The development of HST (overload) training is the result of research on muscle development. It has been proven that muscle growth is most effective when it is under the influence of mechanical loads, hence overload training. Hypertrophy-Specific Training is today the best and fastest way to increase muscle mass and strength.
The HST (Hypertrophy-Specific Training) training systemwas developed by Bryan Haycock - bodybuilding enthusiast, looking for the most effective training that will build his muscle mass. It was he who discovered that muscle hypertrophy (growth of muscle cells) can be induced by appropriate training in accordance with the principles of cellular physiology.
HST training is a specific type of bodybuilding training. Specific, because it puts the greatest emphasis on the load on the muscles, which is to cause the phenomenon of hypertrophy in them. HST differs from other bodybuilding trainings in that its assumptions include changes that take place at the cellular level in the muscles. Thanks to careful research on the muscles and the use of specialized, even laboratory knowledge, it was possible to create a training that would lead to the most effective increase in muscle mass. Research has also shown that the intensity and intensity of the training so far do not reflect the effectiveness.
HST training - rules
HST training is based on four basic principles that must be dutifully followed. Only then will the exercises bring the expected results.
1. The principle of mechanical loading.This is the basic principle of HTS training. It forces the exercising person to load the muscles mechanically. Load is the most effective stimulus for the growth of muscle mass. For this reason, HTS training requires exercises with weights.
2. The principle of strong muscle stimulation.This principle is a kind of contradiction to the accepted canons of bodybuilding training. While classic training often trains individual muscle groups once a week, in HTS this frequency must be 3 times higher. Research on muscle cells has shown that each muscle grows only for 48 hours after training, after which the muscle does not grow any more, and the only job it does is to maintain nitrogen balance. Byincrease the effectiveness of exercise, HTS training assumes that the muscles should be stimulated preferably three times a week. This makes the muscle mass constantly increase.
3. The principle of increasing the load.In order to maximize the effectiveness of training, muscles should be stimulated by giving them variable stimuli. These impulses for work are loads. It is very important to systematically increase the load in HTS training, so as not to accustom the muscles to exercise on one level and thus - not to make them lazy. Only this will give the muscles hypertrophy. The most popular rule is to increase the load by 5% in each training, although you can also assume, for example, different height for different muscle groups.
4. Principle of the stages of detraining.Breaks after completed training cycles are very important in HST training. A training cycle in which the load increases from training to training should last from 6 to 8 weeks. When load maximization is achieved, there should be a longer break: 9-12 days. We call it detraining and during this time you absolutely rest from training. This is the time necessary for the regeneration of muscles and getting used to stress. All this to make the next training cycle after the break effective and continuous progress.
HST training - detailed guidelines
- Division into training macro- and microcycles.Assuming that you train 3 times a week, two weeks of training are called a microcycle. The macrocycle consists of four microcycles, i.e. 8 training weeks. The division of the training plan into cycles allows you to define, among others the number of repetitions of the exercises, e.g. in the first microcycle should be 15, in the second 10, in the third 5. In the fourth microcycle, one of several variants can be used, e.g. dropset.
- Avoiding muscle collapse.In HST training, do not exercise until you drop down to the last possible repetition. This is the so-called muscle collapse that overloads the nervous system responsible for strength. It is impossible to quickly regenerate such a system between one training session and the next, so the next training session may not be as efficient as it should be.
- Maximum load.Never start HST training with maximum weight, as it should increase with each training. Maximum load is practiced in the final microcycle training. It is important to do a weight-bearing progression both from training to training and from cycle to cycle.
- HST training volume.This value depends on the predisposition of the exerciser. Training volume should be based on your physical sensations,accompanying trainings. Pain in muscles or joints, insomnia and long-term fatigue are indications for shorter training. However, remember that it is normal to feel slightly overtrained. This shouldn't exempt anyone from training.
- Training plan.Varied exercises give the best results. The total training time should be at least 40 minutes.
- Diet adjusted to training.No HST training will bring the expected results if not supported by a proper diet. Nutrition should be strictly adjusted to the specificity of training.
HST training - sample training plan
In the case of HST, the training volume is less important than the mechanical load, planned progression, training frequency and detraining, and these factors mainly affect the effectiveness of training. Therefore, the number of exercises in the cycle should be an individual matter, not imposed on everyone in the same way.
At the beginning of your adventure with HST exercises, it is worth adjusting the working weight to your abilities. The most important thing is to remember to increase this weight to achieve progress.
Sample warm-up: 5 minutes - stationary bike, gymnastic exercises.
Warming up with weights is only required for 10 and 5 repetitions. With 15 repetitions, the load is not heavy and does not require a separate warm-up. When training 10 repetitions - we do 1 series with 70% of the working weight in 5 repetitions. For 5 repetitions - we do 1 series with 50% working weight in 5 repetitions, then 1 series with 70% working weight in 3 repetitions, 1 series with 80% working weight in 2 repetitions. The working load is the weight that will be our load in training.
Sample set of HST exercises (for beginners):
- squats with a barbell, deadlifts (we do exercises interchangeably with each training),
- barbell press (inclined bench),
- barbell row,
- press the barbell behind the neck,
- inflating on the handrails,
- chin-ups (narrow grip),
- curls and squeezing.
Number of repetitions:according to the microcycle, i.e. in the first microcycle, there should be 15 repetitions in each series of exercises, in the second one 10, in the third and fourth 5.
Number of series:2 series for large muscle groups, 1 series for small muscle groups.
Repetition pace:Should be similar in each training session. The concentric phase (movement towards you, i.e. the one that shortens the muscle) must be dynamic, and the eccentric phase (movement away from you as the muscle lengthens) must be slowed down. Motionmust be full, undecided.
HST training - opinions
HST training is highly effective. It is appreciated by bodybuilders who count on a quick effect of increasing muscle mass. Exercises quickly see progress - both in the volume of muscles and the strength they gain. The greatest increase in muscle mass is noticed by the exercisers at the end of the cycle, and clear progress can be seen from training to training.
However, it must also be admitted that it is a difficult and exhausting training, so you need a lot of motivation to finish it. For this reason, it is also not suitable for amateurs and people who are just starting their adventure with bodybuilding. First of all, you need to learn the technique of performing individual exercises with weights and only then start training.
HST training also requires meticulous notes from training plans, so it is aimed at people who are conscientious in this regard. It will also not work for those who like to diversify their workouts and sometimes go beyond the training plan. In this case, you must not do it.
Worth knowingAdvantages of HST training:
- high efficiency,
- strictly defined rules,
- load progression for up to 8 weeks,
- 3 trainings a week are enough.
Disadvantages of HST training:
- small training volume,
- modest share of isolated exercises,
- need for meticulous notes,
- lack of freedom of training, monotony,
- severe restrictions on the training program.