How to lose 10 kg? There is no one perfect recipe for everyone, but by focusing on a few tips tested on clients who come to me for dietary treatments, I can determine what accelerates the weight loss process and allows you to go through it more consciously. I present recommendations from my office that will answer how to lose 10 kg and even more in a he althy and balanced way - says Aleksandra Żyłowska, a dietitian. Get to know the dietitian's advice that will help you lose weight.
How to lose 10 kg?We invite you to read the tips and menu prepared by dietitian Aleksandra Żyłowska!
How to lose 10 kg? Eat breakfast
The statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day always appears in the context of considerations about he althy eating. Breakfast is also the most important meal from a weight loss perspective. I recommend to my clients that they eat them up to an hour after waking up.
And it has nothing to do with the activity of digestive enzymes in the morning and the theory that the stomach would digest itself. The stomach will not undergo self-digestion - neither in the morning, during hunger in the evening, nor ever.
Eating breakfast every day prevents snacking between meals and helps control hunger pangs. Skipping breakfast may seem like an effective way to cut down on calories, but analysts show that people who don't eat breakfast eat more for lunch and throughout the day.
Scientific research shows that people who eat breakfast lose weight faster and maintain their new body weight more easily after losing weight. One study found that those for whom breakfast was their main meal lost an average of 8 kg in 3 months.
However, in the group where participants ate the same amount of calories, but the largest meal was dinner, the average decrease was just over 3 kg.
What to eat for breakfast? Experts agree that protein is the most important thing for those who are dieting at breakfast. The recently fashionable protein and fat breakfasts are a great solution because they keep you feeling full for a long time. This is confirmed by the experiences of my clients in a dietary clinic.
For comparison, an omelette made of two eggs, fried in a spoonful of fat with arugula and smoked salmon (approx. 320 kcal) satisfies a woman's hunger for approx. 4 hours or even longer. 3 sandwiches made of wholemeal breadspread thinly with butter, cold cuts and vegetables (approx. 350 kcal) allow you not to think about eating for up to 3 hours.
BMI Calculator
womanmankidincorrect dataMandatory fieldMandatory fieldChild's BMIWe use BMI standards for adults.To check the correct weight (as well as height and head circumference) of children up to 18 years of age, percentile grids are used to determine whether the child grows proportionally to age.Check the percentile grids
How to lose 10 kg? Eat carbohydrates in up to two meals
Food products can be very broadly classified into "carbohydrate", "fat" and "protein" by looking at the ingredient with which they have the most. Reducing the frequency of the appearance of simple sugars and starch additives in meals is one of the simplest methods of rational weight loss.
This allows you to minimize the rise in blood sugar, and thus affect a low and stable insulin concentration. Circulating insulin in large amounts promotes the conversion of glucose into adipose tissue more and inhibits glucagon, the insulin antagonist hormone that allows adipose tissue to be converted into energy.
From the perspective of a slimming person, we will treat as carbohydrates bread, cereals, rice, potatoes, pasta, cereals and other cereal products, and fruit. We will not include vegetables here, which also provide small amounts of carbohydrates, but mainly in the form of fiber.
Remember that dairy products cannot always be included in the "protein" category. Yogurt, kefir and buttermilk provide virtually the same amount of sugar and protein.
Give it a try
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreHow to lose 10 kg? Remember that eating he althy is not the same as eating he althy
I often hear in my office: "But I eat he althy, and I don't lose weight". Indeed, many people do not binge on sweets or fast food and cannot cope with being overweight. The menus of such people usually look similar: porridge with fruit for breakfast, sandwich or fruit at work, meat with groats and vegetables for lunch, and wholemeal bread sandwiches for dinner. There are no unhe althy products here.
However, there are some that constantly stimulate the pancreas to release insulin. In this day and age, when most of us move very little,has a sedentary job and does not work physically, we do not need such amounts of carbohydrates to provide ourselves with energy and feel good.
Eating he althy doesn't mean cutting back on fat! We need he althy fat to build our brain and nervous system, while cholesterol is only one of many risk factors for heart disease, and it is also used to produce important hormones.
To put it simply - you gain weight mainly from carbohydrates, not fat. My clients' diets consist of 30-40, and sometimes as much as 50% fat. What happens then? They are very thin and they hate it because they are full.
ImportantWe should also remember that not every product commonly considered he althy will be good for everyone. It is worth observing your body, its reactions to consumed foods and the distribution of macronutrients during the day.
