The anabolic window is a short time after training (2-3 hours), in which the body most effectively uses the nutrients provided to it. A properly balanced meal eaten in the anabolic window ensures proper regeneration of the muscles and enables growth. See how to use the anabolic window to increase the effectiveness of training.
Anabolic windowis an extremely important phenomenon from the point of view of every athlete. The effectiveness of training depends on whether we use them properly. It is a common mistake to think that the most important thing for the body is the effort itself, not the time after it. Meanwhile, training is only a signal for muscles that they should develop, but it does not increase their growth. The actual growth of muscle fibers and increase in their strength takes place after supplying the body with the most important nutrients: protein (amino acids), carbohydrates and minerals lost during exercise - mainly sodium.
Anabolic window - why is it so important?
The anabolic window lasts up to 3 hours after training. This is the best time to replenish the missing energy components, because then the muscles most effectively use the "fuel" provided to them. During this time, you should eat a meal containing substances that compensate for deficiencies arising after intense exercise. They will help in the regeneration of muscles, make them grow and replenish glycogen stores.
ImportantIf the body does not receive the ingredients it needs in a timely manner, negative effects of muscle catabolism may occur. It is a condition in which the breakdown of muscle fibers occurs - as a result, the effectiveness of training decreases, the body regenerates slower, soreness, pain and chronic fatigue also appear.
Anabolic window - what diet to follow?
After training, the glucose level in the body drops, which intensifies the catabolism process. To inhibit it, you need to assimilate an adequate portion of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (simple sugars are absorbed quickly and converted into energy). On average, one serving should weigh about 50 g, but it is worth calculating the optimal amount of carbohydrates according to your body weight (see the table below). Good carbohydrate sourcessimple ones are for example:
- fruit - raw, dried, and in the form of juices (however, avoid fruit with a high fiber content),
- rice,
- pasta,
- cereal bars,
- rice cakes,
- energy drinks for athletes,
- preserves (jams, preserves),
- honey.
In addition to carbohydrates, which inhibit the breakdown of muscle fibers, it is necessary to provide the body with protein - it is the building block of muscles needed for their growth.
Products containing wholesome protein include:
- lean meat (chicken, turkey),
- fish,
- low-fat milk,
- dairy products (lean cottage cheese, yoghurt),
- eggs.
It is worth diversifying your diet by also reaching for proteins of plant origin. You will find them in tofu, legumes (soybeans, beans, lentils), nuts, vegetable milk.
Another important ingredient that decreases after exercise is sodium. Sodium is one of the electrolytes, substances that help to maintain the balance of fluids in the body.
This will be useful to youWhat amounts of ingredients should be provided to the body after training?
Carbohydrates : 1-1.2 g per kg body weight.
Protein : 1.2-2 g per kg body weight for moderate training, 2-2.4 g per kg body weight for intensive training.
Liquids : 1.5-3 liters of fluids after exercise (drink gradually, not more than a glass at a time).
Anabolic window - how to supplement nutrients?
The best form of a meal after training is a cocktail - nutrients in the form of liquid are most easily absorbed by the body. The cocktail is also easy and quick to prepare, because you just need to put the right ingredients into a blender and blend. Thanks to this, we save time and are able to use the advantages of the anabolic window even more effectively.
Another way to balance the energy balance in the body is to drink sports drinks. They contain not only the right dose of carbohydrates, but also electrolytes - ingredients important for muscle regeneration (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium). You can reach for ready-made drinks from the store or make it yourself by mixing 1 liter of water with half a teaspoon of s alt, a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice - then we will replenish the sodium deficiency in the body.
At the same time, you have to remember that isotonic drinks are only suitable as a quick energy boost after exercise, but they will not provide you with wholesome protein. Therefore, a good solution is to prepare a more caloric meal and before trainingeating it as soon as you finish exercising. This could be, for example, meat or fish (protein source) with rice or noodles (carbohydrate source).
This will be useful to youRecipe for dietary spaghetti after training
Ingredients (for 2 servings):
- 250 g minced turkey,
- 200 g spaghetti,
- 2 large tomatoes, peeled,
- teaspoon of tomato paste,
- medium onion, finely diced,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese,
- thyme, oregano,
- chopped parsley,
- s alt, pepper,
- olive oil.
Fry the onion in olive oil, add the turkey meat and fry for about 10-15 minutes. Add garlic pressed through the press, Parmesan cheese, sliced tomatoes, concentrate. Season with s alt, pepper, thyme and oregano. Fry for 10 minutes until the sauce evaporates a little. Add pre-cooked pasta, mix, sprinkle with parsley.