Are you an introvert and the thought of training in a large group gives you a headache? Choose a sport that gives you freedom and independence. Swimming, rowing or yoga is an ideal choice for individuals and people who like to train in concentration, without exposing themselves to the view of others.
Individualists value independence and the ability to adjust the pace of exercise to their own needs. Fitness club halls filled to the brim with exercisers, loud music and quick changes in the pace of training are not their cup of tea - an introvert, instead of drawing energy from the environment, feels too overwhelmed in such conditions.
There are, however, some disciplines in which focus and inner peace are advantages and can contribute to better sports performance.
Sport for an individualist: swimming
Water is the perfect environment for introverts. Lonely swimming in the pools gives you a feeling of independence and does not require adapting to any predetermined rules. Choosing a style, pace, distance or duration of training - it's all up to you. In addition, swimming is one of the most versatile disciplines, it engages all muscle groups to work and builds up condition.
Exercises for the individualist: rowing ergometer
The rowing ergometer allows you to measure yourself and see what you really can do. You can impose a time frame in which we will perform a given number of repetitions and thus get to know your real possibilities. Training on a rowing machine can also be a way to increase muscle strength and improve fitness. If you like lonely challenges and you want to get really tired - this type of sport is for you.
Individualist training: HIIT
HIIT, or Intensive Interval Training, alternates short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with breaks for more moderate cardio exercises. It is a method of training that does not impose strict rules - it is only important to stick to the training pattern, i.e. take into account the warm-up, intensive work, rest and stretching phases each time. The choice of the discipline on which the training is based depends on us. This can be, for example, running, cycling, squats,push-ups. You can also adjust the exercise time to your needs by shortening or extending the period of intense work and rest.
Classes for individualists: yoga
Yoga is an ideal form of exercise for introverts - it requires concentration, relaxation and patience. Performing asanas helps to build strength and efficiency of the body, and at the same time allows you to free yourself from all tensions and crowds of thoughts. An additional advantage of yoga is the fact that the basic positions can be performed independently in any place, without the help of an instructor.
See: Yoga for Beginners - Basic Asanas
Activity for individualists: running
If you need a moment of solitude and closer contact with nature during the day, running is your sport. You can put headphones on your ears and cut yourself off from reality, or choose a secluded, forest path and enjoy the charms of nature. Running gives you a lot of freedom, and at the same time it costs almost nothing and has a beneficial effect on your he alth.
Adjust training to individual needs
Training under the supervision of a personal trainer ensures that you perform all exercises correctly and that your effort is not wasted. You don't have to interact with anyone other than the instructor. What's more, you can agree with the trainer your individual exercise plan tailored to your requirements and preferences.
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If you are an introvert, you probably do not like the gym - the curious glances of others usually confuse the hidden loners. However, you do not need to use specialized machines to build muscle mass - calisthenics, i.e. strength training with your own body weight, is equally effective in this respect. Calisthenics exercises are simple and you can do them yourself, without the use of additional equipment. Find out that squats, push-ups, and crunches can be just as effective as a training session in the gym.
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