We appreciate more and more regional products, made according to old, strictly defined recipes and available to a limited extent. Some of them are protected with special markings. See the list of Polish regional and traditional products protected by EU certificates: Protected Designation of Origin, Protected Geographical Indication, Traditional Speci alty Guaranteed.

The European system of protection of regional and traditional products has over 1000 items in the register. Most of them come from Italy and France. So far, the list includes 37 products from Poland (including krupniok, which is at the final approval stage). They include, among others cold cuts, fruit, vegetables, bakery products, honey, cheese and oil. Thanks to this, the consumer can find products that are unique in terms of quality and taste.

There are three types of signs in the European system of protection of regional and traditional products:

The Protected Designation of Originis given to a product that comes from a specific place, region, and its name refers to the place where it is produced and emphasizes the relationship with it. The quality or the characteristics of the product are essentially or solely due to a particular geographical environment made up of natural and human factors. All steps in its production take place in the defined geographical area.

Polish products with this mark include: Podhale bryndza, beans "Beautiful Jaś" from the Dunajec Valley, beans from herzawska, carp Zator, honey from Sejnyńszczyzna, oscypek, Podkarpacie honey spadziów, redykołka, cherry nadwiślanka.

A Protected Geographical Indicationalso marks products originating in a specific place. The difference with the PDO is that for the PGI at least one production step takes place in the area.

Polish products with this sign include: Kalisz wafers, Lublin onion, Prądnik bread, Korczyńska beans, Grójeckie apples, Łąckie apples, Pohalańska lamb, Lisiecka sausage, Silesian Kołacz, Drahim honey, Kurpie honey, heather honey from Bory Dolnośląskich, obwarzanek krakowski, rogal świętomarciński, home-made Koryciński cheese, suska sechlońska, plum szydłowska, strawberry Kashubian, Greater Poland fried cheese. For positive verificationby the European Commission waiting (until the beginning of December last year) krupniok.

Traditional Speci alty Guaranteedis awarded to products that have a specific character, feature or set of features that clearly distinguish them from similar products. The product must have been manufactured from traditional raw materials or have been characterized by a traditional composition or method of production for at least 30 years.

Polish products bearing this mark include: meads (półtorak, dwójniak, trójniak, czwórniak), kabanos sausages, jałowcowa sausage, hunter's sausage, blackberry oil, pierekaczewnik.

Below is a list of Polish regional and traditional products protected by the EU certificate, divided into categories.

Meat and sausage

Lisiecka sausagehas been known since the 1930s, made of ham (85%) derived from class E hogs (low in fat), which must not be preserved other than by cooling. The flavor of the sausage is given by garlic, ground white pepper and pickling s alt. It is smoked in the smoke of alder or beech wood. The sausage is quite thick (52 mm in diameter), has a dark skin and pieces of meat are visible when cut. Only products manufactured in the communes of Czernichów and Liszki in the Krakow poviat can be called "kiełbasa lisiecka".

Kabanosy- they can be produced anywhere, but only Polish certified producers can put the GTS logo on the packaging. It has a dry, evenly wrinkled surface, showing dark red pieces of meat and light pieces of fat in cross section. A real kabanos is easy to recognize - when you break it, you hear a characteristic crackle. This is proof of proper drying and smoking.

Kiełbasa jałowcowa- made of pork, seasoned with shredded juniper fruit and smoked in cold smoke. The product is formed into wreaths. As in the case of kabanos sausages, the name itself is not protected, so it is worth choosing a juniper with the GTS logo.

Myśliwska sausage- pork, seasoned with juniper, pepper, sugar, curing mix and a mixture of vinegar, water and oil. The addition of fresh garlic and the long drying process make it a durable sausage. The name itself is not protected, but the GTS logo guarantees quality.

Krupnioki śląskie- they include pork with giblets with the addition of blood, buckwheat or barley groats, or both. Krupnioki are seasoned with onion, pepper and allspice. It is a caloric meal traditionally served to miners.

Jagnięcina podhalańska- from Polish mountain sheep lambs fed exclusively on their mother's milk, up to 60 days old. Lambsnot only must they come from certain piedmont municipalities, but sheep fodder must also come from these areas (except during the winter months). The meat is tender, juicy, and smells like venison.


Bryndza podhalańska- soft rennet cheese made from the milk of Polish mountain sheep (possibly with an admixture of up to 40% of cow's milk from the Polish red breed only). It has a distinctly s alty but spicy and sour taste at the same time. Bryndza is produced from May to September, only in Podhale. It is the first Polish product entered into the register in 2007 as a Protected Designation of Origin.

