Diaper dermatitis may appear several times during the entire period when a child is wearing a diaper (i.e. the first two years of life), but it most often develops between the 7th and 12th month of life. The causes of nappy rash can range from simply rubbing the nappy against the delicate skin of a baby to fungal and bacterial infections. what are the causes and symptoms of diaper dermatitis? What is its treatment? How to lubricate irritated baby skin? What ointment will help?
Diaper dermatitisis an inflammation of the skin that develops where the diaper adheres to the skin. Diaper dermatitis may appear even several times during the entire period of diaper rash, i.e. the first two years of life. All because the skin of babies is very delicate, twice as thin as the skin of an adult human, and thus - not very resistant to irritating factors.
It should be noted thatdiaper rashoccurs not only in young children. They may also apply to elderly people who wear diaper pants.
Diaper dermatitis - causes
- rarely change diapers - then the skin is in contact with urine and feces for a long time. The cause of irritation are substances that are formed during their decomposition by bacteria (mainly ammonia)
- rubbing the baby's delicate skin through the nappy, wiping the crotch area with a towel, instead of gently drying
- allergic diaper eczema - sensitization caused by contact with allergens in the diaper and preparations used to care for the skin of the baby's bottom
- rarely washing baby's bottom
- diarrhea
- long-term antibiotic therapy
- hot weather during which the skin under the diaper is slightly moist all the time
- inappropriate diaper material that restricts air circulation, creating a warm and humid environment, ideal for the growth of primarily fungi
- fungal or bacterial skin infection
- urinary tract infections
- new products in the diet that contribute to a change in the composition of stools;
Wet wipes used to care for your baby's bottom can also be risk factors.
Diaper dermatitis - symptoms
Diaper dermatitis usually resembles a sunburn:
- baby's bum is all red, hot to the touch and may also peel
- as the inflammatory process intensifies, swelling develops within the reddened areas
- diaper rash can spread to the groin, abdomen and upper thighs
- there may be pustules, blisters (which may be filled with, for example, pus), papules or honey-yellow crusts, suggesting bacterial or fungal infection
Your baby may be very restless and may not even sleep at night due to the itching and burning pain associated with diaper rash.
Diaper dermatitis - diagnosis
Diagnosis is usually made on the basis of symptoms. If yeast infection is suspected, the doctor may order a mycological examination, and if a contact allergy is suspected - epidermal patch tests.
Diaper dermatitis - treatment. How to lubricate irritated baby skin? What ointment will help?
Diaper dermatitis requires the use of ointments containing zinc, which has a drying and bactericidal effect, and panthenol and / or allantoin, which soothe irritations, as well as moisturize and lubricate the baby's sensitive skin, thus protecting it from friction. They should be applied in a thick layer with each diaper change. Diaper dermatitis usually resolves after 2 to 3 days of treatment, but can sometimes be longer.
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ImportantIn case of diaper rash, do not use any lotions or olives as they can burn your skin even more. It is also not recommended to use talcum powder, especially those containing antibacterial agents.
If the cause of diaper rash is fungi, use topical anti-yeast preparations, if bacteria - topical antibacterial preparations.
In moderately severe and severe cases, especially with marked inflammatory skin lesions, your doctor may order topical use of anti-inflammatory steroids.
In exceptional situations, when the inflammation is very severe, the doctor may decide on the general treatment of the child. Then, depending on the cause, the child is given antibiotics, antihistamines or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Diaper dermatitis - important hygiene
An important component of the treatment of diaper dermatitis isproper hygiene of the baby's bottom. Frequent diaper changes, washing the bottom and airing it out are essential. It's best to get diapers that have the "air" function, i.e. they are made of a material that is breathable, so that the baby's skin can "breathe".