Exercise will not completely eliminate stretch marks on your thighs and buttocks, but it may reduce their visibility. Thanks to the training, the skin affected by stretch marks will be smoother and firmer, and the scars will become shallower. Try a set of exercises for stretch marks, which, combined with diet and proper care, will improve the appearance of your skin.
Exercisegives good results in the fight againststretch marks on thighs and buttocks . It is true that they will not rebuild damaged parts of the skin, but they can improve its overall appearance and thus make unsightly stripes less visible.
Try the set 7stretch mark exercisesand find out what can make them even more effective.
How does exercise work for stretch marks?
Every physical effort improves circulation, and better circulation stimulates cells to produce collagen. It is collagen that is responsible for the proper skin tension, and thus - also for the appearance of stretch marks. For best results, stretch marks are still fresh and are red or purple in color. Then, due to the increased production of collagen, the damaged tissue can partially rebuild. When we combine gymnastics with regular massages, proper care and take care of the diet, stretch marks can almost completely disappear.
Unfortunately, in the case of white, permanent scars, exercise can only slightly improve their appearance and make them less conspicuous. Better blood circulation will make the thighs and buttocks firmer, tense, and the furrows will become shallower.
Exercises for stretch marks - what to do to make them effective?
In order for the exercises to be quick and lasting, you need to do them regularly, at least 3 times a week. On other days, it is worth training aerobics (cross trainer, cycling, stepper) or spending at least an hour on active recreation, e.g. walking, marching, roller skating. A daily dose of activity will increase blood circulation in the area of the thighs and buttocks and stimulate the skin cells to work to produce more collagen.
The best results in reducing stretch marks come from a combination of exercise, beauty treatments and a proper diet.
In addition, proper care with appropriate cosmetics is necessary. Scrub your thighs and do your daily bathingbuttocks with a rough sponge or a special glove - this will stimulate microcirculation and increase the absorption of nutrients. Then apply the anti-stretch marks to the skin and massage for 5-10 minutes. You can additionally perform a Chinese cupping massage 2-3 times a week - it gives very good results in firming, improves blood circulation and increases skin tension.
Diet is also important. When fighting stretch marks, you need to drink a lot of water (minimum 2 liters a day), preferably with lemon, which will facilitate the removal of toxins from the body. It is also necessary to change the menu - you should completely give up processed foods, sweets and fatty foods. Instead, use the products recommended in your cellulite diet.
Exercises for stretch marks on thighs and buttocks
Remember to warm up for about 5 minutes before you start exercising.
1. Przysiady
Place your feet hip-width apart. Straighten your back, pull in your stomach, put your arms out in front of you. Put your weight on your heels and push your buttocks back to do a squat. Stop when there is a right angle between your thigh and calf. While straightening your legs, return to a standing position. As you go down, keep your knees clear of your toes. Remember to breathe in the right way - inhale as you squat, exhale as you rise. For the first two weeks, do 20-30 squats a day, then gradually increase the number of squats to 40-50 a day (you can do them in 2 series).
2. Weighted lunges
Stand up straight. Take 1-2 kg dumbbells (or two large water bottles). Lower your arms along the body. Take a large step with one leg forward and bend both knees until there is a right angle between the thigh and the calf. Don't kneel - the knee of your hind leg should hang 2-3 cm above the ground. Jumping off the heel, straighten your legs and return to the starting position. Perform the exercise alternately, right leg then left leg. Remember to have a straight back and a tight stomach. Do 20 repetitions in total.
Check: How to properly do lunges and lunges
3. Exercise with a gymnastic ball
Lie with your back on a gym ball. Roll the ball along the spine and place it at the level of the neck and shoulders (the ball only supports the shoulders, the spine and thighs form a straight line). Clasp your hands behind your head or spread to the sides. There should be a right angle between the thighs and calves. Tighten your abdominal and buttocks muscles tightly. Slowly straighten one leg and bring it up to hip level. Hold for 5 seconds and take it down. Then straighten and lift the other leg. After 5 seconds, lower it. Alternate the exercise while keeping your muscles tense.Do a total of 10 repetitions.
Watch: VIDEO-training with fitball
4. Back Kicks
Move to the front support on the forearms. Rest your knees on the floor. There should be a right angle between the torso and the thighs. On the exhale, dynamically lift one leg back high, breathe in and bring your knee closer to your chest, then repeat the movement. Do 15 repetitions for the right and left sides.
5. Side leg elevation lying down
Lie on your side, resting your torso on your forearm. Place your other hand in front of you. Bend and straighten your legs, pull your stomach in. While exhaling, lift one leg up at an angle of 45 degrees, while inhaling, lower it 2-3 cm above the ground. Keep the hips and torso still. Repeat the exercise 15 times, then switch sides.
See also: 13 exercises for firm buttocks and thighs
6. Interpretation
Keep the starting position from the previous exercise. Lift one leg a few centimeters off the ground. Move it forward, touch the ground with your finger, then move it back and touch the floor with your foot as well. Alternate exercises with your leg low to the ground all the time. Try not to move your torso, only the hips should move. Repeat the exercise 20 times on each side.
7. Lying hip lift
Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Extend your arms and place them at the sides of your body. Place one foot on the knee of the other leg and lift your hips as high as possible. Hold for 2 seconds and lower your hips without placing them completely on the ground. Do 10 repetitions and switch sides.