Oscypek- smoked cheese made by hand from May to September from sheep's milk (cow's milk is allowed, as in the case of bryndza). When the rennet cuts the milk, the pressed mass is formed, soaked in brine, and then smoked in the cold smoke. The name "oscypek" is reserved for products from some communes of Małopolska and Silesia.

Wielkopolski fried cheese- a symbol of Poznań's thrift: it is fryed cow's milk quark in butter, available natural or with caraway seeds.

Ser koryciński swojski- matured cheese made of unpasteurized cow's milk. Formed in circles with a diameter of up to 30 cm (the size depends on the colander in which it is matured). In addition to s alt, pepper, basil, black cumin, wild garlic, paprika or marjoram are added to it. It is produced in Podlasie, in three poviats: Korycin, Suchowola and Janów.

Redykołka- spindle-shaped cheese (like oscypek) or a small animal. The smallest weighs 3 grams, the largest - 30 grams. Once upon a time, shepherds made them for children from leftovers, which could not be made into oscypek, during "redykanie", that is, walking with sheep (hence the name of the cheese). Made in Podhale from unpasteurized sheep's milk (cow's addition is allowed).

Worth knowing

Rydzowy oil

Rydzowy oil is cold pressed from flax seed, a plant whose folk name is "rydz", hence its name. The color of the oil ranges from golden to reddish-brown. It contains as much as 90% of unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6 in a good proportion. It has a spicy aftertaste with hints of onion and mustard. The greatest amount of rye oil is pressed in Greater Poland, where there are the most flax plantations.

Fruits and vegetables

Strawberry Kashubianhas a uniform dark red color, also when cut. It is distinguished by exceptional firmness, intense aroma and sweet taste. The taste of the Kashubian strawberry is due to "thermal stress" - a large temperature difference between day and night. It is grown onKashubian Lake District.

Wiśnia nadwiślankagrows in the Vistula belt from Ożarów to Leipzig, it is small, intensely colored. It has a slightly tart and clearly sour taste and is suitable for juice.

Śliwka szydłowskais Hungarian or its derivatives, simultaneously dried and smoked with smoke and hot air. It has an intense flavor and a smoky smell. It is produced in the area of ​​the Szydłów commune in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship.

Łąckie applesare apples of the varieties Idared, Jonagold, Champion, Ligol, Golden Delicious, Gala, Boskoop, Red Boskoop, Elise grown in Kotlina Łącka (nowosądecki and limanowski poviats) , Early Geneve, Topaz, Logo, Rubin, Gloster and Jonagored. They are extremely juicy, aromatic, have a distinct blush and are characterized by high acidity. After peeling - as the fruit growers assure - they do not turn brown.

Jabłka grójeckiehas as many as 27 varieties, including: Gala, Gloster, Lobo, Ligol and Idared, grown in the most beautiful orchard in Europe, i.e. in the area of ​​Grójec (21 communes in Mazowsze and 5 in Łódź). Grójeckie apples have a favorable ratio of acids to sugars, which gives them a unique taste, they are firmer, and due to the 5% higher amount of dyes, they have a stronger blush.

Korczyńska beansis a "Beautiful Hansel" whip; it has huge grains with a thin skin. It grows in the microclimate of Ponidzie (municipalities in Busko and Kazimierz poviats).

Beans "Beautiful Jaś" from the Dunajec Valleygrows in perfect conditions, therefore it is exceptionally plump, shiny, has a thin skin, so it is cooked 10 minutes shorter than regular. It has a sweetish taste and a delicate texture. Due to the high content of magnesium in the soil, beans are rich in this element.

Bean curdis grown in the Sandomierz region, at the confluence of the Vistula and San rivers. It owes its size and delicacy (thin skin) to fertile soils. The name of this variety "Beautiful Johnny" comes from the village of Wrzawy, where the seat of the Association of Bean Producers "Beautiful Hansel" is located.

Suska sechlońska- this is a dried and smoked plum from 4 communes in Małopolska. It has a flexible, fleshy flesh and a sticky skin. The taste is smoked. "Suska" in the dialect means dried, and "Sechlońska" - comes from the town of Sechna, where the tradition of drying plums was strong.

Worth knowing

Karp zatorski

Karp zatorski is a cross between the Polish carp and its foreign cousins. It has an olive or olive blue color and weighs from 1.1 to 1.8 kg. The taste comes from food (grains from local producers). It is grown in three communes in Małopolska.

