Argentine tango is a very sensual dance, full of passion and elegance at the same time. The steps of tango are not difficult - just learn a few basic ones, and then interweave and slightly modify them to impress the audience. Find out about the Argentine tango and learn the basic steps.

Tangois a type of ballroom dance originating in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Montevideo (Uruguay).The tango danceis based on the musical form of the same name. The tempo of the music is slow, 2/4 even time. A characteristic instrument of tango music is the bandoneon.

Currently, there are several types of tango: Argentine tango, American tango, Finnish tango and international tango.Argentine tango , unlike other varieties, is based on improvisation and constant development. Classic Argentine tango is characterized bysensuality and closeness to partners . It is an extremely emotional variety of dance dominated by sadness, drama, romanticism and melancholy.

Argentine tango - dance history

Primitive forms of tango began to emerge at the end of the 18th century. Tango comes from the Spanish habanera and flamenco traditions that have been mixed with candombe and transplanted into South America by African slaves.

"Candombe" is a style of music based on the drumming characteristic of Bantu tribes. This style of music originated in Montevideo, where African slaves sang and danced candombe in street parades. They repeated the words "cum-tan-go" in the chorus, from which the name "tango" derives. "Candombe", on the other hand, turned into a "milonga".

Tango (dance and music) is part of the world's intangible cultural heritage of mankind and was entered on the UNESCO list of intangible heritage in 2009.

The style of dance that originated around 1900 in Buenos Aires and Montevideo was calledArgentine tango . Initially, this dance was performed in various types of premises and brothels. It was the only type of dance, apart from w altz and polka, in which the partners hugged each other. The distinguishing feature of Argentine tango wasimprovisation . You could dance differently to the same musicfigures and steps.

Tango - from Argentina to Paris

In 1911, Argentine novelist and poet Ricardo Guiraldes wrote a poem and danced the tango in front of an audience at a venue in Paris. Thanks to him, tango gained immense popularity among the upper social classes in Paris, and then all over Europe.In 1913, the Argentine tango became the most popular type of dance in the world . Due to the erotic nature of dance, tango gave freedom to women and allowed freedom of movement. However, not everyone supported this kind of entertainment. The indecent dance was criticized by Pope Pius X.

Argentine tango gained particular popularity in interwar Poland. It was present in movies, cabarets and even commercials. Mieczysław Fogg sang them and were performed by such stars as Lucyna Messal or Hanka Ordonówna.

Tango has gained popularity not only as a dance, but also as a piece of music. The development of sound cinema was initiated by the use of tango musical themes in various types of films. For the time being, the dance overshadowed the development of sung tango, which took place in Argentina in the 1920s.

After 1955, due to the introduction of the state of emergency in Argentina, tango was significantly reduced. Clubs where tango was danced were inspected and a curfew was introduced. The popularity of this dance has decreased due to unfavorable conditions in the country. Only after 1986 did tango bloom again. It became a symbol of Argentina and gained a renewed fame around the world that continues to this day.

Argentine tango - dance characteristics

Argentine tango, unlike other varieties of tango, does not undergo standardization. It is characterized primarily by improvisation and the closeness of partners. The improvisation concerns both the figures, decorations, ways of holding, and the speed of their execution.

Tango is an extremely emotional dance, dominated by violent movements. They show the emotions and feelings of the partners. Closeness and sudden turns are meant to reflect a marital quarrel.

Argentine tango has its own label, called cabeceo. It is a way of asking to dance using eye contact and head movement. A man invites you to dance, looking into the eyes of the chosen woman. If a woman maintains eye contact, it means that she is agreeing to dance. The man, still looking into her eyes, is obliged to approach her and lead her to the dance floor. However, if a woman turns her head, it is a sign that she does not want to dance and refuses the invitation. After taking his partner out to the dance floor, the man can choose the method of holding (near or far), which onethe woman must accept.

Argentine tango - basic steps

The dancer should be on the right side of the dancer. A man should put his right arm around her and put his left hand at an acute angle. A woman should have her right hand vertical and her left hand horizontal. Tango legs are placed straight, "from the heel", not from the toes. The steps are called staccato, which means they are not sliding. The time signature is 2/4 and the tempo is 31-33 bars per minute.

The most popular tango figures are: salida, cruzada, resolucion, calesita, boleo, gancho, sandwich, square, ocho, parade, volcada, traspié.

See Basic Argentine Tango Steps

Argentine tango - types

Argentine tango has variations such as:

  • tango vals- a type of tango danced to the music in the rhythm of a w altz.
  • tango milonga- in 1932 Sebastian Piana created a new melodic and harmonic structure for the then popular rural milongas. The new style has become more dynamic than the melancholic tango. The milonga are characterized by dynamism and quick steps that accentuate the strong rhythm of the music.
  • tango nuevo- this style is also called neotango. It is characterized by a dynamic lead of the partner that alternates between close and open holding. It is also danced to electronic or alternative music. One of the most outstanding representatives of this type of dance is Astor Piazzolla.
  • tango lounge- characterized by a V-shaped hold. This style has variations and was danced in a more sophisticated part of Buenos Aires.
  • international tango- a dance style distinguished by a characteristic head movement from one side to the other.
This will be useful to you

Meet other types of dance:

  • Viennese w altz
  • rumba
  • samba
  • bachata
  • jazz
  • swing
  • cha-cha
  • rock and roll
  • hip-hop
  • breakdance
  • dancehall
  • pole dance (pole dance)
  • zumba
  • flamenco
  • bokwa
  • belly dance
