The liver detox diet is not the same as the liver diet - it is used preventively before the liver starts to fail. The liver has over 500 different functions. In order for all these processes to run smoothly, it also needs purification itself. This treatment, carried out once a year, will help to regenerate the liver, free it from impurities, and also allow you to maintain a he althy weight. Find out what the liver detox diet is about.
Diet to detoxify the liverisa cleansing dietthat aims todetoxify the liver . The liver is the only human organ that can regenerate itself in the event of damage, even in 50%. You can remove as much as 1/4 of it (e.g. when a family transplant is necessary), and within a few months it will regenerate, take its original shape and size. Unfortunately, we often destroy its remarkable regenerative properties ourselves, leading an unhe althy lifestyle. Therefore, among adults, it is difficult to find people who have a liver that is 100% functional. It is damaged by toxins from food, air, stimulants … It is damaged by eating excessively, medications, food contamination, viruses, bacteria.
Overloaded liver begins to fail
In most cases (80%), malfunction and damage to this organ is the result of alcohol abuse. And it doesn't matter if you drink 2 hundreds of vodka or 4 beers every day - it's the same amount of alcohol. The cause of poor liver function, including its enlargement, may be fatty steatosis. It has the ability to break down fatty acids, make them fats and transport them further into the body. However, when there is too much fat, such as fat from food, the liver "grows", enlarges and does not function properly. Steatosis also occurs with overuse of drugs, because all of them eventually "pass" through the liver. Ailments are also favored by the use of acute slimming diets, especially the so-called one-sided (e.g. cabbage, protein) or long-term fasts. So if you are on a diet, make sure you don't lose more than 4 kg a month for the sake of your liver. The liver works badly when the daily diet lacks raw foods rich in digestive enzymes and fiber.
You must do itCheck Liver He alth
When the liver fails, the surrounding protective capsule (peritoneal membrane) stretches and the pressure on the adjacent intestines and stomach increases. We feel unpleasant stinging in the side, stretching under the ribs. This is the first sign that your liver is not doing well. Other signals are:
- slower metabolism and, consequently, a tendency to overweight or obesity, no effects when losing weight
- chronic fatigue
- high blood pressure
- flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, bitterness in the mouth
- mood swings from depression to euphoria
- sugar craving, sweets craving
- worsening of allergies, hay fever, asthma
- changes on the skin: numerous pigmented marks and warts, brown spots near the hair roots
- cold, moist body and hand skin
- tinted yellow underside of the tongue
- redness of the palm area around the thumb and little finger
- cramps in calves and fingers.

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreDiet will help cleanse the liver
To free it from impurities, accelerate its regeneration and rejuvenation, you can use detoxifying treatments. The simplest and most natural is… diet. It takes 8 weeks for a complete detox. But don't grab your head. This will not be a time to self-mortify. You just need to follow a few rules. Instead of three larger meals, start eating less but 5-6 times a day. What you can eat raw, eat it in the form of salads or salads. Steam food or cook it in a little water, covered it. Do not fry, but stew in water with extra virgin vegetable oils or bake in foil. Eat the bread when it is stale or in the form of toasts. And remember, meals should be fresh, not reheated.
Liver cleansing diet
During 8 weeks of treatment:
- dairy products: milk, cheese, cream, yoghurt, butter, margarine, eggs
- red meat
- wheat bread
- sweets: sugar, jams, preserves, chocolate, cookies, biscuits, ice cream, s alty sticks, roasted peanuts
- mushrooms, even champignons
- alcohol, coffee, strong tea
you can eat:
- vegetables: all green, plus carrots, beets, peppers, tomatoes, swede, potatoes
- seeds: peas, lentils, rice, linseed, soybeans, walnuts, almonds, sesame, sunflower seeds, oat and rice bran
- bread: dark, coarse-grained
- sweets: very small amounts of honey, molasses, halva
- fresh fish: sardines, trout, tuna
- fats: cold pressed oils, sesame butter, soybean pastes
- also: soy milk, legume sprouts, fresh vegetable juices, fresh and dried fruit.
For the first 2 weeks, gradually reduce the banned products, for the next 4 weeks give them up altogether. Plan your meals less strictly for the last 2 weeks, but keep reducing the number of forbidden foods.
You must do itDetoxification with vegetable juices
Juice squeezed from 250 g of carrots, 75 g of fresh cucumber and 75 g of beetroot, drink on an empty stomach or during the day in three portions. The treatment should be used for 2 weeks. For the first time, repeat it every 3 months for a year, then one treatment a year is enough.
Gentle cleansing of the liver with support
Diet recommendations should be combined with other treatments. It is recommended to drink cranberry and apple juice or to regularly take milk thistle tablets - a plant that supports regeneration. The liver is most active between 10 p.m. and 2 p.m. So finish the day with a cleansing mixture: drink grapefruit juice mixed with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Then go to bed with a hot water bottle or electric pillow on your right side. After 9 days, take 5 days off. The treatment requires four repetitions. Another proven method is to drink the herbs regularly. For 20 days, drink a glass of dandelion and artichoke root infusion before going to bed (pour a teaspoon of herbs with a glass of hot water and wait 10 minutes). These herbs regenerate liver cells, have a choleretic and choleretic effect. The lazy can take ready-made herbal remedies. These are extracts from milk thistle seeds, which contain silymarin, which is beneficial for the liver, and artichoke herb rich in the choleretic cynarin.
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