To slim the inside of the thighs, you need to use exercises that engage the thigh adductors, the comb and the slender muscles. Training for these parts is not the easiest one, but if regular, it should bring the expected results after 2-3 months. Check out 7 exercises to help you slim and tone your inner thighs.
Exercises for the inside of the thighsare designed to activate the muscle parts that are often neglected during regular leg training. Their condition in many women is poor, which has a direct impact on the deposition of fat around the thighs and the loss of skin firmness in this place.
How to exercise to slim your thighs from the inside? Do the following training 2-3 times a week (but be careful - never two days in a row, because there must be at least 1 day break between workouts), and also use cardio exercises, e.g. spinning, stepper, running. The effects can be even better if you follow a proper diet.
1. Exercises for the inside of the thighs: squats with jumps
Stand wide apart. For balance, you can bring your palms together in front of you at chest level. Bend your knees and do a deep squat so that there is a 90-degree angle between your thigh and calf. Stop in this position for a second, then jump up vigorously, bringing your legs together. When falling to the ground, immediately go back to your legs, squat and jump again. Do 10 squats with jumping jacks in total.
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2. Inside thigh exercises: side lunges
Stand slightly apart, point your toes forward. Straighten your back and rest your hands on your hips. Take a wide lunge to the left, then bend your torso forward (your back should be straight) and bend your leg at the same time shifting your weight to the left side. Come back to the starting position by bringing both legs together. Practice for half a minute, then repeat the entire sequence on your right leg.
3. Exercises for the inside of the thighs: squats plié
Stand straight, heels together, toes point outwards. Bend your legs and do a narrow plié without separating your heels and making sure your knees do not come out in front of your toes. Then, with one foot, take a step to the side and bend your knees again while exercisingwide squat (wide plié). Provide the other leg and do a narrow squat again. Make sure your feet are facing outwards at all times. Repeat the movement alternately left and right for 30 seconds.
4. Exercises for the inside of the thighs: lifting the leg while sitting down
Sit on the floor, tilt your torso slightly and support yourself from behind on your arms. Bend one leg at the knee, straighten the other leg and turn it 45 degrees - so that the toes point outwards. Contract your abdomen and rhythmically raise your extended leg up to your knee for 30 seconds. Make sure your feet are facing outwards at all times. Change your leg and exercise for another half a minute.
This will be useful to youThe inner side of the thighs can be slimmed using additional exercise equipment. Strength training on the thigh adductor muscle machine gives great results. It is also a good idea to use special rubber bands that increase resistance during exercise and engage individual muscle groups to work more strongly.
Example exercise with elastic on the inside of the thighs:stand sideways against the back of the chair. Tie the elastic band around your ankles. Rest one hand on the chair and place the other hand on your hip. Pull the chair leg forward and lift it to the side as high as possible. Then relax and lower it. Do 15 repetitions on both sides.
5. Exercises for the inner thighs: springback
Lie on your back, place your arms along your body. Tighten your stomach, straighten your legs and lift them vertically upwards. Extend the legs to an angle of about 90 degrees (so that they take the shape of the letter V). Then start springing up, i.e. start quickly extending your legs to the maximum deflection and approaching the 90 degree angle again. Try to do this as quickly as possible to feel the adductor muscles working hard. Practice for half a minute.
6. Exercises for the inner thighs: scissors
Keep the starting position from the previous exercise. Extend the legs to their maximum width. Then lift them up vertically, cross them and zip them out again. For half a minute, lift your legs alternately crossing them. Remember about a strong, tense stomach.
7. Exercises for the inside of the thighs: butterfly
Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift your hips so that they form a straight line with your torso and thighs. Place your arms along the length of your body or fold them behind the nape of your neck. Place your feet on your heels and set them slightly wider than your hips width. Visit your knees side to side as much as you can, then bring in. Make a rhythmic, pulsating movement: abduction - adduction - abduction etc. Exercise for 30 seconds.