3D chili diet is a diet based on 3 groups of spices: green, yellow and red. Green spices soothe the stomach, yellow ones suppress appetite, and red spices aggressively on fatty tissue. Thanks to this, when properly combined, the spices in the 3D chili diet constitute a three-dimensional calorie burning system. Check which specific spices belong to the green, yellow and red group and with what products they should be combined to effectively accelerate the weight loss process.
Spices in the 3D chili dietaccelerate metabolism, affect adipose tissue, and thus support the slimming process. All you need to do is choose the right amount of spices from a specific color group and combine them with the right products. Check how to combine spices in the 3D chili diet to create a three-dimensional calorie burning system.
3D chili diet - green spices
Green spices soothe the stomach and gently regulate its work. To find out, just drink water on an empty stomach with a few leaves of mint or lemon balm, and then eat a nutritious breakfast composed according to the principles of the 3D chili diet.
- basilcontains basil oil, which has relaxing properties and therefore regulates the rate of digestion;
- oreganocontains 3% of an essential oil, which includes: phenols, sesquiterpenes, catechins and flavonoids. Thanks to these active substances, oregano stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and bile, improves digestion and the absorption of nutrients by the body;
- sage- contains essential oil, bitterness and tannins, thanks to which it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and regulates intestinal peristalsis;
- rosemary- the leaves of this herb contain tannins, flavonoids, organic acids, triterpenes, phytosterols and mineral s alts, thanks to which they facilitate digestion, especially of fatty foods;
- peppermint- peppermint leaf, the main ingredients of which are peppermint oil, ascorbic acid, carotene and rutin, regulates the digestive process and increases the secretion of gastric juice;
- lemon balmcontains tannins, polyphenols and flavonoids, thanks to which it activates digestive juices, stimulates the production of bileand improves the work of the intestines.
- lovagecontains essential oils, organic acids, resins, thanks to which it soothes stomach aches, indigestion and improves metabolism.
3D chili diet - yellow spices
Yellow spices stimulate the stomach to secrete digestive juices, which is why nutritionists recommend seasoning your lunch dishes with them. In addition, yellow spices suppress the appetite and prevent unhe althy snacks until afternoon tea and even dinner.
- ginger , like paprika, it contains capsaicin, which increases the body temperature and the body uses up calories faster. However, be careful with the dosage of ginger, as too high a concentration of capsaicin in the body can cause drowsiness, nausea and dizziness;
- cinnamon- it is best to use cinnamon bark extract, which contains chromium. It is an element that is part of the so-called glucose tolerance factor - necessary for the proper metabolism of glucose, proteins and lipids, i.e. fats;
- cardamom- essential oils contained in cardamom have a relaxing effect on the stomach and stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, thus accelerating the metabolism;
- turmeric- turmeric is rich in curcumin, an ingredient that helps your stomach digest food better. In addition, curcumin prevents the formation of new vascular stromal cells, which are one of the building materials of adipose tissue;
- mustardstimulates the secretion of gastric juice, and thus faster digestion. Mustard is best eaten in the form of Russian or French mustard;
- Roman cumin(cumin) - stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and eliminates flatulence, therefore it works well as an addition to legumes; to maximize the properties of essential oils contained in cumin, it is best to toast it and grind it in a mortar just before adding it to the dish;
- yellow curryis a mixture of many of the above-mentioned spices, so a pinch of this Indian mixture supports the digestive system and speeds up the metabolism.
3D chili diet: red spices
Red spices are aggressive towards adipose tissue due to the content ofcapsaicin- a chemical compound found in all peppers. Red spices are therefore an obligatory ingredient in desserts or dinners, because thanks to capsaicin, unnecessary fat tissue will not be deposited in the body during sleep.
- chili pepper- of all red spicesit has the most aggressive effect on adipose tissue because it contains the most capsaicin. It quickly stimulates the body to burn fats and emit heat, thanks to which our metabolism rapidly accelerates. Therefore, it can be combined with, for example, chocolate, preferably bitter, which - according to Danish scientists - reduces the appetite for fatty and sweet food, causes long-lasting satiety and supports the circulatory system;
- cayenne pepperis actually ground cayenne pepper, just as chili contains capsaicin, which stimulates the thermogenesis process, thanks to which the body draws energy from stores stored in adipose tissue;
- sweet pepperhas a mild taste thanks to the lower capsaicin content. It does not act as aggressively on adipose tissue as the spicier-tasting varieties, but it is gentler on the stomach, and therefore has a positive effect on digestive processes. Therefore, it can be part of not only dinner, but also breakfast. Thanks to this, we will burn calories faster during the day;
- peperoniis a type of sweet pepper that is the perfect addition to slimming salads;
- black pepperthanks to the content of piperine - a compound that gives it its characteristic sharp and bitter taste, it prevents the formation of new fat cells;
- red curryis a mixture of powdered spices, mainly black pepper, chili and other varieties of peppers, thanks to which it works on adipose tissue with double strength;
- Sri Lankan curryis spicier in taste, making it more aggressive on body fat. The spices are roasted and roasted before mixing, which is why the curry is dark brown in color.