Popping is a street dance style that was defined in the 1970s. Popping was born on the West Coast of the United States among the African American community, and has gained popularity around the world over time. Popping is sometimes called robot dance, although this is only one technique. Read the history of popping and learn about its most popular figures.
- Popping: story
- Popping: dance characteristics
- Popping: types of figures
Poppingis a dance that requires a dancer, or rather a popper, because that's the name of those who have mastered this style, high accuracy of movements and very high efficiency, not to say - flexibility.Poppinghowever is a very spectacular street dance style.
Popping: story
Popping is believed to have originated in 1974 in Fresno, California. Its originators are considered to be members of the Electric Boogaloos group: two brothers Boogaloo Sam and Popin 'Pete, as well as Skeeter Rabbit, Suga Popa and Mr. Wiggles. In fact, however, it is difficult to unequivocally confirm that this was where it started, because the style was formed earlier.
The term "popping" was first used in 1999 by Popin 'Pete, irritated by the constant confusion of popping with break dance. The difference between popping and break dance, however, is large: popping requires the dancer to stay upright (except for the rare moments of getting down on your knees or going to the dance floor), and break dance is mostly based on horizontal movements. Where exactly does the name "popping" come from? Every time Boogaloo Sam was contracting his muscles, he would pronounce the word "pop".
Breakdance: description of the dance, history and types of figures
Dancehall: a dance to make you love your body
Hip hop: description and history of dance. Basic steps
Popping has its roots in 1970s funk and disco, but as its popularity grew, it began to be danced to electro and new wave. Popping along with locking is counted as funky styles. Bands and artists favorite by poppers are: Kraftwerk, Twightlight 22, World Class Wreckling Crew and Egyptian Lover. With time, people started to dance popping to almost all kinds of music, but most often it happens to be hiphop and various types of electronics.
It is worth adding that as a result of the rapid development of this style, the term "popping" began to be used both for the dance style and one of its substyles.
See a popping show
Popping: dance characteristics
Popping is a technique of tightening and relaxing the muscles in such a way that they create a jerking effect. To achieve this effect, the popper performs two types of movements: doing pop, which is to quickly tighten the muscles, and doing hit - relaxing them equally efficiently.
There are also variations where the popper uses specific parts of the body, incl. leg pops, i.e. leg pops, pop arm, i.e. arm or hand movement, neck pops - neck movements and chest pops - chest pops. The combination of these movements - the simultaneous movement of the lower and upper body - makes popping a very expressive style. Dancers often take longer breaks (stopping on a dime) between the tension and relaxation of their muscles and the transition from one position to another.
Popping is sometimes called a robot dance, but not entirely right - apart from clearly "stiff" movements, the popper can also present very fluid movements. What is important in popping is the expression of the popper, especially his facial expressions, which together with his movements create a harmonious whole. Even though these movements are sometimes separated by distinct pauses, popping is a very fluid style.
Popping: types of figures
The most popular popping figures are:
- Animation- the dancer imitates the movements of characters from movies, cartoons.
- Boogaloo- the "rubber man" movements, when the dancer seems to have no muscles, moves smoothly around the stage.
- Bottom first- the dancer twists his lower body first and then the upper one joins it.
- Fresno- a movement that takes its name from the home town of Electric Boogaloo. It is based on the fact that the dancer transfers the weight of the body from one leg to the other while moving from side to side at the same time.
- Miming- the popper mimics a mime, moving to the rhythm of a specific music.
- Old Man- movement to mimic the movement of an old man - legs and torso move "separately" - first one part of the body moves, then another.
- Pop- tightening and relaxing muscles, basic popping movement.
- Puppet- the popper makes movements that resemble the movement of a puppet.
- Roboting- the dancer moves as if he were a robot.
- Scarecrow- thanks to this techniquepopper resembles a scarecrow - the creators of this type of movement were inspired by "The Wizard of Oz".
- Waving- the popper moves as if there is a wave flowing through his body.
- Vibration- the popper tightens the muscles in such a way that they vibrate.
Why is it worth dancing?
This will be useful to youMeet other types of dance:
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- samba
- bachata
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- jazz
- swing
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- flamenco
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