Erythematous dandruff is a bacterial skin disease promoted by excessive sweating and obesity. Exfoliating erythematous foci appear mainly in the groin area. What are the causes and symptoms of dandruff erythematosus? How is his treatment going?

Erythematous dandruff(Latinerythrasma ) is caused by bacteria - corynebacterium minutissimum, which belong to the natural flora of humans. Under favorable circumstances - in a warm and humid climate, with excessive sweating, and in obese and diabetic patients, they multiply in an uncontrolled manner, creating exfoliating erythematous foci.

Erythematous dandruff: symptoms

The skin changes in the case of erythematous dandruff are mainly located in the skin folds, both natural ones, as well as those resulting from overweight or obesity. The first symptom of erythematous dandruff is the appearance of the so-called primary bloom. It is a pink, yellowish or dark brown erythema spot peeling on the surface, most often located in the groin area, where the testicles or labia meet the thighs, between the buttocks, in the navel, in women under the breasts, as well as in the interdigital spaces of the feet. Untreated lesions tend to expand and occupy larger and larger areas of the body.

Erythematous dandruff: diagnosis

Inguinal tinea, yeast eruption, inverse psoriasis and tinea versicolor are considered in making the differential diagnosis, but Wood's lamp and microbiological testing are always decisive. The doctor examines the changes in Wood's lamp emitting ultraviolet A radiation - in its light, changes resulting from the multiplication ofCorynebacterium minutissimumtake a coral red color. The presence of coryneform bacteria can also be found after collecting scrapings and staining them with methylene blue.

Erythematous dandruff: treatment

First of all, topical treatment with preparations containing macrolides - erythromycin, clindamycin, fusidic acid or imidazole derivatives is used 2-3 times a day for about a week. In order to avoid recurrence of infection, prophylactic use of these preparations once a week for several months after the end of treatment is recommended. When changes are extensive or recur,drugs are administered orally.
