Only very young girls can boast a flat belly. To keep it for a long time, do abdominal exercises and implement some useful tricks. Here are five ways to get a flat stomach - diet, exercise, body posture, slimming underwear and … high heels.
A flat stomachis a dream of many women, and the folds and sleeves around the waist keep many of us awake at night. What to do to get rid of them? Is it necessary to killexercisesin the gym combined with a draconian diet? Not necessarily. Here are 5 ways to shape yourflat belly .
1. Exercises for a flat stomach
Trained abdominal muscles are the best corset. In order for them to fulfill this function, you need to strengthen them by doing exercises, e.g. traditional crunches: lie on the floor, bend your legs in the knees, put your hands on your neck, spread your elbows wide, inhale, raise your head slightly while exhaling, while tensing your abdominal muscles (you train rectus abdominis muscle). Exercise daily with 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions. You can modify this basic exercise, e.g. raise your head with a twisting motion towards the knee (you are strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles). Also train the lower section of the rectus muscle - do the so-called Inverted Crunches: Lying on your back, raise your straight legs vertically and lift your hips off the floor.
2. A flat stomach is highly dependent on diet
Diet is the basis next to exercise. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day, each with a serving of fruit or vegetables. Appreciate yoghurts with live bacteria cultures - they balance the intestinal flora by limiting gas production, they also prevent flatulence and constipation. Avoid highly s alty foods (they keep water in the body). Avoid bloating vegetables (e.g. beans, peas, broad beans, cabbage, onions). Do not drink carbonated drinks (carbon dioxide blows the stomach), avoid sucking caramels and chewing gum (then you swallow a lot of air). Don't forget about herbs that speed up digestion and relieve gas. Add to your dishes, among others marjoram, mustard, pepper. Drink infusions of mint, chamomile, dill. If you are prone to gas, take a soothing remedy from the pharmacy. As a snack or dessert, drink slimming cocktails based on vegetables and fruits - they help to cleanse the body of metabolic waste products and accelerate metabolism.
See also:Dietary Desserts You Can Eat While Losing Weight
See how to lose weight and have a flat stomach [TOWIDEO]
ImportantExercises for a flat stomach have to be varied!
Don't limit yourself to regular crunches, because these only strengthen the rectus abdominals. In order to slim down the waist area, you also need to stimulate the oblique and transverse muscles to work. As? Use pilates exercises for a flat stomach that activate the deep layers of the abdominal muscles and those located around the hips. Introduce to your training exercises for the so-called slants, e.g. russian twist. You can also buy a hula hoop or a twister - exercises with the help of these devices will beautifully shape your waist.
See: 7 Best Abdominal Exercises
Try exercises for a flat stomach with Natalia Gacka
Source: X-news / TVN Meteo Active
3. Masking underwear - a flat stomach in seconds
If you dream of a flat stomach, but this part of your body is far from perfect, you can wear corrective underwear - it will effectively hide it and make your hips slimmer. High briefs will conceal a convex belly, the belt will shape the waist, the corset will hide imperfect shapes and improve the appearance of the figure, the body will slim the breasts, abdomen and hips, and closed panties with legs will mask too rounded thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen. When choosing corrective underwear, make sure that the inside is finished with cotton - you will be able to wear it in hot weather.
4. High heels will make you pull your stomach involuntarily
Wearing high heels is a smart way to keep your stomach flat! Choose low-heeled shoes (3-5 cm). Thanks to them, the silhouette will appear taller and slimmer. In addition, they enforce a favorable body posture for the appearance of the abdomen - arms are tilted back, hips slightly forward, and buttocks taut. You also pull your stomach in automatically. It is worth wearing them, because they are superfeminine and add sex appeal.
5. If you want to flatten your stomach, make sure you are in the correct posture
Your stomach can become flatter in just one moment - just straighten your back. When you slouch, you appear shorter and your belly bulges. Therefore, straighten your back in any situation - pull your shoulder blades together, lift your head, push your chest forward and tighten your buttocks. The silhouette will become lighter and the belly will become less visible.
- How to have a straight back? Exercises to unlearn the hunchback
- Exercises for protruding shoulder blades
To keep your back muscles supple, train them. There are exercisessimple and will take you a few minutes a day. Stand slightly apart, raise one hand, keep the other along your body, do 3-4 backward swings (with both hands), change sides. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms out in front of you, simultaneously lift your right arm and left leg, hold it for a while, change sides. Repeat each exercise 6-10 times.
The article uses excerpts from Aneta Grabowska's article from the monthly "Zdrowie".