Jogging and running training belong to the same group of aerobic exercises that are based on running. It might seem that there are no significant differences between them, but you couldn't be more wrong! What's the difference between running and jogging?

What is the difference between running and jogging?Jogging is certainly one of the varieties of running, but it differs significantly from it in the way and intensity of training.


Joggingcan be practiced by almost everyone. This is nothing but a slow pace or jog. Jogger training does not require significant physical effort. While jogging, we run a maximum of9 km / h . or 6 min / km. The workouts are long but slow. In this form of training, there is no competition, you run in pairs, at ease and for your own pleasure.

The effects we get by regularly jogging are a slim figure and strengthening the immune system. During training, we burn an average of400-500 kilocalories .


Running trainingrequires much more effort thanjoggingand cannot be performed by any age group. Running is the fastest possible movement that allows a person to move. Runners are constantly raising the bar, measuring time, increasing distances, breaking their own records and taking part in competitions and marathons.Runningdiffers from jogging in the speed of covering the designated distance. Speed ​​is significantly exceeded during running training10 km / h .

Runners, unlike joggers, try to work on the threshold of endurance during training. This type of exercise isthreshold runs , otherwise known astempos . The main goal of the threshold run is to improve endurance and gradually increase the intensity of the training performed. Threshold runs include tempo runs and tempo intervals.

Tempo runis to cover the entire designated distance (e.g. 5 km) with the same intensity - slowly, at medium speed or very quickly.

Tempo intervalsare repeated segments of high-speed runs over short distances (e.g. 1 km) or in short periods (e.g. 3-15 minutes). Tempo intervals are performed at the fastest, consistent speed we are atable to keep at a certain distance.

The effects of running are a stronger, muscular body and a strengthening of the cardio-nervous system.