Bakery products

Saint Martin's Croissanthas been baked since 1891, when the parish priest of St. Martin asked the faithful to bring something for the poor on his feast day. For this appeal, a confectioner baked a few trays of croissants. Since then, on November 11, in Wielkopolska, croissants made of semi-French dough are baked, stuffed with white poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, fruit in syrup or candied fruit. The croissant is covered with pomade and sprinkled with chopped nuts. It is 10 cm wide and 7 cm high at the highest point. He weighs 15-20 dag.

Kalisz wafersare thin, crunchy rings with a diameter of 15-17 cm. They are made of water, sugar, flour and rapeseed oil. Only producers from Kalisz have the right to bake them.

Obwarzanek krakowskiis made of wheat flour (30% rye is allowed), fat, yeast, water, with added sugar and s alt. Risen and formed (twisted by 2 or 3 rollers) dough is steamed in boiling water (that is, shelled, hence the name). When the bagel comes out, it is sprinkled with s alt, poppy seeds or sesame seeds and baked until browned. Up to 150,000 jobs are sold daily on the Krakow market. such obwarzanek produced in Kraków, Kraków and Wieliczka poviats.

Prądnicki breadbaked from rye flour with the addition of wheat, boiled potatoes or potato flakes (therefore it is fresh for up to several weeks), bran and yeast. The loaf weighs 4.5 kg, it is round or oval. It is tastiest the day after baking. Baked within the administrative boundaries of Krakow (the name comes from Prądnik near Krakow).

Lublin Cebularz , which is a cake made of wheat dough with a layer of onion stuffing mixed with poppy seeds and oil. It has a diameter of 5 to 25 cm. It is produced in the Lublin region.

Kołocz śląski / kołacz śląskiis a cake popular in Upper and Opole Silesia. There are two variants: with cheese, poppy seed or apple filling or without filling. The cake measures 40 x 60 cm, it is quite flat, all covered with a time-consuming crumble.

Pierekaczewnikis a huge dumpling (after baking it weighs about 3 kg). It is made of 6 layers of dough interlaced with stuffing, which are rolled and baked in a round mold. The stuffing can be dry (with mutton, beef, goose, turkey) or sweet (with cheese, raisins, apples, prunes). The name comes from the Belarusian "pierekatyat", that is, to roll out. Pierekaczewnik is a speci alty of Polish Tatars living in Kruszyniany and Bohoniki in Podlasie.

Traditional and meads

Heather honey from Bory Dolnośląskie- oits uniqueness is evidenced by as much as 80% of heather pollen. It has a thick, jelly-like consistency, sometimes in the form of a gel. It is not very sweet for honey, it has a specific heather aroma. The nectar is harvested in August and September when the heathers are blooming.

Miód kurpiowskiis multiflorous honey, it has an intense aroma with a specific spicy flavor. All stages of honey production must take place in Kurpie (Mazowsze and Podlasie).

Podkarpacki miód spadziowyis dark brown (it shines after crystallization), has a resinous aroma and a mild flavor. It is produced exclusively by bees of selected breeds in 17 forest districts in Małopolska.

Drahim honeyis collected in the Drawskie Lakeland (Drawsko was formerly called Drahim). It is nectar honey (buckwheat, rapeseed, heather, linden and multiflorous honey), it is distinguished by a high content of sugars and pollen, but it has less water, therefore its taste is distinct.

Miód z Sejneńszczyzny / Łoździejszczyzny / Seinu / Lazdiju krašto medusis a nectar honey obtained from May to August. It has a dark yellow to dark golden color, slightly opaque. This is the first cross-border product - it comes from the Nemunas basin, the Polish-Lithuanian border.

Meads (półtorak, dwójniak, trójniak, czwórniak)- alcohol made as a result of fermentation of wort (bee honey and water). In addition to natural honeys, there are fruit (some of the water has been replaced with fruit juice), spicy-herbal and hoppy. The most important, however, is the division into the proportions of water and honey. The sweetest is 'półtorak', in which only 1/2 volume of water is used for one part of honey. In dwójniak, one part of honey is used for one part of water, in trójniak there is twice as much water as honey, and in czwórniak - four times as much. Honey also differs in alcohol content: in półtorak and dwójniak it is 15-18%, Trójniak - 12-15%, and in czwórniak 9-12%. Półtorak matures for at least 3 years, dwójniak - not less than 2 years, trójniak - at least a year, and czwórniak - not less than 9 months. The very name "mead" is not protected, so when choosing honey, we check whether it has the Traditional Speci alty Guaranteed mark. Honey with this label must meet the requirements.

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