Both a bike that has stopped winter and one that is used all year round require a thorough inspection and servicing before the full season. If we have some technical skills, basic cleaning and visual inspection can be done at home. If you do not feel confident with bicycle repairs, it is best to go to a proven service.
Advice for cyclists: bike inspection and cleaning
Cleaning will be useful both for the equipment we drove on the snow and for the equipment that was preserved for the winter. This is the basis for a thorough review that will allow you to check whether all mechanisms and parts are operational, says Karol Popławski from the Comfortable Rower website. All you need to thoroughly clean your bike is warm soapy water or washing-up liquid. - It is not recommended to clean the bike with high-pressure washers - water may get into specially sealed places, such as bearings and hubs. - warns the service technician. After washing the bike, dry it thoroughly with a soft cloth, e.g. made of microfiber.
Efficient bike brakes - the basis for safer driving
Returning to the bike after a winter break, first of all, take care of riding safety, starting with checking whether the brakes work properly. How to do it?
- By applying the brakes and moving the bike forward and backward, we can check whether there is a need to tighten the screws in the handles - explains the expert. If the wheel rolls even with the bolt fully unscrewed, it is recommended that you tighten the cable located behind the brake arm.
How to check the condition of the chain on the bike?
In bikes without a gear or with gears hidden in the hub, we can easily check the tension of the chain - literally with one finger. If we can lift it more than 1 cm, pull the wheel backwards or replace the chain.
With a bicycle with an external gearing system, e.g. mountain bike, you should go to a service station with a tool for measuring the wear condition of the chain and either stretch it or replace it.
Cycling - benefits
Dangerous play in bearings and running gear
- A loose hub, i.e. wheel axle, just like any loose part of a bicycle, may cause faster wear of the equipment, and even a serious accident - explains the specialist. - To check the condition of the hub,with one hand we grab the frame, with the other we move the wheel from side to side. It is best to immediately report any noticeable play to a bicycle service center, where it will be adjusted. Occasionally this may require the replacement of worn parts. Similarly, we check the operation of the connecting rod: grab the crank arm and move it sideways (to the inside and outside of the bike).
If it becomes loose, you need to tighten the arm or even replace the bottom bracket or crank arm. The smooth operation of the headset is also an important part of safe driving and proper maintenance of your equipment. - When you tilt the bike slightly to the side, the front wheel should turn without resistance. Check the clearances by tightening the brake and moving the bike back and forth as well as sideways. We can adjust any clearances on our own, but if we are not intuitive, we risk destroying the rudder bearings, which may result in a serious rollover - warns Karol Popławski. Any other connections should also be checked.
Before the next season, remove any loose bolts on the seatpost, steering wheel, wheels and pedals.
How to check the condition of the wheels on the bike?
Efficient wheels are the basis for a successful start to the new season. First, we check the condition of the tires - by deflating the tires completely and squeezing the tire tightly with our fingers, we can see the texture of the rubber. The tension of the spokes is also important - if they are loose, it is a sign that they should be tightened with a special wheel centering wrench. The last step before going on a tour is to properly inflate your wheels. If the tires bend more than a centimeter below us, the pressure is too low. If we have to inflate the wheels disturbingly often, it is a sign that it is worth replacing the inner tube.
If you decide to repair the tire yourself, remember not to use tools with a sharpened edge to pry the tire - a regular spoon is enough. Proper preparation of the bike for the season is a guarantee of a safe and pleasant ride. If we are not able to make a full review ourselves, and we want to be sure that the bike will work flawlessly, let us use the services of a professional service.
What is the cost of pre-season bike inspection?
The cost of the basic regulation is about PLN 50, a more detailed website may cost PLN 100-150. A one-time expense at the beginning of the season can save us a lot of trouble in using the equipment and further costs of additional repairs.
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