Benita Cantieni's pelvic floor strengthening exercise program is effective for both men and women. Exercises eliminate problems with falling internal organs, prevent urinary incontinence, increase sexual experience, and improve awareness of your own body. See how to exercise your pelvic floor muscles.
It is a myth thatexercises for the pelvic floor musclesshould be performed not only by people suffering from urinary incontinence, pregnant or postpartum women. In fact, every woman, no matter what her age, will benefit from such exercises. They are an excellent form of prophylaxis and performed regularly can prevent the development of diseases that are a consequence of weakened pelvic floor muscles, such as urinary incontinence.
Not only the elderly experience embarrassing letting go when sneezing, coughing or jumping during training. According to the European Association of Urology, it happens even to 69% of women at least once a year. In Poland, 2-3 million women suffer from chronic urinary incontinence, although doctors suppose that these figures may be greatly underestimated, as not every woman admits it.
That is why it is so important to keep your pelvic floor muscles in good condition every day, before something "goes wrong". You can practice on your own according to the tips from the guides, or you can go to a urogynecological physiotherapist who will professionally select exercises or treatments to suit the patient's needs.
Why is it worth exercising pelvic floor muscles?
Izabela Żak, physiotherapist, Cantienica® instructor - Pelvic floor training:
- After a difficult first delivery, I was unable to walk for 4 months as a result of my pubic dissection. I was desperate that as a physical therapist I couldn't help myself. Then I came across a book by Benita Cantieni "Pelvic floor muscle training". I started to practice, first alone, then with the instructor Małgosia Dąbrowska.
The effects were amazing: I started walking normally, back pains disappeared. I was already in my second pregnancy then - the delivery went smoothly and I could fully enjoy my motherhood. No urinary incontinence, no hemorrhoids, no sensation. I thought: it really works. That's why I became a method instructorCantienica® - Pelvic Floor Training.
Check: What are the effects of pelvic floor exercises?
When I started the workshops, I never thought that so many women suffer from a weak pelvic floor. Weak sphincters and organ prolapse are problems that are difficult for us to talk about, and which deprive women of the joy of life and enjoying sex.
In my practice, I observe how pelvic floor muscle training works on women: at first a bit of uncertainty, searching, and then discovering this miracle and more self-confidence, pride in feeling your femininity, easy movement and a smile on your face.
Worth knowingExercise will be more effective when it goes hand in hand with your diet. By replenishing the deficiencies of micronutrients and vitamins, you will strengthen your pelvic floor muscles faster. The vitamins that strengthen and regenerate the muscles include vitamins D and C as well as B vitamins.
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