Algae in the Far East have been known for centuries. In other parts of the world, the interest in algae was relatively recent. They immediately made a sensation - mainly in cosmetics, but also in pharmacy and dietetics. Check what nutritional values ​​and he alth-promoting properties algae have.

Algaeconquer the world - theirnutritional valueandhe alth-promoting propertiesgain them a large number of supporters . Green, red, brown algae - the color of seaweed (algae) depends on the depth at which they grow and the amount of sunlight reaching them. This, plus the water temperature and the type of coast, determine the variety and amount of algae nutrients. And they contain almost everything that our body needs. First of all, the we alth of easily digestible macro- and microelements (including sodium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, iron, fluoride, copper, selenium, manganese, nickel), vitamins (C, group B, including folic acid, E, beta-carotene) and high-quality protein. Green seaweed contains alpha-linolenic acid, and red seaweed contains eicosapentaenoic acid, the main source of which in our diet is marine fish. Algae are also rich in fiber and proteins. That is why the seemingly inconspicuous seaweed has become a cosmetic and dietary hit, and is also more and more appreciated in medicine.

Algae nourish the skin

Algae applied to the skin have the ability to easily overcome its protective layers and influence the metabolism not only of the epidermis, but also of the cells of the dermis. They rebuild the hydrolipid coat and retain moisture in the epidermis - thus protecting the epidermis against the negative influence of external factors. They lighten the skin and add glow to it. They normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, reducing the secretion of sebum. They also accelerate wound healing and the reconstruction of damaged epidermis by enhancing the wound granulation processes.

Algae protect the heart

Not only because they regulate blood pressure. The fiber contained in the seaweed forms a mucous shell on the intestinal walls, limiting the absorption of fats and excess sugars in the intestines, thus helping to normalize blood glucose levels and lowering cholesterol levels.

Algae regulate blood pressure

Recent research in Japan has shown that macroalgae are an exceptionally rich source of bioactive peptides,that can control blood pressure and even replace high blood pressure medications. Scientists have carefully investigated the mechanism of action of bioactive peptides and concluded that they can possibly replace synthetic drugs when they are undesirable, e.g. during pregnancy.


Algae: a rich source of minerals

Algae, depending on the type, contain many more minerals than land plants. Some of them are real record holders, also in comparison with non-plant sources of minerals:

  • wakame, hijiki, arame - each contains 10 times more calcium than milk,
  • arame, kelp, kombu - depending on when they are harvested, they have 100 to 500 times more iodine than crustaceans and 600 to 3000 times more than the average sea fish,
  • hijiki - provides 8 times more iron than beef.

Algae remove toxins

Thanks to the specific cell structure, algae have the ability to bind and remove toxins from the body, mainly from the outside (from cigarettes, alcohol, chemicals), but also being products of metabolism. In addition, they seal the intestinal walls and thus prevent secondary poisoning.

They prevent spiders

They strengthen the walls of skin capillaries, preventing their fragility and excessive permeability. This prevents not only the permanent expansion of the blood vessels (the formation of the so-called spider veins), but also the formation of edema, lymphatic stasis, and cellulite.

Algae have a rejuvenating effect

The concentrated amount of antioxidants makes algae very effective in protecting against the harmful effects of free radicals - they delay the aging process. They also stimulate the metabolism of fibroblasts (cells of the dermis), which are responsible for the reconstruction of collagen fibers and elastin - they ensure good skin tension and elasticity, delay the appearance of wrinkles.

Algae facilitate slimming

High fiber content (agar, alginates, carrageenan) makes algae a valuable component of a slimming diet. They allow you to keep feeling full after a meal for longer and regulate the work of the digestive system. On the other hand, a large amount of iodine in the mucilage substances of algae affects adipose tissue, accelerating the processes of lolysis, i.e. dissolving fats. Recent research conducted in the Netherlands on a large group of men showed that after introducing bread with algae to the diet, the amount of calories consumed decreased by as much as you burn during half an hour of jogging. Bread with seaweed does not differ from classic baking, the algae are imperceptible.

Algae in the kitchen

Seaweed in the kitchen is not only an ingredient of sushi, it can be used as an addition to fish dishes, meat and salads, soups, pasta dishes, casseroles or pizza with seafood. They can be eaten raw, fried or boiled. Dried and pressed nori leaves are very tasty chips. Kombu in legume seed dishes not only improves their taste and nutritional value, but also facilitates digestion. Spirulina is a tasty addition to sandwiches. Agar will replace gelatin. You can buy seaweed, for example, in large stores at he alth food stands.

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