Herring can be prepared in many ways. You can, among others waste, fry and bake. However, before that, they should be properly soaked in order to get rid of their unpleasant fishy smell, as well as excess s alt. Check how to prepare herring.
Herringare fish that cannot be missed on the festive table. Therefore, before Christmas, many people wonder how to make herring. And these can be prepared in many ways, incl. waste, fry and bake. However, before that, they should be properly soaked .We advise you,how to prepare herringso that the palate will enjoy a unique taste.
Herring - how long to soak herring?
The herring is soaked mainly to get rid of their fishy smell and excess s alt. In addition, pre-soaked herring is more brittle and easier to prepare.
The soaking time of the herring depends, among others, on on their size. Whole herring should be soaked for 12-18 hours in cold water, changing it at least twice. Soaking time can be shortened if the herring is gutted first, i.e. the bellies are cut open and the insides are removed. After the herring is soaked, remove it one by one from the water and fillet it, i.e. cut it in half lengthwise, remove the bones and the main dorsal part. Then remove the skin from the herring, starting with the head. Only the pegs intended for pickling do not need to be skinned. If the herring is to be more delicate in taste, you can pour cold milk over it for 2 hours.
It is much easier to soak ready-made herring flaps bought in a store. If they are quite s alty, you only need to put them in cold water for an hour. If it still clearly smells of s alt (just cut a piece of herring and taste it), the soaking time can be extended to 2-3 hours, but then the water should be changed every hour. The longer the herring is soaked, the softer it becomes. If you want herring to have a very delicate flavor, you can then soak it in milk for an hour. Our grandmothers also soaked herring in buttermilk, and even in beer and wine. Nowadays, herring is also soaked in carbonated mineral water with a little wine vinegar or lemon juice. Herrings soaked for half an hour in acidic, carbonated mineral water will have a delicate, noble appearanceflavor.
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This will be useful to youIt is worth knowing that the shortest time, even 10-15 minutes, is to soak matias. Some even say that you don't need to soak them, just rinse them vigorously under running water. All because they are much less s alty than traditional barrel herring. In addition, they do not need to be peeled.
How to pickle herring? Recipe for pickled herring
To prepare marinated herring you will need - 1 kg of barrel herring slices, 2 large onions, 1 glass of 10% vinegar. 2 cups of water, 3-4 tablespoons of oil, half a teaspoon of sugar and spices: a few grains of pepper, allspice and bay leaf.
Pour the vinegar and water into the pan and add half of the spices. Bring everything to a boil. Then add 1 onion cut into thin rings to the boiling vinegar and immediately put the pot off the gas. Leave it to cool down. Herrings, sliced second onion and spices layered (herring, onion, spices, herring, onion etc) in a twist-off jar with the spiced onion on top. Pour it all over with cooled vinegar and pour a little oil on top. Close the jar tightly. The herring can be kept in the refrigerator for a maximum of 14 days.
This will be useful to youHow do I get rid of the little bones from herring?
Rub herring with fresh lemon juice and refrigerate overnight. The juice will soften small bones that cannot be removed by hand.
How to get rid of the smell of herring?
All cutlery, dishes and boards used to prepare herring should be washed in cold water and then rubbed with a lemon slice. This way you can get rid of the unpleasant smell.
Herring in oil - recipe
To prepare herring in oil, prepare 8-10 matias herring fillets, 2 large onions, 2 lemons, a jar of French mustard, half a glass of oil (preferably saffron oil, as it goes very well with herring) and spices: allspice, pepper, bay leaves.
Dry the previously soaked herrings, then brush each slice on one side with French mustard and cut into equal pieces. Cut the onion into rings. Then arrange the herring, onion and spices in layers (herring, onion, spices, herring, onion, etc.), sprinkling each of them generously with lemon juice and pouring over the oil. There should be an onion on top of the jar. Close the jar and put it in the fridge for 2-3 days.
Herring baked with mushrooms and vegetables - recipe
To prepareroasted herring you will need: 1 herring, 2 carrots, 1 onion, 7 mushrooms, 1 spoon of oil, 2 spoons of olive oil, s alt and pepper, thyme.
Gutting herring. Then dice 6 mushrooms and dice the thyme. Put everything in a bowl, add oil, s alt, pepper and mix thoroughly. Put the stuffing prepared in this way into the herring. Then s alt it and put it on a baking tray. Next to it, put the sliced onion, sliced carrot and the remaining diced mushroom. Drizzle with olive oil and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for 15-20 minutes.
Fried herring - recipe
You will need to fry the herring - 3 herring fillets, s alt, 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs, 1 egg, oil (for frying), lemon juice, spices: s alt and pepper, Provencal herbs
Sprinkle the dried fillets with spices and drizzle with lemon juice. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Then wrap the herring in the beaten egg and breadcrumbs and put it in the pan. The herring should be simmered until golden brown.