CrossFit Glossary is a must-have for anyone who is just starting out in crossfit training. You can reach for it both before the first training, to know what the trainer is saying to us, as well as at a more advanced level - expanding your knowledge with new concepts.
The terms in thecrossfit are mainly based on acronyms (phrases consisting of the first letters of a given phrase) and on the names of specific exercises (in English). It is worth getting to know and understand them in order to perform the exercises properly.
In order for everyone to easily find the word that interests them, the terms in the crossfit dictionary have been divided into several groups: the most frequently used phrases, the equipment used and various types of exercises.
Crossfit glossary - basic terms
AMRAP- (As Many Rounds As Possibile) we try to do as many rounds / repetitions of a given exercise as possible (e.g. AMRAP 15 min);
EMOM- (Every Minute On the Minute) we perform a given exercise starting from a full minute, and if we finish before 60 seconds, we rest during this time;
FT- (For Time) we try to complete the exercise / set of exercises in the shortest possible time;
Rep- (Repetition) repeat;
Set- series;
UB- (UnBroken) we do the exercises continuously;
WOD- (Workout Of the Day) colloquially "training of the day", i.e. the main set of exercises that has been planned for a given day.
Crossfit Glossary - Equipment
Ball- ball, resembling a medicine ball,
Barbell- barbell,
Bar- barbell or crossbar (gymnastic),
Row- rowing machine / rowing ergometer,
KB- (Kettlebell) Russian weight,
Rope jump- skipping rope,
Rings- gymnastic rings,
Rope- rope,
Bike- exercise bike.
Crossfit glossary - Gymnastics exercises / gymnastic exercises
Air Squat- no-load squat;
Box Jump- both jumps on the box with the entire body extended;
Burpee- well known to everyone: get down, get up and jump out. From positionlie on your stomach, throwing your legs backwards, then stand up and from the neutral position make a jump with your hands above your head;
Handstand- handstand;
K2ElubKTE- (Knees To Elbows) while hanging freely on the stick, try to touch your elbows with your knees;
Lunges- lunges;
Sit-up- belly;
Pull-up- pull-up on the stick;
Push-up- pump;
T2BlubTTB- (Toes To Bar) try to touch the bar with your feet while hanging on the bar;
Wall-ball- standing in front of the wall (0.5-1m from it), after squatting, try to bounce the ball off the wall at a certain height.
Crossfit Glossary - Metabolic Exercises / Metabolic Exercises
Bike- riding an exercise bike;
DU- (Double-Unders) jumping rope, in which during one jump we make two turns of the skipping rope;
Run- running;
Row- rowing on a rowing machine;
SU- (Single Unders) single jumps on the rope - make one turn during one jump.
Crossfit glossary - Weightlifting exercises / strength exercises
Bench Press- pressing the bar while lying on a horizontal bench;
Clean- toss the barbell from the ground to the position in which we hold it in front of us;
Clean & Jerk- first toss the barbell to the position in which you hold it in front of you and then move it over your head;
DL(DeadLift) - deadlift;
Jerk- toss of the bar held in front over the head;
KB Swing- (Kettlebell swing) swing KB with both hands over the head (American) or up to the breast (Russian);
Power Snatch- throw the bar from the ground over the head without squatting;
Power Clean- throw the barbell in front of you without squatting;
Push Press- pressing the bar over the head with the use of the legs (perform a slight squat, and when the legs extend, push the bar over the head);
Snatch- barbell throw from the ground above the head with a full squat followed by a full extension;
Squat- squat with a barbell on the back (Back Squat), with the bar held in the front (Front Squat) or raised above the head (OHS - Over Head Squat);
Thruster- squat with the bar pushed above the head when the legs are extended.