Laughter is he alth - an old, popular and… true saying. It is on this that the yoga of laughter is based, which combines the spiritual depth of physical exercise and the simple happiness that comes from laughter. How does it work?
Yoga of Laughterbreaks the stereotypes linking yoga only with calmness, meditation and… boredom. Although the idea of laughing together was not born until 1995 in India, in recent years it has gained considerable popularity in the world, and for some time now the classes are also available in Poland.
What is the Yoga of Laughter?
The simplest definition of laughter yoga is group laughter together for no specific reason. Sounds absurd? And yet! It is laughter that is the basic activity during these classes and it is supposed to "heal" the mind and body of the practitioner. Laughter yoga classes usually last 30 to 60 minutes plus 15 minutes to relax.
We celebrate the World Laughter Yoga Day every first Sunday in May.
The first laughter yoga class can be surprisingly difficult (as it turns out that not everyone can laugh out loud with ease) and are usually limited to forced laughter, but as the class continues, it quite naturally turns into something natural. To ease the difficult start of a laugh yoga class, you usually do some relaxation, breathing and relaxation exercises to relieve stress and achieve inner harmony.
Benefits of yoga of laughter
Laughter, also the forced one, brings many positive effects. It helps to relieve stress and improve mood by inhibiting the secretion of stress hormones and stimulating the production of endorphins, but also beautifies the body by expanding blood vessels and better nourishing the skin.
A few minutes of laughter session activates the muscles of the face, abdomen, arms and diaphragm - a minute of laughter is 12 kcal less!
Laughter is not only a balm for the soul, but also a strengthening for the body.
What's more, laughter increases the body's immunity, positively influencing the production of T lymphocytes, responsible for the fight against viruses. In addition, it improves the oxygenation of the body, forcing you to breathe in deeply and exhale longer.
Laughter gives you energy, stimulates you to act andmakes the world more beautiful. The basic task of yoga of laughter, however, is not to train the body, but the soul - learning unconditional joy, looking at the world with optimism, sharing happiness with others.
Piotr Bielski, the popularizer of this method in Poland, talks about the secret of yoga of laughter
Source: Dzień Dobry TVN / X-news
Who is the Yoga of Laughter for?
Yoga of laughter is an exceptionally specific type of yoga. Most of yoga is based on asanas, or traditional postures that allow you to reach a higher state of consciousness. In yoga of laughter, the exercises are not based on asanas, although they can be assisted by them. Apart from breathing and relaxation exercises, the main task of the practitioners is to laugh, which contradicts the image of traditional contemplation.
The yoga of laughter, due to its diversity, is not accepted as a type of yoga by all yogis and still raises many doubts as to its effectiveness. However, it is worth remembering that the yoga of laughter was not invented to serve the body - people who want to lose weight or increase muscle mass will not find effective help in it. This modern type of yoga is recommended both for people looking for ways to cope with stress, and for natural optimists, who can finally learn the tools of sharing their joy with others. The Yoga of Laughter is not a set of physical exercises, but a mental training, and is therefore recommended for anyone who thinks that their life could use a bit more laughter.
Any place is good for a laugh yoga class
Source: Dzień Dobry TVN / X- news