Neck and back pain are a common ailment, but the older we get, the more often they happen. We would have complained less of neck and neck pain if our cervical spine were in motion. This is the best way to avoid chronic muscle tension which often causes pain.
Neck and neck painit happens occasionally to everyone, even after a night of sleep in an uncomfortable position.Painwears off quickly if we start to move our head, so we forget about it immediately. But due to overloadingof the cervical spineit becomes a common ailment and it is impossible to forget about pains in the neck and nape. They are not always located only on the nape of the neck. They radiate to the hand, head and back. They are a sign of the poor condition of the cervical spine and the muscles connected to it.
Pain in the neck and back of the neck. Why does it hurt
When we suffer from neck pain frequently, we immediately think we have discopathy. Meanwhile, usually its source is tense muscles. Sometimes they are so tight that the attachments that attach them to the bones are torn off. The constant tension in the neck muscles may be the result of prolonged stress or the frequent keeping of the head at one angle. Over time, it leads to muscle contracture and restriction of head movements. It also contributes to changes in the cervical spine. This is because the contracture puts the muscle in the wrong position. This leads to overloading of individual segments of the spine and, over time, degenerative changes in the discs and intercapular joints. The cause of the pain is not only the muscles, but also the pressure of the disc on the nerve roots or the rubbing of the structures of the cervical spine against each other, which due to degeneration have come too close to each other. So the lack of exercise to keep the muscles flexible and strong, and the overstrain will result in neck pain.
This will be useful to youNeck as flexible as a reed
The cervical spine, consisting of 7 vertebrae, connects the head and thorax. Each vertebra is made of a shaft and arches that form a closed ring along which the spinal cord runs. On the side and back of the vertebra are bony processes on which there are muscle and ligament attachments. Nature has equipped the appendages on the sides of the stem with inter-appendix joints that carry some of the loads. Between the circlesthere are intervertebral discs (discs) that act as a shock absorber. The whole thing creates an elastic column moved by the muscles. It enables head movements in various planes and protects the spinal cord from injuries.
Cervical spine in motionless
In most cases, neck problems are associated with hours of being forced to sit in front of the computer for many hours. The cervical spine is harmed when we still have our neck raised (monitor set too high), twisted (computer on the side of the desk) or lowered (laptop on the knees). Unfortunately - also sitting in the correct position in front of the computer for many hours a day for many years does not guarantee avoiding neck pain, because it forces us to remain still. Therefore, let's remember to move your head every 15-30 minutes. Let's also try to limit the use of the computer, which we turn on not only at work, but also at home - for pleasure (or when working in a second job). However, reading is not as often a cause of neck pain as it used to be, because we spend much less time on it. Just remember not to read (or watch TV) in the worst position for the cervical spine - on your stomach with your head resting on your hands.
Whip whip - whiplash injury
A variety of injuries can also cause neck pain. The most common of them is the so-called lash with a whip. It occurs during a car accident, when our vehicle hits another or is hit from the rear. As a result of the collision, speed increases or decreases rapidly, causing the head to inertly fly forward and then backward. This whip-like movement can lead to stretching, tearing muscles and ligaments, and even greater damage (e.g., cervical vertebrae fractures). Therefore, after a car crash, even when our neck does not hurt, let's go to an orthopedist. Car crashes happen sporadically, while sharp braking, for example at a red light, is not uncommon - then we experience a "whip whip" in a mild form. The force acting on the cervical spine is then smaller, but it causes microtraumas that accumulate over the course of our lives and lead to degenerative changes over time. And when the neck starts to bother us because of them, we defend ourselves by assuming the position of the body in which the pain is least severe. Then the muscles become tense and contracted, as in the case of sitting in a forced position, and the ailments intensify.
Neck relief
We "work" on neck pain and degeneration of the cervical spine for many years of our lives. Before the age of forty, usually themonly the muscles are the cause. At this stage of the disease development, self-exercise helps, sleeping on an orthopedic pillow that places the cervical spine in a physiological position, and avoiding sitting for hours motionless. Such a procedure alleviates the symptoms. Relief will also bring you massaging in warming ointments. It is worth reaching for them when we feel pain, e.g. after a long car ride or working with a computer. They relax tense muscles. But we can't always deal with a muscle contracture. Then let's use the help of a specialist in manual therapy who will stretch them (massage and physical therapy will not help much). After 40, we usually have not only contracted muscles, but also degenerative changes related to the overload of the cervical spine, accumulation of micro-injuries and aging of the body. Then manual therapy does not always bring relief. Sometimes surgery is necessary.
ImportantExercise to avoid neck and neck pain
Try to spend a few minutes exercising 2-3 times a week. Do exercises to stretch the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle.
- Bend your head to the left, then to the right, then back and forward. Turn your head fully to the right and then to the left. Repeat the series of exercises 10 times.
- Put your left hand around your head from behind, place your hand on it and press down firmly on it for a moment, forcing it to bend to the left. Then repeat the exercise on the right side.
- Exercises to increase the strength of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle
- Put your right hand to your right temple. Tilt your head to the right, resisting it with your hand. Repeat the exercise inside out.
- Place your clasped hands on the back of the head. Try to tilt your head back, blocking this movement with your hands. Then place your clasped hands on your forehead and use them to keep your head from moving forward. Repeat the series of exercises 5-6 times.
Zawning is not a myth!
Is it possible to have neck pain from sitting in a draft or air-conditioned room? Yes. The cool air stream irritates the nerve endings in the skin, commonly known as roots. They then send a nerve impulse that triggers a chain reaction that leads to a painful contracture of the muscles. Relief in this situation is provided by painkillers and muscle relaxants as well as manual therapy.
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