The spelled diet (according to St. Hildegard) is one of the most universal nutritional plans. The spelled diet can be used by people struggling with many diseases, as well as those who want to cleanse the body of toxins and regulate its work. The spelled diet can also be used by people trying to conceive, and even pregnant women. Spelled does not make you fat, and thanks to the content of vitamins and minerals, it ensures he althy development of the child. Check what the spelled diet according to St. Hildegardy and who else can use it.
The spelled diet (according to St. Hildegard)is a curative, cleansing and beauty diet at the same time. The sweet and nutty grain of spelled (an old variety of wheat, grown in the Middle Ages), which is the basis of the diet, contains ingredients supporting, among others work of the heart, digestive and immune systems.
Spelled diet (according to St. Hildegard) - who is it for?
The spelled diet is intended for people who struggle with digestive system problems. Spelled is rich in dietary fiber, which regulates intestinal peristalsis, improves metabolism and lowers cholesterol. Therefore, it should also be used by people struggling with cardiovascular diseases, especially since spelled contains omega-3 fatty acids, which support the work of the heart. For this reason, it is recommended for people after a heart attack.
People with a weakened immune system can also go on a spelled diet, because spelled grains contain rhodanide (a natural antibiotic, also found in saliva, breast milk and blood), which ensures he alth, strength and physical fitness. In turn, thanks to the content of B vitamins, potassium and magnesium, it strengthens the nervous system.
Spelled contains gluten, which is why St. Hildegarde cannot be used by people with celiac disease
The spelled diet is also recommended for people trying to conceive a child, as well as for pregnant women, because it does not make you fat, and thanks to the richness of vitamins and minerals, it ensures he althy development of the child.
Spelled is also rich in silicic acids, which improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Therefore, it is recommended for people who complain of gray and tired skin, weak, falling out hair and brittlenails.
Spelled diet (according to St. Hildegard) - rules
Of all the nutritional products we have at our disposal, Hildegard mentions only three that are 100% valuable, that is, nutritional, healing and fully digestible in any form. In addition to spelled, there arechestnutsandfennel . Chestnuts can be eaten in any form - raw, cooked, baked. Fennel is best eaten raw.
Spelled products such as groats, bread, pasta, cereals, muesli and bran should dominate the daily diet. They should be the basis of every main meal, i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, he alth food stores even sell syrups, coffee, biscuits and spelled beer. You can prepare all kinds of dishes from spelled: soups, cutlets, salads, cakes, pies, etc. It is worth knowing that it tastes great with the addition of honey and nuts, and also prepared spicy.
In addition to dill and chestnuts in the diet of St. Hildegarde has plenty of room for other vegetables and fruits as well. The best ones - in her opinion - are beans,parsley , garlic, onions (but only cooked),carrotsandbeetroots , as well as apples,pears , currants,cherries , fruitsmulberries , quinces,blackberries , rosehips. Dairy and meat are also allowed, but only as a supplement to the menu - they should be eaten less often and in smaller amounts. Only cane sugar and honey are recommended for sweetening.
St. Hildegard also indicated products that should not be eaten at all - she called them kitchen poisons and argued that they cause many diseases and weaken the body. They included leeks, peaches, strawberries and plums (no modern research confirms the harmfulness of these products).
A few centuries ago, the nun argued about what we know today: the condition for good digestion, and therefore good absorption of nutrients, are, among others, nice atmosphere and no rush during meals and thorough chewing of the food. It is important to eat breakfast, but she emphasized that he althy people should eat it later, even around noon - a modern dietitian recommends eating the first meal no later than 2 hours after waking up. Ideally, it should consist of vegetables or fruit warm with spelled, which is similar to today. They are good carbohydrates with added vitamins and fiber. End the day with dinner, well before going to bed. It is also best to avoid completely cold and hot dishes. If we have a choice, it is better to eat cooked and baked than raw. You can sip your meals, but in moderation. Nunshe also recommended not to diversify the menu too much - too much variety unnecessarily burden the body.
This will be useful to you6 rules of longevity according to St. Hildegardy
The recipe for a he althy life developed by the saint from Bingen is based on six so-called golden rules of life. What must be done according to St. Hildegard to enjoy good he alth?
- Draw life energy from the four elements - fire, water, air and earth - through contact with nature, and use natural healing methods.
- Take care of the quality of what we eat.
- Find a balance between sleep and wakefulness to regenerate the whole body.
- Spend the same amount of time being physically active and relaxing.
- Regularly cleanse the body, e.g. by fasting or placing bubbles, but also meditating and praying.
- Try to get to know yourself, discover your flaws, turn them into virtues - this gives you spiritual he alth, and it will guarantee the he alth of your body.
St. Hildegardy - herbs in any form
The nun assigned a special role to herbs, which she considered to be an essential part of her daily diet. She recommended them all, both as an addition to food and in the form of infusions. Among those she considered the most valuable, she included bertram, galanga, and fennel seeds. Apart from herbal teas, she recommended spelled coffee and spelled beer, fruit and vegetable juices (only after adding a piece of dry bread or mixing with dill infusion) to be drunk. She believed that pure juices could cause headaches. He also recommends wine - especially dry grape; she advised you to drink them diluted with water or as a so-called slaked wine - a glass of wine should be boiled for 2 minutes, then quickly pour half a glass of water and drink it warm. Such wine is supposed to cure all negative emotions and the effects of stress.
Spelled diet (according to St. Hildegard) - a sample menu
- breakfast:2 slices of spelled bread with butter, cottage cheese and a slice of tomato, spelled coffee;
- lunch : spelled pasta with pesto and tuna, vegetable salad;
- afternoon tea : 2 spelled muffins;
- dinner : 3 spelled pancakes;

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreWorth knowingWho was St. Hildegard?
Born in 1098, Benedictine Hildegard of Bingen, herbalist and composer, was considered a visionary and reformer of the Church, as well as a healer. As the first woman in the Middle Ages, she founded a nunnery and was an advocate of educating nuns. She is the first known author of a morality play, as well as the first saint to leave an autobiography and diaries. She is considered the first German nature philosopher and physician. It fully described the German fauna and flora. She was the first woman to talk about intimate life and gynecology, as well as stress and the theory of physical culture. Historians write about the many visions she has had from her early childhood. She wrote many philosophical, religious, poetic and musical works. She wrote books on medicine, natural history, and healing. She died in 1179. In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed her a saint and doctor of the Church.
St. Hildegard in the eyes of modern experts
Invented by St. Today, Hildegard's diet has many supporters, because the simplicity and moderation that she praises, as well as drawing from nature are considered by doctors and nutritionists as the best defense against civilization diseases. However, it is worth remembering that according tothe new nutrition pyramidthe basis of the menu should be vegetables and fruits, not grains, even the he althiest ones. You can also have reservations about a very late breakfast. If we add a very early dinner to this, it turns out that the break in eating is about 18 hours. Eating chestnuts, which are not readily available in Poland, can also be troublesome. Certainly, however, the diet of St. Hildegarde can be a he althy inspiration and you don't have to follow it rigorously to bring about positive change.