Runmageddon - a race known as a hellish run, during which competitors have to overcome extremely difficult obstacles, and at the same time cooperate with each other, because only this guarantees reaching the finish line. See the pictures of what runmageddon really is and what obstacles the players have to overcome.
Runmageddonis a form of running competition, which consists in running a designated distance as quickly as possible and overcoming difficult obstacles on the route.
What is runmageddon?
The difference from the regular runmageddon race is that the route is littered with obstacles that cannot be avoided. So it is necessary to crawl in the mud, jump, climb the rope hanging above the water, wade through thick smoke, climb huge ice cubes and walls and go under the entanglements suspended low above the ground.
The organizers of runmageddon make every effort to ensure that overcoming the set obstacles is a truly hellish experience. And since the first edition, they have actually succeeded, because the vast majority of the runners reached the finish line exhausted but happy. When asked about the most hardcore obstacle on the route, they did not hesitate to point to "The One", a 60-meter long rope hung horizontally over the pond. In order to get to the other shore without falling into the cold water, it was necessary to demonstrate great dexterity and strength of arms and legs.
The originators of runmageddon already have extensive experience in organizing such events. This is another of the cyclical events of the OTK Rzeznik Association operating since 2005, known for the organization of, among others Butcher's Run - 80 km mountain ultramarathon and Bieszczady Marathon.
The organizers of the run explain that the runmaggedon heralds the end of the era of boring street runs, offering its participants an extreme experience. This is an event focused on having fun, for which the pretext is physical effort and competition for the title of the toughest player.
Who starts in runmageddon?
Runmageddon is a great proposition for runners who are bored with street runs and fans of good fun. For each edition of ourWe are trying to prepare obstacles that will prevent anyone from complaining about boredom - says Jaro Bieniecki, runmageddon director.
Runmageddon participants, when asked about the motivation to start in extreme runs, most often indicate the need to change their lifestyle, striving for self-fulfillment and the desire to do things that deviate from the routine and break boredom. The great interest in starting runmageddon confirms that women, like men, want to spend their free time in an active way that will help them develop or just have fun.