30 Day Shred Jillian Michaels is an effective way to get rid of unwanted kilos, as confirmed by the opinions of thousands of fans of the American trainer. The effect of Jillian's 30-day training program is a loss of up to 9 kg, a decrease in circumference in the most problematic areas of the body (abdomen, hips, thighs) and a firm, sculpted figure. See what Jillian Michaels training is all about and see what effects you will get thanks to 30 Day Shred.
30 Day Shredis an iconic exercise program taken byJillian Michaels , an American fitness trainer. Daily training takes less than 30 minutes, but it gives you an amazing result - thanks to a combination of aerobic and strengthening exercises. The combination of these two types of effort allows you to increase the fat burning process to the maximum. Effect? In no time, you burn as much body fat as you would never get rid of by doing separate cardio and strength exercises.
30 Day Shred - training rules
To train with Jillian Michaels, you only need a pair of 1.5-2 kg weights. No other tools are needed.
The Jillian Michaels training program lasts 30 days (without a single day's break) and consists of three parts:
- LEVEL 1- you perform for the first 10 days. The exercises at this stage include: Push-ups, squats with dumbbells, lunges with dumbbells, rompers, imitation of jumping rope, several types of crunches and various techniques of lifting weights.
- LEVEL 2- more difficult training that you do every day for the next 10 days. The exercises are modified so that they require more effort (e.g. instead of regular push-ups - walking push-ups, instead of running in place - running with high knee lift, etc.). At this stage, you can see the first visible effects of your effort.
- LEVEL 3- exercises more or less on the same difficulty level as level 2, but a bit more technically demanding - e.g. plank with arm extension. There are also new cardio exercises, such as mountain climbers. You do this training for the last 10 days of the challenge.
Each level consists of 3 circuits, which in turn consist of strength (3 minutes), aerobic (2 minutes) exercises andabdominal muscles (1 min). The total duration of one training session is approx. 30 minutes - including warm-up and stretching.
Check out the 30 Day Shred excerpts on the video
This will be useful to youIn 30 Day Shred Jillian Michaels is accompanied by 2 other girls - one of them, Anida, performs exercises with a lower degree of difficulty, e.g. instead of full squats with dumbbells, she does half-squats, and she does cardio exercises at a slower pace. Thanks to this, even complete beginners can join the 30 Day Shred and successfully complete this training program.
The second trainer, Natalie, does exercises for the more advanced. It can be imitated by girls who have more experience in training.
Effects 30 Day Shred
After 30 days of practicing with Jillian Michaels, you can count on the following effects:
- weight loss- most girls lose about 3 kg within a month. At first glance, this is not an impressive result, but you have to remember that training involves a lot of strength exercises that turn fat into muscle - and these weigh more than fat. In addition, 3 kg is lost by people who exercise, but eat normally, while diet is responsible for 70% of success in losing weight. Jillian Michaels argues that if you combine her training with proper nutrition, you can lose up to 9 kg;
- circumference decrease- after 30 days you are almost guaranteed that your thighs, stomach or hips will be 2-3 cm thinner. However, it all depends on the initial amount of adipose tissue in your body - on Western Internet forums there are many entries of girls who lost a total of about 30 cm in their circuits after training with Jillian Michaels!
- shapely body- buttocks become lifted, firmer and more elastic. The waist is more clearly outlined, and the bust is optically larger, because the muscles of the chest and back are strengthened, which makes you walk more upright. The legs and arms are more slender, but not muscular. 30 Day Shred will not make you look like a bodybuilder, but only emphasize your natural shapes;
- resilient skin- training will make you forget about cellulite, folds and shaking "jelly". Under the influence of exercises with Jillian, the skin becomes smoother, tighter, better supplied with blood and oxygenated. This applies to every area of the body, including the arms and back;
- stronger muscles- trainings not only strengthen the muscles located just under the skin, but also their deeper layers, the so-called core, i.e. a muscle corset. They are involved in work during exercises such as plank or dumbbell liftingone leg - there are plenty of them in the Jillian training set. Strong deep muscles are responsible for e.g. for maintaining the correct posture and for the spine's resistance to overload;
- better condition and endurance- Jillian Michaels does not slow down throughout the training - you do not have a single minute to rest! This training regimen makes your body resistant to strenuous exercise. The circulatory system adapts to higher loads, the heart pumps more blood, and the circulation improves. After completing 30 Day Shred, you will definitely not get out of breath.
Who is 30 Day Shred Recommended for?
30 Day Shred is a suitable training program for overweight women who would like to lose weight. For the best results, your daily training should be combined with your diet.
Jillian Michaels exercises will also work for girls who have normal BMI, but struggle with cellulite and folds. Due to the fact that the training shapes and firms the body, it can help in getting rid of the subcutaneous fat (the so-called skinny fat).
Worth knowingAbout Jillian Michaels
Jillian Michaels (born 1974) is an American personal trainer from California. She is the author of books on he alth and slimming and training programs, incl. 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, Body Revolution, BODYSHRED. Since 1993, she has obtained a number of coaching certificates, and is also a trainer and diet consultant. She gained popularity by being a juror in the popular reality showThe Biggest Loser , in which the winner is the person who managed to lose the most pounds.
Two of her books have been published in Poland so far:Master your metabolism(2009) andIdeal silhouette. My secret recipe for simple, fast and permanent weight loss(2013).