This way you can notice food intolerances and products that simply do not serve us. For one, starchy side dishes are a good option at lunch, for another at dinner.
Some people feel good about eating dairy, while others feel good about it. There are many similar examples, which shows that the recipe forhow to lose 10 kgwill be slightly different for everyone.
How to lose 10 kg? Don't eat fruit
Eating fruit between meals is such a common problem among people on a diet that in my opinion it deserves to be distinguished among the recommendationshow to lose weight10 kg. Snacking sweets cannot be replaced by fruit snacking, because it is also a very abundant source of simple sugars.
These are natural sugars that are found in the presence of many vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fiber, but are still sugars.
Fruit is not an impunity snack and affects the carbohydrate economy in the same way as bread or sweets - you gain weight from excess. I am surprised by customers when there is no satisfactory weight gain after eating an extra kilo of cherries. It's just fruit! Yes, he althy and much needed in the menu, but you need to skillfully put them there.
How to lose 10 kg? Work on your inner motivation
Changes do not happen by themselves, and the decision to lose weight should be conscious, well-thought-out and result from your own inner need. Family persuasion or a doctor's warning are not enough if we do not feel that we need to lose kilos.
Losing 10 kg is a job for 2-3 months, therefore straw enthusiasm and excitement with a new task are not enough . To begin with, you need to ask yourself what I'm doing this for and list all the potential benefits associated withweight loss, e.g. I will feel better, my test results will improve, I will learn new things about nutrition, my satisfaction with myself will increase.
It is worth making a table and list in it what we will gain and what we will lose, how we will lose weight and vice versa - what we will gain and what we will lose if nothing changes.
A very effective method to increase your motivation is to keep a food diary and keep track of everything you eat during the day.
More information about the approach to eating and changes in the way of eating can be found in additional notes of the level of hunger before and after a meal, information about where the meal is eaten and the accompanying emotions.
Taking a note of the food you eat also allows you to lose weight faster. This is confirmed by a six-month study involving 1,685 overweight and obese people, the results of which were published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. People who wrote down their meals at least 6 times a week lost weight about twice as much as those who wrote down once a week or less frequently.
It is very important to set a goal correctly. The goal should be realistic, measurable and timed. "I want to lose 10 kg in two weeks" is a measurable and timed goal, but not realistic - it will only lead to frustration.
How to lose 10 kg? Sample menu for a woman
WOMAN - 1510 kcal, 25% protein, 24% carbohydrates, 51% fat
Breakfast | omelette made of 2 eggs and 1 tablespoon of coconut flour, fried in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil with a handful of arugula, a few cherry tomatoes and 50 g of smoked salmon |
2nd breakfast | 100 ml almond milk + 100 ml water + 150 g raspberries |
Lunch | 2-3 roasted chicken drumsticks (approx. 150g of meat), half a bag of cooked buckwheat, a cucumber salad with 3 ground cucumbers with dill and 2 tablespoons of natural yoghurt |
Afternoon tea | daily carrot juice 330 ml |
Dinner | salad with 250 g of boiled cauliflower, 2 dried tomatoes in the pickle, 50 g of cold cuts or 50 g of chicken drumsticks, 1 tablespoon of roasted pumpkin seeds and 1 tablespoon of olive oil |
How to lose 10 kg? Sample menu for a man
MEN - 2030 kcal, 24% protein, 23% carbohydrate, 53% fat
Breakfast | omelette made of 3 eggs and 2 tablespoons of coconut flour, fried in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil with a handful of arugula, a few cherry tomatoes and 50 g of smoked salmon |
2nd breakfast | cocktail: 100 ml of almond milk + 100 ml of water + 150 g of raspberries |
Lunch | 2-3 roasted chicken drumsticks (approx. 150 g of meat), 2/3 bag of cooked buckwheat groats, cucumber salad with 3 ground cucumbers with dill and 2 tablespoons of natural yoghurt |
Afternoon tea | daily carrot juice 330 ml, 50 g almonds |
Dinner | salad with 350 g of boiled cauliflower, 3 dried tomatoes in the pickle, 50 g of cold cuts or 50 g of chicken drumsticks, 1 tablespoon of roasted pumpkin seeds and 1 tablespoon of olive oil |
What to eat to lose weight? Products that should be included in the diet during weight loss

Read also:
- How to lose weight quickly?
- Slimming diet - 10 commandments to lose weight wisely