It is worth introducing wrestling training to your daily exercises at home and in the gym. Why? It is not monotonous and does not threaten overload, but it helps to improve condition, fitness and shape the figure. Learn some examples of wrestling exercises that should be included in your sports activities.
Althoughwrestling trainingis primarily associated with strength and endurance, they are not sufficient in this area. Wrestlers also need to be agile, have a toned, flexible body, so their training is very versatile.
It is worth using somewrestling exercisesin your home training, because you do not need any equipment to do them. Their further advantage is the fact that these activities are not carried out in long and repetitive sessions, and when practicing them, there is no risk of overloading the muscles. Examples include jumps - onto a bench or a crate, jumps on one or both feet, tiger jumps, falls, high jumps, backflips or sprints with a rollover.
- It is very important to combine various forms of training, including elements of circuit, dynamic and endurance exercises. Simple general development exercises will also bring very good results - notes Mateusz Gucman, personal trainer of Monika Michalik, bronze medalist in wrestling (weight category 63 kg) at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Check out the list of exercises to do at home, taken from Monika Michalik's wrestling training.
Wrestling training: 6 exercises to do at home
1. Squat and jump
Stand upright with your legs shoulder-width apart. Then bend your legs at the same time and move your hips back so that your knees bend at a 90-degree angle. Make sure your feet are further forward than your knees at all times. Then throw your outstretched arms vigorously up and try to jump as high as possible. When landing, slightly bend your knees and go back to the squat. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
2. Track gait
Stand upright with your legs hip-width apart. Then, bend your torso forward and rest your palms on the ground. All the time keeping straight legs and tensing musclestorso, try to move your arms forward as far as you can. Make sure you keep your hips up at all times. Then return your palms to your feet. Do 9 repetitions of the exercise.
Before each wrestling session, warm up, for example in the form of dynamic stretching. Thanks to this, you will increase the mobility of your joints.
3. Lunges
Stand upright, slightly stretching. Lunge forward with one foot and bend the knee so that the thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your back straight at all times. Pushing off the heel, return to the starting position. Then repeat the movement with the other leg. Do 5 repetitions on each leg.
4. Board with hip lift
Begin the exercise with the plank position - leaning on your toes and forearms. Then lift your hips up as high as you can, and then lower them back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in 3-4 series of 6-8 repetitions.
5. Climbing in the support
Take the starting position for push-ups. Place your hands under your shoulders and place your feet on your toes so that your body forms a straight line from head to toe. Keep your back straight and your torso tight at all times. Bend your left knee and pull it towards your chest. Then, withdraw your foot and repeat this movement with the other leg. Do 10 repetitions of this exercise with each leg.
6. Deep pushups
This exercise can be performed on the feet or knees (women's push-ups). Do push-ups on two 12-15 cm long platforms. Remember that when doing this exercise, your chest goes very much below the level formed by the hands resting on the platforms.
7. Stretching
Stand with your back against the bench and then place one foot on it. Keep your other leg straight. Maintaining your position, walk down on one leg and then transfer your weight to the heel of the leg you are standing on. Repeat the exercises 10 times for each leg, in 3 series.
This will be useful to youWrestling training: what are the results?
Exercises taken from wrestling training improve the dynamics of movement, make the trainee more flexible. This type of activity also strengthens the legs (bending the legs while lying on the machine, lifting the legs while lying on a flat bench), arms and forearms (bending with a barbell, rowing with one arm in the torso drop), the muscles of the chest (push-ups), lower limbs (jump to the elevation) from place), upper back and abdominal muscles(lifting on the machine with a load in the overhang).
Wrestling training: 6 exercises to do in the gym
Exercises taken from wrestling training can be easily done at home, but enthusiasts of training with equipment in the gym will also find appropriate activities for themselves.
1. Barbell press on a flat bench
Lie on the bench, feet (slightly apart) firmly on the floor. Then, using the grip, grab the barbell in such a way that it is at a right angle halfway between the upper arm and the forearm. Keep your shoulder blades tightened and press your back and buttocks firmly against the bench. Inhale, bend your arms at the elbows, and slowly lower the barbell to your chest. Hold the barbell at this height for a while, then lift it up while exhaling. Remember that your straight arms should be accompanied by a tightly tied pectoral muscle. Then lift the barbell again - initially repeat the exercise in 3 series of 6 times.
2. Leg bending while lying on the machine
Lie on a horizontal bench - lower legs and knees should protrude beyond the bench. On the exhale, bend your legs to a right angle, and on the inhale, return to the starting position with straight legs. Repeat the exercise in 3 series of 8 times.
After the actual wrestling training, do relaxing and breathing exercises for 5-10 minutes.
3. Raising the legs while lying on a flat bench
Lie down on the bench, press your torso firmly against it, bend your legs slightly at the knees. Grasp the bar with your hands and while inhaling, lift your legs so that they are perpendicular to your body, and at the end of the lifting phase, breathe out. Then slowly - inhaling - lower your legs to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in 3 series of 10 times.
4. Barbell Curls
Stand upright with your legs shoulder-width apart. Then grab the bar with a shoulder-width shank and slightly bend your knees. Press your elbows firmly against the body so that the arms remain motionless during the exercise. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in 3 series of 8 times.
5. One-arm rowing with torso drop
Stand in a lunge with your knees slightly bent, with one foot placed forward. Lean down and, bending your knees even more, lower your torso so that it is almost parallel to the ground. The dumbbell should hang from the shoulder at the shoulder length. Then raise the dumbbell towards your chest, keeping your elbow close to your body. Hold this position for a while, then lower the dumbbell to the starting position.Repeat the exercise in 3 series of 8 times.
6. Weighted Leg Pull-ups
Squeeze the dumbbell between your feet (or place weights on both ankles). Grab the bar with the pull tab and keep your legs dangling freely. Then bend your knees and pull them under your stomach. Hold this position for a while, then slowly lower your legs with the dumbbells / weights down to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in 3 series of 6 times.
7. Jump on a platform from a place
A trestle, bench, box or step can be used as a platform. Kick off very energetically with both legs and jump on the item. Note - return to the starting position by going down from the platform, and not jumping down (so as not to burden your knees).