Tofu - what is it? What are the properties and nutritional values? How To Eat Tofu? What's the flavor? Where to buy tofu and what is the price? These are the most common questions about tofu, which is a type of cottage cheese that is obtained from soy milk. Tofu is rich in protein, calcium and phosphorus, as well as phytohormones that reduce the risk of cancer development, alleviate menopausal symptoms and regulate cholesterol levels. However, despite its comprehensive he alth-promoting effect, tofu can cause side effects and not everyone can include it in the diet.
What is tofu? Tofu , aka dofu or doufu, is a type of pressed curd that is obtained from soy milk. How is tofu made, looks and tastes like? Soy milk is coagulated using s alt, lemon juice, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride or magnesium sulfide. Then, whey is formed and the white mass floating in it, which is drained and pressed to create virtually tasteless "blocks" of tofu.
Propertiesandnutritional values tofu has long been appreciated in China, where it comes from, Japan, and other Far East countries . Tofu is high in soy protein, calcium and phosphorus. It also contains phytoestrogens (specifically isoflavones) that mimic the action of the natural sex hormones estrogens. Therefore, they can, inter alia, alleviate the symptoms of menopause, as well as prevent the development of certain cancers, e.g. breast cancer. However, it is precisely because of phytoestrogens that not everyone can include tofu in their diet.
Tofu can prevent breast cancer
Tofu contains phytoestrogens, compounds similar in action to the female sex hormones - estrogens. The phytoestrogens contained in tofu are isoflavones, such as genistein (50%), daidzein (40%) and glycitein (10%). ¹ Isoflavones have the ability to regulate many phenomena related to the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells .¹ As shown by studies on the anti-cancer potential of isoflavones contained in tofu and other soy products, genistein has a decisive influence on the anti-cancer properties of soy .¹
One of the main causes of breast cancer in women in Western countries is the increased amount of estrogen, both natural and chemical, which, due to binding to its receptorin cells, they interfere with their normal and proper growth. Phytoestrogens (isoflavones), which are common in tofu and other soy products, are about a thousand times less biologically active than natural female estrogens, so their presence in the serum does not pose such a threat, on the contrary, because by occupying estrogen binding sites, they prevent the development of hormone-dependent tumors , including breast cancer .¹
In addition, isoflavones present in soybeans and soybean products inhibit angiogenesis (the formation of vessels that nourish cancer), necessary for the development of cancer.
Worth knowingTofu (raw) - nutritional value per 100 gEnergy value - 76 kcal Total protein - 8.08 g Fat - 4.78 g Carbohydrates - 1.87 g (including simple sugars 0.62) Fiber - 0.3 gVitamins
Vitamin C - 0.1mg Thiamine - 0.081 mg Riboflavin - 0.052 mg Niacin - 0.1956 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.047 mg Folic acid - 15 μg Vitamin A - 85 IU Vitamin K - 2.4 μg Minerals
Calcium - 350 mg Iron - 5.36 mg Magnesium - 30 mg Phosphorus - 97 mg Potassium - 121 mg Sodium - 7 mg Zinc - 0.80 mg
Saturated fat - 0.691 g Monounsaturated fat - 1.056 g Polyunsaturated fat - 2.699 g
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Tofu reduces the risk of prostate cancer
Tofu can also protect against another hormone-dependent cancer - prostate cancer. The relationship between the consumption of rice and tofu and a lower risk of developing prostate cancer was shown by a study conducted among 8,000 men living in Hawaii. A study conducted in California on 12,395 men showed that the daily consumption of at least one glass of soy milk leads to approx. 70 percent. to lower the risk of developing prostate cancer .²
Tofu will lower cholesterol and blood pressure
Additionally, phytoestrogens contained in tofu may contribute to the improvement of blood parameters, including drop in the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol and lower blood pressure. They also protect against osteoporosis, to which menopausal women are particularly prone.
Worth knowingTofu - where to buy, what is the price?
Tofu can be bought in supermarkets, he alth food stores, oriental stores and online stores with organic products. The price of tofu depends, among others based on its grammage, e.g. for 200 g of natural tofu you have to pay about 5 zlotys. More, about PLN 8 for 200 g, costs organic tofu.
Tofu relieves symptoms of menopause
The ovaries of women as they approach menopause reduce productionhormones - first progesterone, then estrogen. This natural process results in disturbances in the menstrual cycle and symptoms such as excessive nervousness and mood swings, sweating, headaches, hot flushes, fatigue and weakness. As already mentioned, the phytoestrogens in tofu bind to estrogen receptors. In this way, they regulate the work of the ovaries and allow them to function normally, even during the menopause. Therefore, the inclusion of products rich in phytoestrogens in the diet, e.g. tofu, can significantly improve the well-being and reduce the unpleasant discomfort associated with menopause. It is worth knowing that pharmacies offerdietary supplementscontainingsoy isoflavones , which supplement the diet with ingredients that alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
Tofu and fatty liver disease
According to researchers at the University of Illinois, consuming tofu and other protein-rich soy products can significantly reduce the amount of fat that accumulates in the liver of obese people. Scientists conducting research on rats have noticed that the intake of soy protein reduces by as much as 20 percent. the amount of fat deposited in the liver of obese individuals and has no noticeable effect in lean individuals. Researchers also found that soy protein partially restores the messenger pathways that are essential for liver function .³
Tofu may weaken memory, increase risk of dementia?
