Holistic training is a method of strength training, the goal of which is the comprehensive and comprehensive development of muscles. Holistic exercises vary in terms of load and number of repetitions, which allows you to stimulate both types of muscle fibers to work: white, fast twitch, and red - slow twitch. The effect of holistic training is a harmoniously sculpted silhouette and an increase in strength and endurance.
Holistic training(Greekholos- all) is a modern approach to strength training. It is based on the selection of exercises and training series in such a way as to provide the muscles with comprehensive development in terms of mass, density and shape. It has been scientifically proven that training using the holistic method stimulates a much greater percentage of muscles to work than traditional strength exercises.
Holistic training requires good physical preparation, willpower, and the ability to concentrate. For this reason, it is intended for people who have at least one year of experience in strength training.
Holistic training - rules
Harmonious development of the figure takes place when two types of fibers are involved in the work, from which the muscles are built:
- white fibers (fast twitch) - they grow in response to training with high weights and low repetitions;
- red fibers (slow-twitch) - respond best to training with lower loads and more repetitions.
In order to shape the white and red muscle fibers at the same time, a comprehensive training should be used, varied in terms of load and the number of repetitions performed. Such training should consist of 4 phases:
- light phase , or warm-up - aims to prepare the body for increased effort. It consists of 15 repetitions of the basic exercise in 1-2 series. The exercise cannot be performed with a load greater than 60% of the maximum weight (CM);
- heavy phase , or power phase - is the most intense, it is used for 2 series of exercises with 90% CM at high pace (4-6 repetitions each). Then, the maximum stimulation of white fibers to growth takes place. The risk of injury also increases, so it's important not to skip the warm-up;
- transition phase- consists in performing 1-2 series with a large number of repetitions in order tostimulating the growth of red and white muscle fibers (8-10 repetitions with a load of up to 80% CM);
- descent phase- perform 1 series in 10-15 repetitions with constant muscle tone during the ascent and descent phase (50-60% CM). Red fibers are at their maximum fatigue.
Holistic training - example exercises
Exercises for the spine:
- dropping the barbell - a basic exercise with a barbell, in which, while standing apart, tilt the body almost parallel to the ground and lift the barbell with both hands to the level of the abdomen;
- pulling the handle of the lift (narrow grip) - involves pulling the lift stick towards the abdomen, while keeping your back straight;
- Pulling the vertical lift to the chest with a wide grip - while sitting, pull the lines of the upper lift to the height of the chest.
See also: Exercises for the back - 10 exercises to strengthen the back muscles
Watch the video where the personal trainer shows how to do some exercises in holistic training
Exercises for arms and shoulders:
- bending the arms with the barbell on the prayer book - while sitting, lean your elbows on the prayer book and pull the barbell towards your chest. The exercise strongly builds up the biceps;
- Pressing dumbbells while sitting - consists in bending the arm with the bar in a sitting position, leaning the elbow on the knee;
- raising arms sideways while standing - holding dumbbells in both hands, move straight arms to the sides and lower along the body;
- bench press French dumbbells - this exercise is perfect for developing triceps. It consists in lifting a dumbbell up and down behind the head. You can do them with both hands or with one hand.
Check out: 7 dumbbell exercises for shoulders
Leg exercises:
- leg extensions on the machine - while sitting, place both feet behind the machine handles, and then straighten the legs at the knees by lifting the weight;
- bending the legs with dumbbells while lying down - holding the dumbbell attached to the feet, lie down on a horizontal bench on the stomach and bend the legs in the knee to a right angle;
- toe-climb while standing - after placing your feet slightly apart, we climb on your toes, trying to get as high as possible. To make it more difficult, the exercise can be performed with a barbell.
Exercises for the chest:
- bench press - this is lifting a barbell or dumbbells lying down, lifting weights above the chest to straightenhands;
- flyers - while lying on the bench, take turns raising the dumbbells above the head and lowering it to the sides, until the chest muscles are fully stretched.