Ephedrine is a doping substance that increases the ability to exercise. Ephedrine is part of slimming preparations and drugs used in respiratory diseases. What is the effect of ephedrine, does its use improve sports performance and what are its side effects?
- Ephedrine - what is it?
- Ephedrine - action
- Ephedrine - effects of use
- Ephedrine - side effects
- Ephedrine - contraindications
Ephedrine - what is it?
Ephedrineis an organic chemical compound that stimulates the central nervous system. It is obtained from a plant calledEphedra sinica , which has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. Although it improves the body's efficiency, ephedrine can also cause dangerous side effects - including headaches, nausea and vomiting.
In addition, this substance has a negative effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems - it can, among other things, cause sudden pressure surges, cause hand tremors or insomnia. For this reason, ephedrine has been included in the list of prohibited doping agents in sport.
Ephedrine - action
Ephedrine belongs to the group of stimulants - stimulants. As a natural substance, it occurs in the plant world in the form of a plant alkaloid. It is obtained from a variety of species, incl.Ephedra sinicaand Ma-huan and by chemical synthesis. Ephedrine extract has been used in Chinese medicine for 5,000 years in the treatment of bronchial asthma. In the Middle East, ephedrine has been used to treat asthma, fever, chills and colds. This substance also reduces appetite, body weight and increases energy consumption, which is why it is used by people who are slimming.
Ephedrine is also part of the bronchodilator drugs used in bronchial asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis and bronchitis.
Ephedrine is not approved for sale as a dietary supplement. It is on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) list of banned doping substances.
Ephedrine - effects of use
Ephedrine increases muscle strength
Ephedrine is very popular among bodybuilders as a substancethat increases the body's efficiency . It improves thestrength of skeletal musclescontraction, which translates into an increase in exercise capacity - this way the athlete can lift more weight in a shorter time.
Ephedrine increases weight gain
After taking ephedrine, your muscles are alsomore resistant to fatigue , so your training can last longer and be more effective. In addition, this substance stimulates the heart activity and increases the synthesis of protein in skeletal muscles, which causesfaster growth of muscle mass .
Ephedrine accelerates weight loss
Another very important effect of the use of ephedrine is its influence on the metabolic rate. It is estimated that regular consumption of this remedy allowsto increase the metabolic rate by 10% . Immediately after ingestion, ephedrine causes an increase in body temperature, which intensifies the process of fat breakdown. For this reason, this substance is often used by people who want to lose weight, as well as bodybuilders who want to burn subcutaneous fat and enhance the muscle structure. At the same time, the anabolic properties of ephedrine prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue with the loss of kilograms - this fact is of particular importance for people who train in strength.
See also: Fat reduction training - training plan
Ephedrine - side effects
Taking ephedrine can be dangerous to your he alth and cause many side effects. Short-term use of ephedrine may cause headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Since this substance causes the relaxation of the bladder and the contraction of its sphincter, after taking it, men may experience problems with urination and potency disorders.
See also: Kegel exercises for men to strengthen erection
Long-term use of this alkaloid is associated with a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, may cause arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia and respiratory failure.
Ephedrine side effects include:
- dry mouth,
- shaking hands,
- insomnia,
- hallucinations,
- nervousness,
- pressure surges,
- excitement,
- skin changes
- loss of appetite;
- increased insulin concentration in the blood.
It is also worth adding that ephedrine taken regularly causes the development of tolerance - this means that the body becomes resistant to the initial doses of the substance and to obtain the same effectthey need to be constantly increased. This, in turn, leads to increased side effects, intoxication of the body and its destruction.
This will be useful to youEphedrine supplements (prohibited for legal sale):
Xtreme Thermoburn, Thermal Pro, ECA Xtreme, Blue Impact, Metabotrol, Yellow Devils, Hydroxytrol, Ripped Power, Zenelenan Pro, Superdrine RX-10, Metabotrol
Ephedrine - contraindications
Due to the high risk of side effects, ephedrine should not be used by he althy people to lose weight or build muscle mass. People with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, benign prostatic hyperplasia or glaucoma should be especially careful. The agent may intensify the symptoms of diseases in people with neurosis. Ephedrine in the form of a drug is only allowed in the treatment of asthma and respiratory infections.