Although a he althy lifestyle dominates among women, it still happens that ladies dream of going to the gym and building a perfect figure, but they are still full of uncertainty. Often these fears are wrong, and when we start strength training, we find that it has more advantages than disadvantages.
Attending the gym has become extremely fashionable. Even in the last century, it was mainly men who frequented the gym, but everything changed when a sports lifestyle and taking care of your body became popular also among women. More and more ladies attend the gym, and recently there are also special fitness clubs designed only for women! No wonder, as many women still have concerns about going to the gym.
The reasons may be different: judgment, mocking comments, prying eyes of men, but also fear of excessive body development or loss of female values. However, most of these fears are wrong and in fact the gym is a friendly place to meet people with passion, build a beautiful female body and just have fun!
Women are afraid of the "packer" silhouette
Strength training won't make a man out of a woman! Due to their genetics, women have a completely different physique and endocrine system than men. This is why they have more fatty tissue that accumulates in the hips and buttocks and breasts. All thanks to a large amount of estrogen - the female hormone, and a smaller amount of testosterone - the male hormone.
Women genetically have a much smaller amount of muscle tissue and therefore it is much harder for them to enlarge any muscle. Even heavy loads in the gym will not cause a sudden increase in muscle mass, which is why women have to work for years. For this you need not only heavy loads and hard bodybuilding training, but also a proper diet rich in protein and various types of nutrients.
Strength training for women, whether with the weight of your own body or with dumbbells, contrary to appearances, can only help, and not harm our figure. The thing about strength training is that it shapes the body. Appropriate exercises can make a given part of the body firmer on the one hand and enlarge a given part of the body on the other.
IfWe want to enlarge, for example, the buttocks, we should arrange the training in such a way as to perform exercises for this part with the use of larger weights with a small number of repetitions in the series and longer breaks between them. If we want to slim down, for example, legs, then we choose low loads and perform more dynamic exercises with a large number of repetitions and a short rest between sets. This pattern is of course an example, but quite universal.
The key to achieving the dream effects thanks to the gym is the skillful selection of exercises and type of training for yourself.
To emphasize the advantages of a female figure, it is worth focusing on training the buttocks, thighs, abdomen and upper body parts. The gluteal muscles will be most stimulated with hip thrusts, deadlifts, squats, and back and side swings. On the other hand, dynamic exercises such as jumping jacks, jumping rope and jumping rope will work well for the thighs. If you want a flat stomach and strong back, all you need to do is perform all kinds of stabilization exercises and exercises that strengthen the deep muscles, e.g. bird dog, superman, plank.
To achieve slim and strong arms and back, we only need small dumbbells or bottles of water, with which we will be able to perform all kinds of arm abduction or bench press. Sometimes even the weight of your own body is enough for our figure to become slim, firm and sculpted. Those who want stronger sensations and effects can successfully reach for heavier weights and specialized strength training. The only thing that limits us in building a body is ourselves!
Women are afraid of losing their breasts
Let's settle it once and for all - the bust does not decrease due to exercise, it decreases due to fat loss! And now in turn. A woman's breasts are made up of fat, glands, and muscles.
When we lose weight, we lose body fat evenly from all over the body, so also from around the bust. In a situation where we do a lot of exercises and trainings that accelerate metabolism and fat burning, our bust may additionally "lose" it, but it is not exercise that directly contributes to breast loss.
We can do interval training without using the chest muscles, and there is a risk that it is the fat from the bust that will decrease from this type of training. It all depends on the pace of our metabolism and whether we are focused on the process of losing body fat.
Women who have a breast structure in which the fat tissue outweighs the glands, the more they will beexposed to malignant breasts.
However, there are effective ways to maintain your preferred bust size. These are exercises! Thanks to appropriate exercises, involving the chest muscles, we can increase the circumference of the muscles, firm them and lift the bust up. This will be favored by all kinds of push-ups, boards and dumbbells to the side as well as pressing dumbbells or barbells while lying down.
Of course, our bust may decrease a bit when we start playing sports, but if we are focused not only on fat loss, but also on strengthening and building muscles, this loss will be insignificant, and we will gain a firm and raised breasts.
Women are ashamed of their imperfect figure
Before activating any fears related to going to the gym, we must remember that each of us once took our first steps there. It is obvious that at the beginning of the adventure with the gym, we are beginners, both in using it and performing the first workouts. We cannot care about the opinion of others and let them be more important than ourselves.
In the beginning, it is worth choosing simpler machines and equipment, such as dumbbells or a treadmill.
We shouldn't expect too much from ourselves - let's take the first steps in the gym with the help of instructors, and leave complicated machines for more experienced people. At the beginning, it is worth choosing the simplest machines and equipment that each of them has used somewhere, but in a different form. We are talking about, for example, a treadmill, stationary bike or dumbbells.
If we are fully convinced of the lack of any coordination and fitness skills and have never practiced any sport, we can ask for help from a qualified gym instructor. There is nothing to be ashamed of! His task is to help and advise people in the gym, especially those who are initially unable to cope. We can also go to the gym with a friend who has already gained some experience there or simply ask a stranger for help - sport connects people!
Ladies don't like sexist remarks
It happens that women do not want to go to the gym because they are afraid of male looks and are ashamed to do their training freely. These fears would have been true a few years ago, but nowadays you can meet both women and men at the gym. It often happens that the ladies show more attendance at the gym! For this reason, the approach of men to women training in the gym has changed a lot and most often they treat them with due diligencerespectful, as equal to equal.
However, it happens that sometimes you still come across a lack of class and good manners. How to fix it? The type of people we meet in such a place depends on the gym we choose.
It often happens that ladies show a greater attendance at the gym!
The only solution is to look for it. We cannot allow ourselves to give up the gym just because we are afraid of the comments and glances of men. There are tons of effective ways to deal with embarrassing situations. However, not every woman will have the courage and confidence to take matters into her own hands.
Then the gyms intended only for women come to the rescue! In each larger city, we can find from a few to a dozen such institutions. It is a perfect solution for all women who cannot exercise at home but want to work on their figure.
They don't know how to start
If we would like to go to the gym, but we simply do not know how to start training, it is enough to go to the gym instructor for advice or decide on personal training. The gym instructor will show us how to use the selected machines and will tell us what will be good for us to start with. If we want to exercise according to a specific training plan and preferably under the close supervision of a trainer, then it is worth signing up for personal training. This is the safest start to your gym adventure.
If this does not convince us and we are still ashamed to ask for help, it is worth looking for information on the Internet. Nowadays, it is not a problem to find professional instructional videos and proven tips on how to use machines, what training to do and how to start exercising in the gym. For those who want nothing difficult!