There are few places similar to Wolin Island, where you will experience such a variety of tourist attractions in a small area. There is a sea here and a hundred meters high cliff. Sandy dunes and picturesque lake districts. Threatening memories of the last war and crumbs of memorabilia of warrior Vikings. See the description of the bicycle route around Wolin Island.
Get on thebiketo enjoy the landscape and historyof Wolin Island . By moving this way, it will be easiest to get to know the island and see its greatest attractions. Narrow, tree-lined roads will lead you to the most interesting places.
Cycle route around Wolin Island: stage 1
Start in Wolin by meeting the oldest history. A thousand years ago there was a powerful city here, which set the tone for Pomerania: merchants from the farthest parts came here, built houses, and lived in prosperity. Slavs, Vikings, and Germans lived side by side in harmony and tolerance. Real souvenirs from those times are in a small museum. The reconstruction of the village buildings from hundreds of years ago that appeals to the imagination can be found on the Ostrów Island on the Dziwna River. Why is it called that? Because it only sometimes acts like a river when it discharges the waters of the Odra River into the B altic Sea. However, when a north wind blows, it pushes the sea waves between the breakwaters of the strange harbor and pushes them inland. Then Dziwna turns the tide and carries the s alty waters south.
Bicycle route around Wolin Island: stage 2
On roads and off-road, sticking to the bicycle and then hiking trail, you will reach Lubin. Below the neo-Gothic church you will find a settlement and a vast meadow, reaching the rugged shore of the Szczecin Lagoon. From here you can see the back delta of Świna (it behaves in the same way as Dziwna), with many islets of marshes and reeds. How many are there? About forty, but it is not known exactly because the backwaters live and change shape. Some islets separate from larger ones, others merge with each other again. There is an abundance of water around. You will see a similar view from Zielonka Hill, above the church (note, the end of the path is on the steps, you need to leave your bike). It was hailed the most beautiful panorama in Europe in 1993/94.

Bicycle route around Wolin Island: stage 3 (on the Turquoise Lake)
Just a few minutesthe road separates Zielonka from the flooded chalk mine in Wapnica. It is best to look at the lake created in its place from Piaskowa Mountain, which descends into turquoise water with a truly sandy slope. An educational trail runs along its eastern shore. The boards will help you pay attention to the most interesting trees and shrubs here. In the village you will find several monumental oaks, with a 600-year-old fat man, the Ancient.
Bicycle route around the Wolin Island: stage 4 (traces of wartime fantasies)
Just in front of the Międzyzdroje tollbooths, opposite a small marina by Lake Wicko, on a now forested hill, there was a testing ground during World War II, where the Germans worked on a secret weapon codenamed V-3. This is (next to the more famous V-1 and V-2) one of those projects that was to change the fate of the war. The training ground can be visited, and in the former storage bunker, where the missiles were stored, there is now an exhibition of a small museum.
Bicycle route around Wolin Island: stage 5 (city of stars)
You will meet civilization in Międzyzdroje. The new pier, the Promenade of Stars, on which over a hundred film artists have left their handprints, the only wax museum in Poland … Pure commercialism. However, take a look at the nature museum at the headquarters of the Wolin National Park management. White-tailed eagles live in the aviary. And if you haven't been to Białowieża, you'll see real bison in the show homestead on the eastern edge of the city.
Bicycle route around Wolin Island: stage 6
East of Międzyzdroje, the B altic shore rises high. It culminates on the Gostań hill, the highest cliff on our coast, which, with a 93-meter, almost vertical wall, descends onto a narrow, rocky beach. You can't get here from the water. The only access (and remember that you are in the Wolin National Park, so you have to follow the marked trails) is from the road towards Dziwnów. The four-hundred-meter path first descends gently along the edge of a deep ravine, and in a moment will climb up the steps to the edge of the abyss.
Bicycle route around Wolin Island: stage 7
The Łuniewo reserve surrounds the shores of the lake of the same name. And there are soaring pines, oaks, old birches and spruces. A younger stand grows between them, twisted in a difficult struggle to survive on a marshy ground. Ferns are taller than humans. A 1.5 km long educational trail around the overgrown lake runs along the border of a sand dune and a wet swamp. Tree species, undergrowth, green tones, scent and air humidity change depending on whether the path tilts to a dune or a swamp side.
Trailbicycle tour around the Wolin Island: stage 8 (Wolin Lake District)
Eight lakes make up the Wolin Lake District on the Wolin Island. They all have seabeds below sea level, which means that they create cryptodepressions.
The largest of them is Koprowo, but Czajcze is considered the most beautiful. A short break on the way will verify this view. A narrow peninsula cuts into the lake, surrounded by the signs of the green hiking trail. The path of keys between the hundred-year-old trunks climbs the hill that our Slavic ancestors chose for their stronghold.
Bicycle route around Wolin Island: stage 9
You will reach the B altic shore near Wisełka. Too hard to pedal on the beach? Go back to the road. Anyway, you will reach the mouth of the Dziwna River in Dziwnów. The river is spanned by a drawbridge here, maybe you will see how it opens? This way you will leave the island of Wolin and return home, or you will continue to the east along the B altic coast.