Such conclusions were reached by scientists from Loughborough University, as reported in the journal "Dementias and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders".4Scientists analyzed the diet of over 700 Indonesians from the island of Java and found to the conclusion that high consumption of tofu (i.e. at least once a day) is associated with poorer memory, especially in people over 68 years of age. A recent study shows that high levels of phytoestrogens in soy products may increase the risk of dementia in the elderly. Prof. Eef Hogervorst, who led the research, points out that there is a link between estrogen therapy and dementia after the age of 65. Estrogens - and possibly phytoestrogens - stimulate cell growth, which may not be good for an aging brain. It may also happen that estrogens increase the destruction of cells by free radicals - adds the expert.
ImportantTofu - contraindications
The soybeans that make up tofu can cause allergies, so allergy sufferers should carefully choose tofu.
In addition, too high doses of tofu - like other soy products - may have an adverse effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. Optimal - as long as we are not allergic of coursefor soybeans - the use of soy products in small doses and not every day.
Tofu and thyroid disease
Tofu and other soy-based products may adversely affect thyroid function. In Japan, 37 adults of all ages without thyroid disease were studied who had never been found to have elevated antithyroid antibodies.520 of them received 30 g of soybeans daily for a month, the rest - for 3 months. During the observation period, serum levels of thyroid hormones remained unchanged in all subjects, although a significant increase in TSH levels was noted, although its values were still within the normal range. After 3 months of soybean consumption, half of the respondents developed goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) and symptoms suggestive of hypothyroidism (constipation, drowsiness, weakness). These changes subsided one month after soy discontinuation.
According to an expertBarbara Grzechocińska, MD, PhD, obstetrician gynecologist, assistant professor at the 1st Department and Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical University of WarsawSoy isoflavones and thyroid diseases
I have hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease. Can I use dietary supplements containing soy isoflavones?
Barbara Grzechocińska, MD, PhD, gynecologist - obstetrician, endocrinologist: Soy interacts with thyroid hormones, may reduce their absorption and influence the synthesis of hormones in the thyroid gland. If there is a need to treat with soy-containing preparations, it can only be done under the supervision of a doctor.Tofu reduces sperm count?
Men who consume soy products every day - incl. tofu - they produce less sperm than men who do not eat it at all - argue scientists from Harvard University in Boston in the pages of the journal "Human Reproduction".6Scientists conducted a study in a group of 99 men who in the years 2000-2006 they came to the clinics dealing with the treatment of fertility problems. They collected data on their consumption of 15 different soy foods - like tofu, tempeh, soy chops or sausages, soy milk, soy sauce and more - in the last three months. The researchers took into account the frequency of consumption of soy-based foods, portion sizes, and the fact that they contain varying amounts of phytoestrogens. Other factors that affect fertility were also taken into account - age and weight, as well as alcohol, coffee and cigarette smoking. It found that men whose diets were the richest in soy produced an average of 41 million sperm per milliliter of semen less than men who did not eat soy. Experts suspect that the compounds present in soybean oestrogenic activity may disrupt other hormonal signals and thus inhibit sperm production. This effect is stronger in overweight and obese men, because due to their higher body fat content, their body also produces more estrogen - in studies the relationship between soy consumption and lower sperm count was especially evident in overweight and obese men.
Tofu - how to eat? The use of tofu in the kitchen
How to eat tofu? The mass should be drained from the pickle, cut into cubes or slices. Tofu can be fried or added raw to salads, casseroles, etc. They can be mixed into a smooth mass and used for a sauce. Tofu is widely used in Japanese, Chinese and other Far Eastern cuisines as an ingredient in many dishes, incl. from vegetables, mushrooms, crabs, eggs.
When choosing tofu, make sure it is a good quality cheese. How to recognize one? Good quality tofu has a solid, smooth texture. It does not clump into lumps and does not fall apart. Store the tofu at a temperature of +2 to + 7 ° C.
It stands out:
- natural tofu - fresh, clean tofu of medium hardness, a universal ingredient of dinners, salads and desserts;
- smoked tofu - characterized by a pleasant, smoked, slightly s alty taste and goes well with all kinds of groats, soups or baked dishes;
- marinated tofu - marinated in soy sauce is a full-flavored product that is perfect as an addition to all kinds of salads, as well as an ingredient of cold starters;
- tofu with the addition of selected herbs or ingredients such as garlic, chilli etc.;
- silken tofu - silky tofu, softer than natural tofu and breaks easily.
1. Malczyk E., Majkrzak Ż., Nutritional risk factors for breast cancer development, "Problems of Hygiene and Epidemiology" 2015, No. 96 (1)
2. Cohort Study of Tofu Intake and Prostate Cancer: No Apparent Association, Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2004, No. 13 (12) http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/cebp/13/12/2277.full.pdf
3. University of Illinois study shows soy protein alleviates symptoms of fatty liver disease, https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-04/asfb-uoi041712.php
4. Tofu may increase the risk of dementia, http://naukawpolsce.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news,133741,tofu-moze-zwiekszac-ryzyko-demencja.html
5. Urbaniak B., Marcisz Cz., The influence of soy and soy isoflavones on the thyroid gland, "Postępy Phytoterapii" 2006, No. 2
6. A diet rich in soy reduces sperm count,http://naukawpolsce.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news,163199,dieta-bogata-w-soje-obniza-liczebnosc-plemnikow.html