If overweight or obesity is your problem, be sure to have your blood sugar tested. Gaining weight is often associated with type 2 diabetes. Here are some simple, effective ways to avoid this chronic, life-shortening disease.
If your friends who are approaching 40 and weighing a little too much are overweight or at risk of obesity, look for people with normalsugar levels, it would turn out that more than 1/4 of them are not within the norm. At best, this is pre-diabetes, at worstdiabetes .
Diabetes takes years to develop
Diabetes sometimes only begins to show symptoms after a few years: recurrent mycosis, deteriorating eyesight, itching of the skin, erectile dysfunction are just some of the symptoms. It is estimated that today diabetes is a problem for about 2.5 million Poles, and half of them have no idea that they are ill.
Sugar research and lifestyle changes
When the disease develops, you need to check the level ofblood sugarseveral times a day to prevent life-threatening. There is no cure for diabetes, but you can avoid it: Have your sugar tested every year and make some lifestyle changes …
What to do to prevent diabetes and slim the body? Read in our gallery.
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