with a touch of the foot | 8 repetitions both sides |

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