In the era of grocery stores on every street, we no longer have to stock up. However, even small food surpluses must be properly packed. The right way to store your food will ensure that your food won't lose its flavor, moldy or deteriorate.
Let's ignore the fact that we often don't pay attention to the use-by date. It seems to us, erroneously, that iffoodis in the refrigerator, it is safe. Meanwhile, keepingfoodin disposable plastic bags or the same containers - our venial sin - is certainly not conducive to the quality of the stored products, and even worse, our he alth. The result - odorless coffee, slimy meats, moldy hard cheeses. Products not only lose their nutritional value, taste and aroma, but also become dangerous to our he alth.
Improperly stored food dries up, and worse, deteriorates - it turns sour, rots, becomes covered with mold, bacteria develop in it. Mold is especially dangerous. Cutting off the pieces covered with it does not give anything, because its "roots" are much deeper and in fact you should get rid of the whole moldy product. Even refrigerators with their low temperatures do not save the day.
The biggest enemies of stored food are:
- air
- high temperature
- moisture
So what saves the situation? Getting rid of the air with its bacteria and destructive moisture and the proper wayto store food , in appropriate films or containers.
One of such containers is a Tupperware product. The ideal container for cheese and cold meats ensures that thanks to the condensation control system, condensation inside is minimized. This stops any odors and extends the freshness of the products. The sausage will not lose its flavor and the cheese will not become covered with mold.
Zepter and Braun recommend vacuum storage devices. Special containers (and in the case of Zepter also foils) and pumps adapted to them allow air to be "drawn out" and the food is left in a vacuum, blocking the access of air. Thanks to this, we not only extend the nutritional value of products, but also hygiene and taste. In addition, there is a fridge or a kitchen cupboardit does not have an undesirable smell.
Food packed in this way can be stored for a few to several days longer than if it is put on a traditional plate or even put in an ordinary container, without fear that it will spoil or lose its taste.