Pate is usually a dish made of several kinds of stewed or cooked meat, which is ground and baked. However, pate can also be prepared from lentils, zucchini, celery, chickpeas or beans. Home-made pate is the best because we are sure what it consists of. Check what are the nutritional values of the pate, how many calories it has, is it he althy and what the shop pates actually consist of.
- Pate - what does it consist of?
- Pate - nutritional values, calories
- Pate - is it he althy?
- Pate - how to choose a good quality pate?
Pateis the most common dish of several kinds of cooked and ground meat, properly seasoned and baked. The most popular israbbit pateandpork pate . However,patecan also be prepared withlentils , zucchini, celery, chickpeas or beans.
The pate in the form we know came to Poland in the 17th century from France, and their admirer was Louis XIV.
Pate was synonymous with luxury, and the production of pates was considered a separate branch of culinary art. In elegant manor houses, pates were produced by well-paid specialists - pâtés from France.
In Polish cuisine, mainly pâtés baked in a mold, sliced and served cold have survived to this day. The French term for such a pate is "hunting bread".
The name "pate" comes from the French "pâte", which means a pasty mass, mush.
In the past, it was only one of the types of pates, and the vast majority of recipes concerned those stuffed, served hot and baked in shortcrust, yeast, French and other doughs. Culinary masters baked them in the shape of family crests and animals.
Stuffed pates were prepared not only from meat and offal, but also from fish (e.g. salmon terrine), vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes, beans, nuts, chestnuts and cheese with the use of sophisticated spices, truffles, pine nuts, raisins, limes, olives and alcohol.
A pate was simply any dish made of ground stuffing in a dough that was baked. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, warm pates served as the main coursewith sauces began to lose popularity.
Pate - what does it consist of?
Until 2003, Polish producers were bound by strict Polish Standards for the production of pate, which specified the permissible content of water, s alt, fat and the minimum content of meat.
Currently, producers are not obliged to comply with the standard describing the desired pate composition, so these products from the store can contain anything. And, unfortunately, it is found very often.
According to the definition, a pate is a product composed of various types of meat and offal previously cooked or scalded, ground together with spices and baked.
Pates can be prepared with the addition of eggs and breadcrumbs, when the meat mass contains too little fat and is insufficiently bound. Vegetable pates, such as celery, zucchini and legume seeds - soybeans, lentils and chickpeas, are becoming more and more popular.
In stores you can buy pates in jars, cans and aluminum cups, as well as pâtés by weight from the mold, luxury baked pâtés and vegetarian pâtés.
A good pate should consist of the so-called pate meat. It cannot be too lean, because the pate will not have the right consistency and will crumble.
The pork pate is usually made with a shoulder pad with bacon added. The poultry pate also requires the addition of fat, e.g. in the form of skins.
Unfortunately, producers very often make pate from MOM, i.e. mechanically separated meat - homogenate of skins, tendons, cartilages, marrow, rumps and soft tissues. The reason is the price. MSM costs PLN 2 per kilogram, and pate - at least PLN 10 / kg.
Homogenate is a very unstable material, therefore low-quality pates contain large amounts of the preservative E250 - sodium nitrite, which in the digestive tract is partially converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines.
Water is often the first item in the composition of cheap pates. In order for the water-fat mass to resemble an edible product, soy or pea protein (increases the nutritional value - protein content), semolina, flour (binds the finished product) and stabilizers are added to it.
When buying pates, e.g. made of goose or hare, you have to be very careful and read the ingredients carefully. Usually, these products only contain goose skins, goose MSM and offal.
Pate - nutritional values, calories
The nutritional value of the pâté depends on the type of meat used and the actual amount of meat in the pâté in relation to the other ingredients.
Calorific valuepate is from 200 to 360 kcal in 100 g. The amount of protein in a pate is 10-15 g, and fat from 14 to even 31 g. Pates are a source of protein and B vitamins: niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, folic acid and cobalamins. They contain a lot of iron, selenium and zinc.
- CALORIES TABLE: meat and cold cuts. Check how many calories they contain!
You have to remember that there is a lot of cholesterol in pates. Meat pies contain little carbohydrates, a maximum of 5 g in 100 g. The situation is different in the case of legume pies.
There are as much as 38 g of carbohydrates in the lentil pate. Lentils are a source of B vitamins, vitamins C and K, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.
Nutritional values of pate per 100 g:
Rabbit pate | Lentil pate | |
Calorific value | 245 kcal | 258 kcal |
Protein | 13.7 g | 10.4 g |
Fat | 18.8 g | 11.4 g |
Carbohydrates | 4.4 g | 38 g |
fiber | No data | 4 g |
Pate - is it he althy?
High-quality pate made of meat without preservatives is a product that can be considered he althy without resistance. However, you have to remember about its high calorific value.
The pate must contain a fairly large amount of fat. Otherwise it would not be greasy and would fall apart. The situation is different in the case of pates composed mainly of water and MOM.
It is of no value and you could simply call it empty calories. In addition, the sodium nitrite present in such pates is converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines during digestion.
- NITRATES and NITRATES in food - sources, impact on he alth
Cheap pâtés usually contain a flavor enhancer - monosodium glutamate and a lot of s alt, which in excess increases blood pressure and causes swelling.
The he althiest are venison pates - meat with the highest nutritional value. Poultry pies will not necessarily contain the least amount of fat. It is true that chicken or turkey meat is one of the leanest, but for the pate to have the right consistency and spreadability, you need to add a lot of fat to it.
Pate - how to choose a good quality pate?
First of all, a good pate cannot cost PLN 2 per package or PLN 8 per kilogram. After the first price selection, you need to check the composition. A long list of ingredients in small print is another sign to make a patedo not buy.
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A good pate should have meat, liver and spices. If the meat used for the pate is lean, the addition of pork fat or poultry skins will be obvious. The pate must not be pale, beige and uniform in cross-section like a sausage.
It should have a gray-pink color, firm consistency. Fat cannot leak out of it after cutting, and at room temperature it should keep the consistency and not melt.
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Author: Time S.A
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