The French have their Bouche de Nöel, Spanish fruitcake with coins hidden inside, the British have "Christmas Pudding", we have carp, mushroom soup, Christmas Eve borscht, dumplings etc. Regardless of our origin, tradition, latitude, holidays are always are a time full of culinary temptations for every overweight or obese person who is on a slimming or reduction diet.

If we deny ourselves our favorite delicacies, which we often wait for the whole year, Christmas will lose a lot of its charm. Instead of getting stressed out, try to prepare yourself rationally for them. Dishes can be prepared in such a way that their POINT ™ value will be reduced without compromising the taste. This year we can introduce to our Christmas menu dishes from all over the world, such as French "cake - log" (Bouche de Nöel), African banana and oat bread, Hanukkah carrot and onion pancakes. And without worrying about maintaining the achieved weight. In this way, you can also diversify the traditional Polish Christmas menu and show off surprising culinary skills.

These recipes can bring us closer to the holidays that are celebrated in the countries where Weight Watchers® operates without ruining your weight loss or weight management plan. The recipes have been developed in such a way as to preserve the national traditional character of the dishes, but at the same time reduce the caloric value of the meal.

Weight Watchers® has been promoting a he althy lifestyle all over the world for 43 years, including countries as exotic for us as Brazil, Bahamas and New Zealand. POINT PLAN ™ Weight Watchers® is a he althy, rational nutrition program that can be used in any culinary culture and allows for effective weight reduction.

Important supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity.
This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content for people suffering from obesity.
