Morning exercise will get you on your feet better than a cup of strong coffee. In addition, they will be a great preparation for an active day, will charge you with positive energy and will facilitate slimming. Check out photos and descriptions of the best exercises to do right after you wake up.
If you have problems getting up every morning and you struggle withsleepinessuntil noon, start your day with simpleexercises- they will take little time, and they will allow you to quickly shake off your sleep and give you vigor.
You will gain a good mood thanks to morning gymnastics
Morning exercises perfectly stretch the muscles and warm up the joints, preparing them for activity during the day (for this reason, they are recommended, among others, in spine or knee pains). They do not require much effort, so they are not a shock to the body. They gradually "wake up" the muscles, improve blood circulation and - importantly for those on a diet - increase the metabolism for the whole day, thanks to which the body burns calories faster.
Gymnasticsin the morning also has a positive effect on the mood. During exercise, endorphins, called happiness hormones, are released. It is to them that we owe the surge of energy and the feeling of satisfaction. So we quickly get rid of sleepiness and welcome the day in a better mood. Morning exercises also give us the feeling that we have done something for ourselves. During the day, we may not have the opportunity to exercise, because in the whirlwind of duties it is difficult to find time for it. So let's use the morning for a short workout.
Start morning gymnastics without rushing
In the morning, the body doesn't like jerky movements, so let it wake up gradually. Take your time to get out of bed, stretch yourself lazily. Take a few deep breaths in and out. And then do the exercises presented. For example, if you suffer from backaches or your knee joints are bothering you, try to focus on these problems during your morning exercise. You can also massage the painful areas with a warming ointment.
Whenever you have the opportunity, start your morning exercises with cardio training, i.e. go outside and walk briskly for 15-20 minutes (jogging from time to time) or jump on a stationary bike for 15 minutes of exercise with the window slightly open. Such effort will greatly stimulate circulation and oxygenate the body, it will also helpburn fat tissue. After returning home, do our set of exercises.
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