Seeds must contain what is most valuable to give rise to a new life in even difficult climatic conditions. The nutrients needed for plant development also serve us. So let's use the healing properties of oats, soybeans, beans, peas, corn, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, grapes and nuts.
Medicinal properties of seeds: oats
Our grandmothers fed us oatmeal, probably not realizing thatoatsis one of the most valuable grain plants. To this day, it is the staple food of the Mongolians, ensuring their longevity. The most valuable ingredients are contained in the oat seed coating, which passes through the entire digestive system up to the large intestine in an almost unchanged form. It becomes a "sweeper" of all deposits, contributing to the formation of many diseases, including cancer. Oats also cleans the small intestine, improves its functioning, has cholagogic and anti-cancer properties, heals digestive system diseases, lowers the level of the so-called bad cholesterol, and increases the "good" cholesterol level. Oat compresses soothe muscle tension and rheumatic ailments. Oatmeal is recommended in the diet for diabetics, because our body does not immediately absorb the sugars contained in oats. The blood glucose level does not rise rapidly, abruptly. In India, oat therapy is even used for diabetics. fight addiction to nicotine and opium.
Medicinal properties of seeds: soybeans
Doctors also recommend eating soybeans as often as possible. This plant, which comes from China, is high in protein, fat, starch, and vitamins B and E. Like oats,soylowers the level of "bad" cholesterol. It protects against coronary heart disease, prevents atherosclerosis, prevents the formation of bile deposits, soothes unpleasant symptoms of herpes, reduces the risk of breast cancer (in Asian women who eat large amounts of soy, there is almost no breast cancer), protects against stomach cancer and osteoporosis.
Medicinal properties of seeds: beans and peas
Other legume plants belong to the same group as soybeans -beansand peas. There are few vitamins in them, but they contain phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron, thanks to which they improve skin firmness. Their nutritional value is determined by their contentstarch and easily digestible protein. Beans prevent kidney and gallstone disease, cystitis, gout, and help with migraine and insomnia.

Almonds contain harmful alkaloids, so you can eat no more than 3-4 a day.
Medicinal properties of seeds: corn
In the USA, corn has gained immense popularity. The best, however, is not in the form of flakes (industrial processing deprives food of many valuable ingredients), but cooked fresh flasks. It prevents constipation and soothes stomach discomfort. It contains vitamins A, E, B, a lot of potassium, selenium, magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, sulfur and zinc. The oil contains unsaturated fatty acids that counteract atherosclerosis. In South America, where corn is a staple food, heart disease is rare. The selenium in maize prevents cancer, especially in the colon, breast and lung.
Medicinal properties of seeds: nuts and seeds
Unhe althy chips should be replaced with nuts or seeds. Sunflower seed contains a lot of protein, oil and vitamin E, which has anti-cancer and rejuvenating properties. Therefore, eating the seeds of this plant makes the complexion prettier, the skin smoother and acne lesions smaller. It also helps in rheumatic ailments. The iron contained in the pumpkin seeds will improve the composition of our blood. Magnesium, needed for the proper functioning of cells, has an anti-cancer effect, and zinc supports the proper development of the body.
Magnesium and iron are also important ingredients of the hazelnut popular in Poland, which, compared to other nuts, contains the most valuable ingredients, incl. protein, carbohydrates, as well as unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals beneficial to the body. And so vitamin E rejuvenates, B - strengthens, C - increases immunity. Calcium, on the other hand, is the basic building block of bones and teeth, while phosphorus improves brain function. Eating hazelnuts helps to lower cholesterol, prevents heart attacks, hyperacidity and stomach ulcers. The oil contained in the seeds reduces constipation and improves digestion, it also protects against tapeworms. Hazelnuts should be eaten by people who are under stress, learning, convalescing, and nursing mothers.
Walnut has a similar effect, only it is more caloric. This also applies to all nuts. According to research, almonds can replace meat. They are rich in protein, magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, vitamin E (the elixir of youth) and B vitamins that improve the functioning of the nervous system.That is why they are indicated for people who work mentally. Almond oil facilitates digestion, soothes the effects of burns and ear pain.
Medicinal properties of seeds: grape seeds
It is also worth paying attention to the seeds of the grapevine - the oldest cultivated plant, called the plant of the gods. We eat fruit willingly, but spit out the grape seeds. Meanwhile, they are extremely valuable. They contain a lot of oil that lowers cholesterol and has anti-cancer properties. Milled and mixed with honey, in the form of a compress, soothe the pain of nipples in nursing mothers. Grapefruit seed extract has already found its place among medicines on the shelves of a pharmacy. It will probably be time for the grapes soon. For now, let's use the oil pressed from their seeds as often as possible.
Medicinal properties of seeds: mustard seeds, buckwheat hulls, cherry seeds
Inconspicuous white and black mustard seeds are widely used in therapy. Black is recommended for the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and is used for the production of warming patches. White helps with constipation, indigestion and obesity (the seeds are swallowed). But most of all, it is used to fill mattresses for people suffering from rheumatism, edema, neuralgia and headaches. It has antibacterial properties, so when we have tooth problems or a throat infection, we can put a bag filled with mustard close to the sick area.
Buckwheat hulls are often added to mustard mattresses, which neutralize even very strong radiation from water veins and electrical devices. The tannins and phenolic compounds contained in the husks inhibit the growth of mites and bacteria harmful to he alth, and thus reduce the symptoms of any allergies. The use of such a mattress also relieves muscle tension, improves blood circulation, regulates breathing, prevents the formation of bedsores, accelerates the regeneration of the body and the healing of all wounds. Buckwheat husk pillow has the same properties as the mattress, therefore it is useful in spine diseases, discopathies, headaches (including migraines). In addition, it does not heat up, which is important for people with a fever.
A natural hot water bottle is a pillow filled with cherry pits. It maintains the right temperature longer than water. It is suitable for both hot and cold compresses. It soothes pain, bruises and injuries. When heated, the seeds emit essential oils that improve well-being, treat flu symptoms, pains in the nerve roots, spine, muscles, as well as bedsores, rheumatic and migraine ailments. They neutralize harmful radiation. Depending on whether we want the pillowapply as a cold or warm compress, put it in the freezer or heat it in an oven or microwave oven.
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