Training in winter does not have to mean long trips to the mountains. Often, a little snow is enough in the area to take full advantage of the winter weather and spend time actively outdoors. Learn about workouts that don't require expensive preparation or special skills, but are a good way to improve your fitness and lose calories in winter.
It is believed that winter is not favorable for outdoor training. Low temperatures and falling snow make it impossible to practice many sports, and discourage some from any activity outside confined spaces. On the other hand, a ski trip is too expensive for many people, and it is short and does not allow for regular training throughout the winter.
However, there are some forms of activity that do not require special preparation or long journeys. Training on cross-country skis, ice skating, running or even a snowball fight are interesting ways to stay in good shape also in winter. It is enough for a little snow to fall in the area, and great conditions for physical exercise are created.