A protruding belly can occur even in a slim person. To get rid of it, you need to be on a diet as well as exercise. What? Those that combine aerobic and strength effort. See the 6 most effective exercises for a protruding stomach.
A protruding bellyis the result of excess fat around the waist and lower abdomen. Usually, it seems to us that in order to get rid of it, we need to do exercises involving the abdominal muscles, e.g. crunches. However, simple short circuits are not enough for it to take on perfect shapes. The combination of a good diet and fat burning exercise is the key to success.
Learn the most effectiveexercises for a protruding stomachand the rules that you should follow to keep it toned, slim and fat-free.
Sticking out belly - how to eliminate it?
First of all, in order for our belly to look attractive, we need to eat properly. Avoid junk food, high fat foods, and processed foods. It is also worth paying attention to the appropriate amount of protein in the diet, because those of plant origin in excess have bloating properties, and milk proteins favor the accumulation of water in the subcutaneous tissue. Too much simple carbohydrates is also not recommended, as it can lead to excessive abdominal fatness.
Sticking out belly - crunches won't help you get rid of it
To this day, it is difficult to refute the popular thesis thatyou will have a flat stomach from crunches. This is one of the modern training myths .
Make the belly in the kitchen. This is probably the most appropriate statement on this subject and this is where you have to start in the fight for a slim figure. However, diet alone is not enough to make our stomach look good. Theseexerciseshelp to firm it, slim it, give it appropriate features, but also strengthen it, thanks to which we maintain the correct body posture. The abdominal muscles are activated during almost every physical exertion, because they form the "corset" of our figure.
Let's think - each of us has them! So why do some people not see a carved "radiator", and instead a protruding belly covered with a sad, sagging skin? The answer is simple -too much tissueabdominal fat . It is not difficult to do the famous crunches or other typical strength exercises, becausefrom such exercises the percentage of body fat will not decrease, on the contrary, the waist circumference may increase .
The abdominal muscles act like any other. If we only exercise forcefully, they will grow. In addition, if we have a fairly large amount of fat, the abdomen may look even more voluminous. Such activities and poor diet only lead to frustration.
What steps should be taken to eliminate a protruding belly? You should do aerobic and interval training that works best to burn fat. For such exercises, you should choose those that strengthen the muscles and deprive us of the troublesome tire.
How to effectively get rid of a protruding belly?
It is enough that in addition to following the diet, you include the following exercises in your training plan.
1. Exercises for a sticking out belly: burpees
Burpees is one exercise consisting of 4 separate exercises: jump, squat, plank and push-up. We start by jumping with our arms outstretched, then bend down to the board and throw our legs backwards, do a push-up and jump with our feet to the hands so that we can stand up and return to the starting position.
This exercise is especially effective for our abdomen, because the muscles are tense all the time. And they must be, because if we relax them even for a moment, joint pains may appear. When we do not have a tense abdomen, the pelvis tilts, which is the so-called "duck's rump", which in turn causes pain in the lumbar region. This can be felt especially in the lower burpee positions. If you can't do a push-up, all you have to do is go down to the palm rest. It is one of the best exercises for both your abs and fat burning.
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2. Exercises for a sticking out belly: sprint
Sprint is another exercise that boosts your metabolism and helps you drop your belly.
Sprinting is best done by lifting your knees high. The pace should be fast. In this exercise, the abdominal muscles work by shortening them. It happens when the lower limbs come closer to the abdomen. When you lie on the mat and do sit-ups, you are doing the above-mentioned exercise, but it is not an exercise that is demanding enough for your body to give you spectacular results. In the standing position, our body has to do several times more work, additionally, by the pace of exercise, you liftblood pressure, and this causes fat burning.
3. Exercises for a sticking out belly: jumping with hip twist
This exercise works primarily with the oblique abdominal muscles. To do them, stand up straight with your feet together, then bend your arms and raise them to chest height so that the palms overlap. Jump up by twisting your hips to the right and left while not twisting your chest, which should be facing forward all the time. Here only the hips and legs are moving.
