A student has to learn a lot, so he needs a diet rich in products supporting the work of the brain. It is no coincidence that the mixture containing nuts, almonds and raisins was called a student mix. What else is worth eating when you study for an exam and want to improve your memory and learning speed?
The time of study and exams is a hard time for the brain. In order for it to run at full speed, you need to supply it with the right amount of "fuel". Gray cells are extremely energy intensive. It may be hard to believe, but for every five tablespoons of food eaten, one is consumed bybrain . On the other hand, you have to remember that when you read books, your physical activity is significantly limited. If you systematically provide your body with too many calories while studying, it may result in fat accumulation.
Diet by heart and learning: what must be in it?
Student's dietmust be varied, because each product provides different nutrients. It has to be used systematically. It is best to start earlier - a month, finally 2 weeks before the period of increased mental work.
» The main source of energy should be whole grain products (wholemeal bread, brown rice, pasta, coarse grains) rich incomplex carbohydrates. The body digests them over a period of time, slowly releasing glucose, the brain's main food, into the bloodstream. Thanks to this, gray cells can use it well on an ongoing basis. For a constant glucose level, these products must be eaten 5 times a day in small portions.
» They also containmagnesiumstrengthening the nervous system, preventing stress and insomnia. People who have the right amount of magnesium can cope better in difficult life situations, and the exam certainly belongs to such situations. You can also find this important element in bananas, leafy vegetables and chocolate.
» Don't feel sorry for vegetables and fruits - you can eat them up to 7 times a day. They provide vitamins and minerals that support the memory process. Yellow, orange, red, purple and green - they are all a treasury of vitamins A, C, E and carotenoids, selenium and zinc, important antioxidants that protect brain cells from the harmful effects of freeradicals. Eat spinach, carrots, oranges, and grapefruits. Berries (fresh or frozen) are very valuable: currants (especially black), strawberries, cranberries, raspberries. Tomatoes, grapefruits, potatoes, and avocados have a lot of potassium, which enables the transmission of nerve impulses, improving concentration and increasing the ability to think.Potassiumis also found in raisins and dried apricots.
» Make a portion of the sea fish for dinner at least twice a week. Every day remember about a sandwich or salad with herring, sprats or canned sardines. Oily sea fish contain omega-3 acids, which improve the blood supply to the brain and improve the flow of nerve stimuli between gray and white substances. The efficiency of thinking and remembering depends on them. Sea fish also provide phosphorus - it is necessary for the activation of some B vitamins that strengthen the nervous system.
» Legumes, dairy products and meat are sources of protein, an essential building block for all cells. Vegetable protein in beans, peas, soybeans, lentils and chickpeas is better because they are not accompanied by large amounts of fat. In addition, legumes provide a lot of valuable fiber, which makes the energy components of the diet better utilized by the body.
» Drink skim milk - it is a source of protein. Similarly, meat, which also contains vitamin B12 (strengthens memory, improves concentration, ability to associate) and iron (thanks to it, oxygenated blood flows to every cell of the brain, providing it with nutrients and increasing the ability to think), but also has a lot of saturated fatty acids and calories. that need to be limited. They are the least numerous in veal and poultry. That is why white meat should dominate your diet, you can afford beefsteak 1-2 times a week. A good source of iron is parsley, spinach, chives - it is less digestible than meat, but greens have fewer calories, so you can eat it at will.
» Eggs and vegetable oils (mainly soybean) provide lecithin, which is necessary for the rapid transmission of impulses in the brain. It is an important component of the nervous tissue, improves the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and supports remembering and recreating facts. So now you are allowed to eat eggs more often (normally 3-4 a week). Lecithin is also found in wheat germ, cabbage and cauliflower.
ImportantThe iron rules of the student's diet
- Eat a hefty breakfast every day.
- Try to eat more often (4-5 meals) but at fixed times.
- Don't eat between meals. Bars and cookies contain sugar, which gives you energy for a short time and makes you fat. Replace them with vegetables and fruits. Among the sweets, dark chocolate is the best, but 3-4 cubes a day are enough. It is worth nibbling on walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, but in moderation (4-5 nuts a day is enough).
- Limit s alting - excess s alt disrupts the balance of minerals in the body.
Diet by heart and learning: coffee pij in moderation
It stimulates the central nervous system, dilates blood vessels. It improves thinking and helps to overcome fatigue. Most people after coffee feel a surge of energy and have better concentration. But is there any safe limit, since record-breakers drink a dozen or so cups of coffee a day while studying? 2-3 little blacks a day are considered safe, while more than 5 are at risk. When balancing your daily dose of caffeine, remember that tea, cocoa, chocolate, cola drinks and fashionable energy drinks are also sources of it. The latter are a real injection of energy - they quickly get back on your feet when tired, but also quickly stop working. They will help a student who will spend the night before the session, but these are funds for special occasions, because you can get addicted to them. Coffee, strong tea, cola and energy drinks are the "thieves" of calcium and magnesium - ingredients needed for the mind, and when drunk in excess they impair concentration and disturb sleep. Better to drink mineral water, green and fruit tea and freshly squeezed juices.
Diet by heart and learning: what to eat before the exam?
The closer to the exam, the greater the stress. Although the diet is the same, it is a good idea to get more of these nutrients a few days before the test, which can reduce tension and anxiety. Eat more legumes, greens, and citrus. The folic acid contained in them will protect you against pre-depression, which may be the result of examination stress. Drink fresh fruit juices and eat fruit to provide your body with as much vitamin C as possible, the consumption of which increases rapidly in chronic stressful states.
You must include foods rich in magnesium in your diet: buckwheat, nuts, pumpkin seeds, chocolate or cocoa. Do not leave home on an empty stomach for the exam. A hungry person is more irritable and prone to stress, and it is harder for him to concentrate. Don't overdo your coffee - it can lead to nervousness. Take a piece of chocolate or a bag of nuts with you.
Diet by memory and learning: preparations from the pharmacy
In states of exhaustion, whenit is difficult to concentrate and you have problems remembering the material, reach for preparations with ginseng, lecithin, guarana. You must not take several drugs with a similar effect at the same time, so as not to accumulate the dose. Performance-enhancing preparations are safe when used according to the manufacturer's recommendation and your own judgment. Read the flyer. From it you will learn who it is intended for, what its composition is, how to dose and what are the contraindications.

Diet that improves memory and learning speed - sample menu
Total 1800 kcal
- First breakfast 470 kcal
2 slices of wholemeal rye bread with margarine, cottage cheese (100 g) with a tablespoon of chives, large tomato, orange juice (250 ml)
- 2nd breakfast 220 kcal
fruit salad: 1/2 banana, tablespoon of walnuts, peach, 3 tablespoons of natural yoghurt
- Lunch 555 kcal
mackerel (150 g) baked in foil with herbs and a teaspoon of olive oil, lettuce (small head) with a tablespoon of soybean sprouts and natural yoghurt (3 tablespoons), 4 tablespoons of brown rice
- Afternoon tea 255 kcal
orange, 3 cubes of dark chocolate 70%
- Dinner 300 kcal
millet salad with vinaigrette sauce: medium tomato, small onion, 3 tablespoons of millet, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 1/2 large pod of red pepper, a slice of full-fat gouda cheese
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