Outdoor recreation is a reliable cosmetic and an ideal medicine. It relaxes, improves well-being and condition, increases the body's immunity, restores cheerfulness and youthful appearance. It is also an effective way to fight hypoxia and constant fatigue. See the he alth benefits of daily outdoor activities.
Most of us lead a sedentary lifestyleand this applies to adults as well as children. We like to use elevators instead of climbing stairs. We travel by cars or buses, because we do not want to travel distances on foot. We do not feel like sports or time. In addition, we eat unhe althy. We reach for processed products and fast food, we eat fatty foods, we avoid vegetables. What is the effect of this? The lungs fail, the heart weakens, the blood vessels lose flexibility, the muscles go limp, and the system responsible for deliveringoxygenliterally shrinks. Civilization diseases, overweight, nervousness, faster aging of the body is the price we have to pay for this way of life. It's time to change that before the body riots. Let's find out why it is so important for he althphysical activityoutdoors.
Movement in the air improves the mood, oxygenates the body …
Each of our body's 70 trillion cells needs a constant supply of oxygen. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and metabolism. It improves the efficiency of the heart, circulatory and respiratory systems, increases vitality and adds energy. Lung capacity decreases with age, so we have less oxygen.
Is riding a bike he althy?
Unpleasant effects of hypoxia in the body
In addition to its natural loss, scientists have observed the disturbing phenomenon of cellular hypoxia caused by a lack of physical activity and stress. Drowsiness, discouragement and constant fatigue, deterioration of mental performance and concentration, mental exhaustion, insomnia are just some of the symptoms of hypoxia in the body.
The best way to prevent this from happening is to move outdoors, such as walking, running, or cycling. The body then gets more oxygen and uses it better. Effortphysical makes us breathe faster. With each inhalation, the lungs expand and contract more and more as you exhale. As a result, we get more oxygen and we exhale more and more carbon dioxide.
The volume of air contained in the lungs is on average in a woman about 3200 ml, in a man - 4500 ml, and regular sports can increase it up to 6000. Effect? There is complete gas exchange not only in the upper but also in the lower parts of the lungs. More blood supplied to the lungs stimulate the entire circulatory system - the heart works faster and more oxygenated blood flows through the blood vessels. The body absorbs nutrients better and expels metabolic waste faster, cleansing the tissues. And this improves the work of all organs.
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Moving in the air helps maintain weight
Physical activity is the enemy of overweight and obesity. When we exercise, such as playing football, roller skating, the metabolic rate increases and we burn more calories in less time. Thanks to this, we do not accumulate unnecessary reserves in the form of adipose tissue - with the benefit of the figure and, above all, he alth.
Remember that being overweight increases the risk of heart and circulatory system diseases, hypertension and diabetes. It also does not serve the spine, veins or joints.
Don't do thatDo not overdo it with the amount of physical activity
Intense outdoor activity stimulates the immune system to produce white blood cells and increases the ability of phagocytes to "devour" pathogenic microorganisms that have invaded the body. If the effort is repeated systematically, resistance to infection increases. But it is also not allowed to overdo it. Under the influence of overloading the body, stress hormones are released that can disrupt the functioning of the immune system. It's easy to catch an infection when your defense lines are weakened.
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