A fitness diet must contain a certain amount of calories and nutrients. Regular fitness classes will ensure body shaping, slimming and improving the condition, provided that the diet is properly composed for this effort. See an example menu for a woman exercising aerobics, zumba, body pump etc.
What should be the correctfitness diet(women regularly attending fitness classes)?
The most common mistakes made by women who are dieting are intense exercise and a low-calorie slimming diet. Many of them decide to move every day and it doesn't matter if it's Zumba, interval training or body pump. Weight stops dropping quite quickly, adipose tissue begins to grow. There is also fatigue, difficulty concentrating and finally you give up both diet and fitness.
Why is this happening? Because the body, exhausted by too much effort, will produce excessive amounts of stress hormones, including cortisol, and will try to keep every calorie you eat, even if it comes only from lettuce.
Fitness diet: rules
Diet should be low-fat with slightly more carbohydrates or energy for exercise, and more protein to repair and rebuild muscles. Vegetable and fruit juices should be included in your diet as they are rich in antioxidants and increase the feeling of fullness due to their high fiber content. Proteins should come from meat, lean dairy products and legumes - a variety of protein sources will provide combinations of different amino acids with different absorption times.
Below is an example menu.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreNutritional value: energy 1680 kcal; carbohydrates 169.6g; protein 127.3 g; fat 54.5g
Breakfast (395 kcal)
Eat egg sandwiches for breakfast
Prepare: 2 hard-boiled eggs, a slicepumpernickel bread, a teaspoon of hummus, chopped chives, grapefruit.
Brush the bread with paste, put eggs cut into thick slices, sprinkle with chives. Eat the fruit or drink the juice that has been pressed out of it.
Snack (110 kcal)
Prepare: cucumber, ½ peppers cut into pieces, a tablespoon of hummus.
Cut the vegetables into strips and eat each slice in the hummus.
Lunch (470 kcal)
Eat grilled salmon with vegetables for dinner.
Prepare: Salmon (150 g), a teaspoon of olive oil, a glass of cooked green beans, balsamic vinegar, herbs and spices, lemon juice to sprinkle the salmon, a glass of your favorite lettuce.
Rub the salmon with spices, drizzle with olive oil and fry in a grill pan. Eat with lettuce seasoned with balsamic sauce and beans sprinkled with sesame seeds, or fresh herbs.
Snack (271 kcal)
Prepare cottage cheese with fruit for tea (perfect as a post-workout meal)
Prepare: a glass of low-fat cottage cheese, a tablespoon of flaxseeds, a glass of seasonal fruit: strawberries or raspberries (you can add frozen fruit in the off-season).
Mix or blend the ingredients.
Dinner (431 kcal)
Eat chicken with vegetables and rice for dinner.
Prepare: chopped chicken breast (150 g), teaspoon of ginger, teaspoon of chili sauce, teaspoon of soy sauce, teaspoon of olive oil, chopped red pepper, red onion sliced, 3-4 tablespoons of whole grain rice.
Mix the chopped chicken with a marinade made of sauces and ginger. Stew the onion and pepper in a frying pan, add the chicken and brown. Finally, add the cooked rice. Sprinkle with your favorite herbs before serving.