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Piloxing is a contrast training: it combines calm Pilates and boxing, which is associated with quite the opposite. In addition, there are elements of dance, which add confidence to the movements and increase body awareness. Watch the piloxing exercise video!

Piloxingis a combination of boxing, dancing and pilates. Training is colloquially called a "burner", because during an hour of exercise you can get rid of up to 900 kcal.

Piloxing exercises simultaneously burn calories and shape the muscles without gaining muscle mass. The boxing elements introduced into the training improve the motor coordination, and the dance adds grace. Pilates elements make the body slimmer and improve the flexibility of the muscles.

The sequences of movements performed are dynamic and varied, which is why piloxing is so eagerly chosen by women who do not like boredom.

Watch an instructional video on how to practice piloxing

source: X-news / Dzień Dobry TVN

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