Who does not like to sit in the garden in the evening with an invitingly sizzling barbecue? Before you invite your friends to grill and light the fire, make sure that the grilled food is he althy. Learn the rules of grilling.
- Rules for grilling: how to grill?
- Rules for grilling: what to grill?
- Rules for grilling: how to prepare the dishes?
The rules of grillingit is good to be mastered, because grilled food does not have to be unhe althy. Grilled meat is less caloric than fried (see the box), because you do not add fat to its preparation, and the one that is present is melted under the influence of high temperature.
Usually, the dishes are grilled for a short time, thanks to which they do not lose their nutritional value, remain crispy, deliciously crunchy and aromatic. The great thing is that their preparation does not require great culinary skills.
Rules for grilling: how to grill?
You can bake only what will be ready quickly on the wire rack.For meat and fatty dishes, use special aluminum, grooved and perforated trays that facilitate the free circulation of hot air and not let the fat drip off. This is important because fat that burns in a fire can release harmful chemical compounds, e.g. lipid peroxides that are carcinogenic.
Remember thatthe wire rack is always thoroughly washed . Burnt fat and the remains of the dishes from the previous feast are a source of poisonous substances. How and what you smoke in the grill is also important. The hearth should glow evenly. Use only special hardwood charcoal.
Firelighters, liquid or cubed, as the name suggests, are used only for setting fire. Do not add them while baking, when the heat is fading. Their fumes are very unhe althy.
Absolutelyit is not allowed to put printed paper, cardboard, plywood or painted or varnished boards left from the renovation of the allotment houseinto the hearth. All this releases harmful substances during combustion. In addition, the wrong fuel can change the taste of the food.
Meat cooked on the grill loses about 20 percent. fat!Here are some examples (serving size: 100 g):
- sausageSilesia 210 kcal, after grilling 168 kcal
- pork neck 267 kcal, grilled 213 kcal
- chicken wing 186 kcal, after grilling 148 kcal
- chicken leg with skin 158 kcal, grilled 126 kcal
- skinless chicken breast 99 kcal, after grilling 78 kcal

Rules for grilling: what to grill?
You need to do some shopping before the feast. Avoid meat that is already seasoned. Then it's hard to know if it's fresh. Give up all canned food. Curing and preservatives, such as s altpeter, decompose at high temperatures into highly carcinogenic nitrosamines. Do not bake frozen food, they are not suitable for grilling.
Vegetables and meat must be at room temperature before placing on the wire rack. Then they will be even tastier. Before baking, it is a good idea to marinate the meat for 2-3 hours to make it crispy. The marinade can be oil or wine with spices.
Do not regret herbs
They add flavor to food and facilitate digestion. Remember about them, especially if you have a bad liver or a fragile stomach. The best mixes are those that we compose ourselves.
Marjoram and tarragon replace s alt, basil prevents flatulence, turmeric has a relaxing effect.
If you do not know how to choose herbs and prefer ready-made spices for grilled meats, be sure to check their composition. It often turns out that they contain preservatives and improvers, e.g. monosodium glutamate, which causes gas and a feeling of fullness in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.
Mustard is traditionally served with grilled sausages. It is a wise habit, because the mustard contained in it stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and has a choleretic effect. However, it should not be abused by people with gastrointestinal ailments. For them, a mild mustard will be the most appropriate, e.g. for children.
You can get additional flavor by adding juniper fruit, walnut shells or pieces of fruit wood, e.g. cherries, to the firebox.
7 rules of he althy grilling:- Always clean the grate
- Use special charcoal briquettes
- Buy fresh meat
- Do not bake canned and frozen food
- Use herbs
- Put fatty foods on the trays
- Replace bread with vegetables
Rules for grilling: how to prepare the dishes?
Bake the vegetables on a tray.Before that, dip them in the marinade for 2-3 hours, without s alt. They are ready when the fork goes in without resistance. When grilled, they taste best: zucchini, mushrooms, eggplants, whole tomatoes and peppers. Whole-baked garlic will not irritate the liver. It even tastes goodthose who avoid it because of the smell (almost imperceptible in this form). The soft cloves can be eaten alone or spread on bread in the form of an aromatic paste.
Check:What are the he alth benefits of vegetables!
The best for fish is a special form that makes it easier to turn.You can buy it in most household goods stores or in a hypermarket. It is shaped like a fish, so it fits perfectly. Remember that meat that is open with a knife should be glassy white. This is a sign that the dish is ready to eat. Its taste will be enhanced by ginger and mustard seeds.
Check it out:What are the nutritional values of fish!
Divide the poultry into portions: wings, legs, breasts.Always check that they are well done - no pink liquid should come out from the bones. Before roasting the meat, brush with ground hot or sweet paprika, curry spice or sprinkle with rosemary.
Meat- veal and pork must be cooked well, beef can be served "blood". Be careful not to leave the white sausage raw inside (risk of food poisoning).
Bread can also be grilled.Even stale bread smeared with olive oil and sprinkled with garlic tastes great after baking.