Theoretically, lemon water is recommended by nutritionists because of its he alth properties. But in practice, you must not overdo anything. Learn about the dangers of drinking lemon water or lemon juice in excess.

Lemon water is a drink that has been repeatedly recommended by nutritionists and doctors. There is no need to explain to anyone that drinking this drink accelerates metabolism, aids weight loss, accelerates intestinal peristalsis, and additionally supports the immune system thanks to the vitamins contained in lemon. What can we find in this he althy drink? Vitamin C, potassium, fiber, but more.Check: Is it worth drinking lemon water?

However, overdoing it with lemon water or lemon juice can result in he alth problems. What? Let's take a look atnegative effects of drinking lemon water .

Sick teeth

Lemon, like all citrus fruits, has an acidic reaction, and the acid affects the tooth enamel very badly. It may erode and leach minerals from the teeth. People who overdo drinking lemon juice may suffer from tooth sensitivity.

However, there are ways to prevent these ailments - drink lemon water through a straw and use toothpastes designed for oversensitive teeth.


Unfortunately - the acetic acid in lemon also causes heartburn. This means that when the stomach is full or in a horizontal position (but not only then), stomach acid flows back into the esophagus. This results in a burning and stinging sensation in the chest.

Lemon water should not be drunk frequently by people suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease to avoid the risk of developing erosions in the esophagus.

Diuretic effect

Contrary to appearances, drinking water with lemon speeds up…. dehydration. Vitamin C is a diuretic, which means that it has a diuretic effect. It speeds up the production of urine, and thus the flushing of nutrients from the body.

The negative effects of lemon water can be reduced by drinking water with less lemons or lemon juice, or by simply drinking the drink less often. Because it cannot be denied - the drink itself is very he althy and there are definitely more advantages than disadvantages!

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