Holidays are ending and you are wondering what to do to get back in shape? Check out the advice of Ania Urban, the leading Polish MTB marathon runner

We usually use vacation time for rest, trips with family or friends. Training or regular effort then often goes by the wayside, and sometimes they are even completely neglected. Moreover, this model of spending time also exposes us to numerous temptations, because who will not be tempted by a waffle while walking along the promenade or meeting friends at an evening barbecue? After the holidays, we return home and we find to our horror that we do not fit into our beloved jeans … How to get back to the training routine? Here are some practical tips.

First: Set a goal

The key may be not only to determine the path we want to follow, but above all - a clear goal.

- It can be, for example, fitting into your dream pants size, reaching the desired weight or developing a six-pack on your stomach. Observe your progress, write down the next small successes and visualize what you will look like when you achieve the desired result - advises Ania Urban, a mountain bike competitor who performs every day in the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles MTB Team.

Second: Choose your favorite activity

This way you will avoid a situation when the mere thought of training starts to give you the chills. If you like to dance, sign up for a zumba, if the bike is your favorite activity, start marking yourself longer and more difficult routes. It is also worth investing in a stationary bike or a trainer in case of bad weather.

It is important that you are looking forward to the next training session. It is worth breaking the routine and changing your training time and time again, e.g. breaking your daily jogging with a bike ride or a visit to the swimming pool.

Third: Find a companion for training

In two people it is much easier to motivate yourself to action. - After all, we will not expose our buddy to the wind, when he is already waiting for us in the gym. In addition, you can always talk about the training plan and mobilize each other. And when we go, for example, jogging to a nearby forest, it is simply safer - argues Ania Urban.

Fourth: Sign up for a group lesson

They usually take place several times a week at certain times, so there is no time to think about "maybe tomorrow,or later". We must include the classes in our weekly plans and try to follow the timetable. In addition, such classes are a great opportunity to meet new people and motivate each other.

Fifth: Start cooperation with a personal trainer

This is a slightly more expensive option, but what is not done to have a beautiful body and perfect condition? The trainer will help you choose exercises according to your current disposition and will control the correctness of their performance, while gradually increasing the load and monitoring our progress. - I assure you that there will be no time for chatting during the training. I guarantee that we will be exhausted after each training session. The effects are visible quite quickly - adds the player.

Sixthly: the training is included in the weekly plan

Detailed weekly planning allows you to be more consistent. In the absence of a plan, it is much easier to look for an excuse, say that the weather is bad, that you can make up for in the following days … The only option may be to change the training days, e.g. if it is raining, choose a gym and the running or cycling training will be for another. Place the card with the weekly plan in a visible place, e.g. on the refrigerator.
