A he althy, summer diet should consist of protein, carbohydrates and unsaturated fats in the right proportions, and of course vitamins and minerals. Losing weight in summer is easier because the body defends itself against unnecessary calories. The diet does not require a lot of sacrifice - you want to eat less, and when you feel hungry, you use fruit and vegetables more often. In addition, you definitely move more.
The summer weight loss dietis very enjoyable. Fresh fruit and vegetables are at your fingertips, and the heat makes it easier to control your appetite. Check what you should pay attention to when you decide toslimming in summer .
Diet for summer: eat protein, but in smaller amounts
Protein is only a backup source of energy in case the carbohydrates run out. The body stores excess protein in the form of extra kilos, so you should eat it only in small amounts. The source of protein in the diet is products of animal and vegetable origin. Vegetable protein is better, it is fat-free and has a lot of fiber (especially legumes, e.g. beans, peas, soybeans). Choose skim milk and its products (0.5%). We need meat, but in small amounts. It provides protein, but also a lot of saturated fatty acids and calories. The least calories are in veal and poultry meat. Beef, while high in vitamin B12and vitamin A, zinc, and iron, is high in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Pork provides a lot of protein and the best digestible iron, but it is high in calories and hard to digest. That is why we should eat beef or pork once a week. On other days, replace them with white meat or fish.
Read also:Protein: role in the body, demand, products rich in protein
You must do itLight snack
Take vegetables and fruit for your trip. Cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries, grapefruit, gooseberries contain a lot of water, so they quench your thirst well. And if you can't do without something more specific, prepare a sandwich made of coarse bread or crispbread with roasted chicken breast or cheese. Do not wrap the food in aluminum or plastic foil as it can deteriorate quickly in high temperatures. Parchment is better. The sandwich will dry a little,but it will stay fresh longer. Take kefir, yoghurt, juice and necessarily water to drink.
Diet for summer: eat vegetables and fruits, they are low in calories and have vitamins
You have to eat vegetables and fruits, especially in season, because they are a treasury of vitamins, mineral s alts, resistant starch (legumes) and fiber. Vegetables and fruits are an irreplaceable source of antioxidants, i.e. vitamin C and vitamin E, beta-carotene (provitamin A), which fight free radicals, protect against civilization diseases and give the skin a youthful appearance. Vitamin C is contained in broccoli, cabbage, peppers, spinach, parsley, currants, strawberries and citrus fruits. The source of beta-carotene is carrots, squash, peaches, apricots. A lot of vitamin E is contained in beetroot, pumpkin, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage. Eat vegetables with every meal. They are low in calories, so you can eat vegetables without restrictions. Most of the fruit can also be eaten at will. The exceptions are grapes, mandarins, cherries, bananas and avocados because they provide a lot of calories. Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw or in the form of juice. Drinking three glasses of different juices a day gives you almost as many benefits as eating 1.5 kg of fruit and vegetables.
Read also:Resistant starch - properties and sources
Diet for the summer: eat complex carbohydrates - they contain fiber
The main source of energy should be complex carbohydrates (50-60%), which are slowly absorbed and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. Their advantage is also the fact that they contain a lot of fiber, valuable vegetable protein, B vitamins, vitamin E and provitamin A, they are low in calories and fat. Vegetable fiber improves digestion, prevents colon cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and binds heavy metals, cleansing the body of toxins. Complex carbohydrates can be found in coarse-mill bread, coarse-grained groats and pasta, grains, potatoes, vegetables. They are he althy and will not cause you to gain weight, as long as you eat them in reasonable amounts. Eat pasta with tomato sauce instead of meat sauce. Good complex carbohydrates must not be confused with bad simple carbohydrates, which enter the bloodstream quickly and burn quickly. They are found in sugar-containing products and sweet fruits that we should eat as little as possible.
Read also:Simple and complex carbohydrates in the diet: sources, needs
Diet for the summer: eat fats, preferably unsaturated
They should provide 25-35 percent. energy. They protect against the cold and enable the transport of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. The problem is that they should be fatsinsatiable. They prevent atherosclerosis, heart and circulatory system diseases, and thanks to the vitamin E content, they give the skin a youthful appearance. Their source is olive oil and other oils, especially rapeseed, as well as sea fish - their fat (blubber) consists of unsaturated fatty acids, mainly omega-3, which have an anticoagulant effect, facilitate the absorption of calcium and ensure the proper functioning of the brain. Saturated fatty acids, which are found in meat, cold cuts, dairy products, should not provide more than 6-7 percent. energy. They cause an increase in cholesterol levels and promote atherosclerosis.
Diet for summer: drink plenty of water
Water is essential for all metabolic changes, it dissolves mineral s alts and vitamins, cleans the body of toxins, regulates the temperature. Even though it plays such an important role, the body is unable to store water. Therefore, you should drink 2 liters of drinks a day. But when you're cycling, jogging, walking, or exercising, your body loses more water when you sweat, so you need to keep your fluid up.
Read also:What to drink during training? Hydration rules during exercise
The elderly are especially vulnerable to dehydration, as there is usually less water in their bodies. You should always have still water with you and sip it a few sips without waiting until you feel thirsty. Water without bubbles is better to quench thirst than carbonated water. Carbon dioxide presses the walls of the digestive tract and gives the illusion of filling, although the body has not yet been hydrated.
You must do itEat regularly!
You must have felt it more than once - on hot days you did not feel like eating at all. On the other hand, in the evening, when there was a pleasant chill, you would "jump" at the food. Such "ravenous appetite" is unstoppable and therefore must not be allowed to happen. There is only one solution - regular meals. When we eat irregularly, the body does not know when to expect the next meal and "stores" calories from food "in reserve" in the form of adipose tissue. By eating regularly, you boost your metabolism and burn what you eat on a regular basis. Eating every 2-3 hours is a problem for many people. Especially in summer, during holidays, when you can do so much more interesting than food. How then does the body get used to regular meals? All you have to do is set an alarm on the watch that will remind you to eat. After some time, your body will tell you that it's time to eat something and you will be able to skip this activity.