If you have to limit your food budget, you can still eat to your heart's content, and at the same time tasty and he althy. Learn about ways to cook economically.

When there is less money in the home budget, usually food is the last thing we save on. But in this area as well, it is possible to rationalize expenses without harm to he alth. It is enough to change your culinary habits a bit and learn to use products wisely.

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Cook sparingly and he althy

Buy seasonal products - usually then they are the cheapest. Remember that eatingseasonal productsis not only saving - fruit and vegetables have the most vitamins then.

Give up prefabs and semi-finished products. Self-cooking from scratch from unprocessed products contributes to the fact that the diet is simply he althier, because it is devoid of food additives, excess sugar and s alt.

Limit the amount of meat on your menu, especially red meat. Instead of meat, you can also buy e.g. liver more often - it is relatively cheap and rich in nutritional values.

Cook sparingly and filling

The way to get your fill for little money is simple. As it happens, many unprocessed foods - raw vegetables, groats, brown rice, oatmeal and other grains - are both cheap and filling. Whole grain products are also filling: wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta. You can get saturated with less of them, because they are rich infiber,which swells and gives a feeling of fullness for a longer time.

Combining these foods with a bit of fat - oil, butter, sauce - and protein such as cottage cheese, homemade hummus, a piece of fish - will make them a wholesome meal.

It is also worth enriching the dishes (salads, soups, sandwiches) with a small addition of nuts, seeds and grains - they are a good source of filling and he althy vegetable fats.

Cook sparingly and tasty

Even modest dishes will be delicious if you add spices. It is a relatively small expense if we order them online or buy them in large packages from a warehouse. They will be enough for a long time, because we don't add much of them.

It is also worth experimenting with vegetables that are expressive in taste, such as onion, garlic, leek, ginger.

You can flavor what you usually throw away: with orange peel orsqueezed lemon, ginger peel. It is worth growing herbs in your garden or pot: parsley, dill, basil or watercress. When cooking rice or noodles, use the vegetable stock to add flavor to it, add a pinch of turmeric.