4. Exercises for a sticking out belly: jump squat
Jump squat is mostly known for buttock exercises, but note that the abdomen is working very hard here almost all the time.
Let's break this exercise down into prime factors: when we do the squat technically correctly, our pelvis must be retracted, i.e. it should be in a back inclination, that is, we must simply pin our buttocks to get this position. We know from the previous paragraphs that this position guarantees a tense belly, and without it we will never perform a squat correctly. The second jump squat exercise is to jump up and down again. As we soar up from such a challenging position, our abdominal muscles literally burn to make this heavy movement possible. In addition, the heart rate during the jump squat is very high, which will cause maximum calories to be burned.
5. Exercises for a sticking out belly: alternately raising the leg to the hand
The most famous variant of this exercise is the one performed on the mat. However, when standing, our body uses much more energy, which results in faster fat burning and calories. You just need to alternately bring your straightened leg closer to your hand and do it with the opposite limbs, i.e. when you raise your right hand, touch your left leg with it and vice versa. This exercise should be performed carefully and not too quickly to make our spine feel comfortable.

6. Plank, or the queen of exercises for a protruding belly
Plank is probably the most popular exercise for a flat stomach right now. It is safe to say that it is also one of the best. However, it is worth knowing how to correctly position yourself in the plank position performed in the elbow support and in the palm rest.
- plank in elbows (forearms) support:lie down on the mat and place your elbows under your shoulders so that your arms are parallel to each other. Place your toes up and lift your entire body up so that it forms a straight line. To achieve this, pull back the shoulder blades and remove the hump, and pinch the abdomen and buttocks firmly in such a way thatso as not to over-arch the lumbar region. If your bum sticks out too much, unfortunately you get tired for nothing, because your belly is not fully tense.
- plank in palm rest:place your palms parallel to each other so that they are above your shoulders. Keep your arms straight and throw your legs backwards on your toes. The technique is the same as for the elbow plank variant, but here you should pay special attention to the straight spine, especially the upper part of the spine, which likes to round.
Check also: A flat stomach in a week - diet and exercise for 7 days
Once you know how to properly exercise the plank, you can experiment with different plank variants. The fastest way to lose your belly sticking out is if you use a combination of plank and leg exercises, for example:
- mountain bike - fast bending of the legs to the chest in the palm support;
- forward-backward jumps - which we perform in the palm rest. We need to keep our feet together and make small jumps back and forth;
- hip twists - this exercise is done with the elbow support. You should rotate the pelvis alternately left and right. You can do it quickly or slowly and accurately, it's up to you;
- jumps from each other and towards each other - we prop ourselves on our arms and in a comfortable position we make the movement of the legs, as in the case of clowns, quite vigorously connecting and disconnecting the legs to a comfortable position;
- alternately lifting the legs - in the support on the elbows, alternately raise the straightened leg. It is important that the movement is slow and precise.
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Intervals - the most effective training, thanks to which you will get rid of your protruding belly
Standard abdominal exercises performed in intervals are a good alternative to aerobic exercise. You can even do them on the mat, it's important that you do them quite vigorously and with full commitment. The abdominal muscles are formed when we really feel a tense abdomen, so it's best to choose intervals so that the given exercise should be performed at least 30 seconds and rest between exercises for no more than 15 seconds.
If you really want a strong and visibly muscular stomach, you can do the exercises described in this article in the form of intervals. This will boost your metabolism to the maximum, burn fat tissue and beautifully sculpt your abdominal muscles, making it flat and free of excess fat.
REMEMBER!If you want to lose your belly sticking out:
- No.sit too long. In this position, the abdomen becomes slack and the muscles lose their firmness.
- Remember about a proper diet. Eat plenty of vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and drink plenty of water.
- Avoid excess fat and protein in your diet. Replace unhe althy fats with unsaturated fats such as nuts, bran, and avocados. If you choose meat, make sure it is lean poultry or fish.
- Avoid excessive amounts of dairy products, as they retain water in your body, cause gas (which makes your stomach stick out) and give you a feeling of heaviness.
- Do not give up on strength and strengthening exercises, but combine them with aerobics, because they help fight fat burning from the abdominal area.