Soybeans - the bean's cousin hasn't revealed all of her cards yet. Women love her for phytoestrogens. Then it turned out that it does not serve everyone and not in every form. But natto, or fermented soybeans, is a unique product. It helps to lose weight and cleanses, prevents constipation and lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and also prevents osteoporosis.

Nattois a traditional Japanese product liketofuandmisosoup made from it. It is made by adding Bacillus natto bacteria to cooked soybeans. This fermentation produces the enzymenattokinase , which amazed scientists with its ability to thin the blood, i.e. prevent blood clots. We owe its discovery to a Japanese physician, Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi, who examined and labeled this enzyme in 1980. Since then, natto has been studied by many scientists who have confirmed the results obtained by Dr. Sumi. Nattokinase is much more effective in regulating blood viscosity and density than the commonly used high doses of acetylsalicylic acid. At the same time, it does not cause undesirable symptoms in the form of irritation of the gastric mucosa, which is a disadvantage of aspirin.

Natto is more digestible than regular soybeans

Fermentation increases the availability of soy phytoestrogens. Thanks to this, natto is a better source of phytohormones than tofu or soybeans, and it is worth reaching for this product by women in the menopause and menopause. Natto is also important for them for the second reason: it contains significant amounts of vitamin K2, which, together with vitamin D3 and calcium, prevents bone loss and protects against osteoporosis. In Japan, the number of fractures in areas where natto is eaten is much lower than in areas where the product is not popular.

Natto as an effective probiotic

Natto is a probiotic - it regulates the composition of the intestinal bacterial flora, cleans it of excess mucus and deposits. It also improves metabolism. Thanks to these properties, natto supports weight loss and prevents constipation. The proteins in natto naturally and safely lower blood pressure levels. Fermented soybeans can therefore be a good medicine when blood pressures are slightly exceeded. Including it in your diet and changing your lifestyle to a more active one may save you from having to take itpharmaceuticals for hypertension.

Natto in the fight against bad cholesterol

Fermented soy also lowers cholesterol. According to Japanese studies, after a month of systematically eating natto, it drops by 10 percent. Blood sugar levels also drop. Fermented soybeans are a valuable dietary supplement that prevents lifestyle diseases. No wonder it is on the list of the he althiest products in the world.

Natto in he alth food stores

Original natto looks not very appealing - it is soybeans covered with mucus, just like soaked linseed. It also supposedly has a not very pleasant smell. But there are ways for everything. We receive dried natto, also devoid of the characteristic smell. Crunchy balls can therefore be added to your morning muesli, soups and salads, or eaten as a snack with yoghurt (instead of sweet granola). You have to look for natto in he alth food stores, oriental stores and online stores with organic products. It is important that it is a Japanese product - in Japan there is a total ban on growing genetically modified plants.
